21581303? ago

How many Unsolved Mysteries highlights were solved with just police sketches not even as close to resembling the perpetrator as this one is? And, WHERE IN THE HELL IS THIS BITCH?! WHY CAN'T THE 5 MOST INFORMED "intelligence agencies" IN THE WORLD FIND HER?! I'm not buying the narrative that no one can find her or knows where she is. Either she's been let go on purpose, she's being sheltered by the [DS] still left in our Govt's, or they really are inept and dont really know where she is. None of those, to me, are believable. This bitch needs to be found ASAP.

21579010? ago

Wow!! That's connecting the dots. Good work. A dead ringer!

21580478? ago

they were, and anthony weiner, also resembles a sketch. and their friend invited the mccanns over to his mansion the night after the disappearance, they were in portugal at the same resort. this was all discovered early pizzagate before Q, look into it its all connected

21577636? ago

This sh_t gets weirder and weirder.

21575288? ago

This is sickening.

21575233? ago

The two male suspects look like John and Tony Podesra.

21575114? ago

Is there a photo out there that shows what Ms. Maxwell looked like at that time?

21576243? ago

Maybe the one with prince Andrew, the young girl and Maxwell taken by Epstein ?

21574886? ago

Wow. Can anyone tie her to the area on those dates?

21581260? ago

I think it was already established that she was in that area at the time of Madeline's disappearance, but I can't be sure.

21574469? ago

Sure is a striking resemblance.