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21576405? ago


When Obama signed off on May 6th 2016 for the Continuity of the Chain of Command for the election (THE. ACTUAL SOFT COUP), General Dunford took over and its been "The Plan" officially ever since. Hell this shit was probably scripted pre-1999.

21576480? ago

Very interesting anon. Can you provide some background or where I can find it please? I want to look into this. Thx fren.

21577042? ago

FYI, that other anon editing the comment you replied to with the URL. To make it easier for you:

21577768? ago

Thanks so much fren. You anons are all right.

21578144? ago

God bless, patriot!

21578496? ago

Collective Conscious. You take a group of folks who aren't so bad at putting together the pieces. Then you get them sharing what they know, and son of a bitch, you get results greater than the sum of the parts. That's what this is to me. And its GLORIOUS!!!!

21578550? ago

Thank you and I agree.

I shared a perspective with the wife as I was getting ready for bed last night. I told her that it took me a little bit of a "learning curve" to grok anonymous forums, but that I really, really enjoy them now. I can share ideas without ego! It is sometimes difficult to follow a conversation thread -- especially if you "jump in at the tail end" the person might think you're the other guy (I generally use "I'm otheranon, ..." to start it with, which seems to help).

It's really neat, as I'm building some businesses from this as well! I'm working on but there's nothing there yet, just started yesterday based on someone's comment here -- a female who said it was difficult to find a patriotic male partner.

Anyway, I was telling my wife that I'm really enjoying it now, because everyone is anonymous, nobody know who they're talking to, which is almost like God is talking to Himself.

21578771? ago

which is almost like God is talking to Himself.

Ha! When you wrote almost, I read exactly.

You're welcome anon. I was in that thread too. My heart goes out to that woman looking for a non douche bag partner. So many damaged souls out there, its disheartening.

Love, the unconditional concern for another is the truth. You can't love, give unconditionally, when your soul has been corrupted by the monsters in this world. When you can't be true, you are easy to control because you easily accept the false. For example, these corrupted mothers taking their pre-schoolers to drag queen story time. The mother's virtue signaling is a corruption of her maternal instinct. That's not natural, that's the result of conditioning.

God, the truth, surely does speak to us anon. The problem is not confusing the monsters conditioning for God's truth.

Godspeed fren.

21586040? ago

Thanks! Just had a kekky idea for pricing tiers: $4.50 ("45"), then $17.45, then $45.17. :)

Yes, my heart and now my finances and time are going out to her! I'm still stuck on the migration (DirectNIC sucks) but once that's done I'll be back to working on the site.

Agree about the drag queen story time! Glad to read a few days/week ago that one got shut down!

I love that Bill Hicks quote, and used it in a post I just wrote about Rick Simpson Oil and its effects on me, at -- the quote being:

"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather."