21602405? ago

Notice the 5: 2+3 on dice = 5:5

21583783? ago

All the hatefulHag's n' Twat's posting their jealous rage really made me smile! Merry Christmas and a very Happy epsteindidn'tkillhimself to all patriots!!!

21582380? ago

you're forgetting the obvious... White... theme this year = purity, justice, peace, hats, etc.

21581281? ago

21581265? ago

Either she knows or it is the 1000th coincidence. Remember she wore the 17 on the helmet and many other 17s … I think she knows exactly what's going on and is disgusted. She probably knew how terrible the world's elite were from her modeling days and likely has her own stories to share.

21580874? ago

Those Twitter comments are cancer

21580075? ago

The twatter shills reposting the "BeBest" image -- unintentionally spreading "17" Q reference.

My gawd. They're idiots!!

21579000? ago

Complete Q proof for me. But of course Q had me with tippy top. God Bless America! God Bless Q, PResident Trump,FIrst Lady Melania, all Anons and Patriots. Thank you Father in Heaven for your mercy and grace upon us all. We don't deserve it but we embrace it thankfully and praise your Holy name, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

21578994? ago

17 stars on the tree ribbon (counting the stars covered by pine needles)

21578434? ago

I'm probably going to get downvoted for this, but I think the CBS version is cropped due to the aspect ratio being square instead of the widescreen (16x9) version released by the Whitehouse. The only place I know of that square videos are commonplace is Instagram. But it seems a large news outlet like CBS would have an Instagram version and a widescreen "for everyone else" version.

21577765? ago

Putting on high amperage cray-foil hat here: Not just the domino, but in the same scene: domino colors go dark to light, duck playing card weathering the storm. Fully torqued right now.

21577932? ago

0:01 Anon. Top Left + Bottom left doors. Numbers? Otherwise you are on the right track. On board patriot!

21577376? ago

Be Best = Bill Barr...Black dots and Yellow dots on the 17 Domino = Dark to Light...

21577296? ago

On the doors, 8 and 9 are visible, which add up to 17, but 2 and 3 are also visible above that. Isn’t there significance with the number 23? That number seems to be familiar, but I don’t remember. Anyone know?

21578066? ago

23 and me - DNA collection?

21576854? ago

What is behind door # 1? The light!

Be Best Q

21576503? ago

The whole CBS video, that was posted, is cropped so that part of the video on each side is not there throughout. That's the way the message was hidden. At first I thought it was just cut out.

21576311? ago

0.42 pretty sure that’s the Alamo next to the house.

21575986? ago

So you fucks degrade the first lady with a label started by Big Mike and the other niggers?

Socialist chuc's bearing fruit now.......

21579065? ago

Good point. "FLOTUS" is a weird term and has the feel of low level subversion.

21580402? ago

Its fuckin ebonics 101

21575583? ago

The final B-2 Stealth Bomber is also named "Spirit of America"

21575531? ago

Remember the elevator from last year?

21575378? ago

Saw the domino too, love it!!

21575135? ago

D for duck behind a 5 on the dice. D5

21575383? ago

Liitle mice rnnin the show, duxky in an umbrella ??? Storm ... Parrot... Parrott ???? First thing that comes to mind is thoth. He has a parrot look. Wisdom.

21575671? ago

It's a Dodo. <

21575721? ago

Thats notta dodo, doodoo.

Thats a parrot.

21575702? ago

Is that what that is.....


21575758? ago

Yep. <

21576502? ago

Ooooo lookie

57... 57... 58...

Who are you....

Buhahha buha ha bu bu bu hahahahabababbaba

Yabba dabba dooo.....

21576448? ago

57 secs long tooooo.


21575096? ago

I’m glad they are feeling fear for the fear they’ve instilled and are still instilling in good Americans. I’m now ready for them to feel... PAIN.

21575064? ago

Well I’ll be damned.

21575045? ago

Fucking wow. That does it for me. Any remaining shreds of doubt were just vaporized.

21578042? ago


21574969? ago

Sorry bout the NYT article, but remember the obummer era sense of style?


Night and day difference. We love FLOTUS!

21574952? ago

Getting read in on this magic number situation...it's not gematria...it's a basis for dark satanic magic.

21574986? ago

Nope, something tells me otherwise...

21575703? ago

I AM a Number Fag.


21576386? ago

Well tell pepe to tone it down a little would ya, fucking kermit looking phibian wont leave me alone today.

21576591? ago

Duly noted. <

21576647? ago

Hey yer not nmbrfag yer doodoo.

Kermit, hey kermit you gots sum splainin to do buddy...

21576789? ago

Fuck off idiot. <

21576962? ago

Ill idiot an retard wherever the hell i want.


Who the fuck are you.....

^^^^>{Ω,,;,,Ω}.,,,, reeear hisss hissss

Fuck off retardanon

21575016? ago

I'm not saying she's into dark magic...she's calling it out. Q/17 is the number that runs counter to the dark aspect.

21574864? ago

FYI,,,ABC/David Muir ended the clip before the camera panned fully across the domino. They never showed the whole domino so that the 17 could be seen.

Those are called "Double Nine" dominoes.

21575684? ago

Go watch it on the WH YT channel.

21575845? ago

I saw it. OP noted that CBS cropped the pic. I'm reporting that so did ABC.

21575946? ago

Ok, fair enough.

21574817? ago

White light everywhere. Starting from the white house... The front door was 9th. Errr uhhh ahhh helll let me go watch it again.....

21574603? ago

Wow Patriot!!! Your decodes very good! 17! I was wondering why the stupid cbs version is so narrow.

After seeing it and not seeing any difference, I went to your timestamp and there it is, they cut it to remove the number 17 on the dominos.

I guess next year, wonderful FLOTUS has to put it into the middle of the screen!

21574973? ago

They did first second

21574552? ago

https://archive.ph/VfPUW :

Melania Trump on Twitter: "“The Spirit of America” is shining in the @WhiteHouse! I am delighted to share this beautiful exhibit of patriotism for all to see, and excited for everyone to experience the beauty of the #Christmas season!… t.co/FFxBMpdctz"

https://archive.ph/h07ZJ :

CBS News on Twitter: "WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS: First lady Melania Trump unveiled the 2019 White House Christmas decorations on Sunday night. 🎄… t.co/5NOun8DWJE"

This has been an automated message.

21574429? ago

Love our FLOTUS!

21574316? ago

Dominoes have a high number 12 There are NO standard dominoes with 17 So this was custom made with 17 dots!

21582589? ago

I love our first Prostitute FLOTUS

21578912? ago

That domino is from a game called 'Mexican Train'.

21576263? ago

There's a game called Mexican Train (LOL) which this domino is from. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Train

21575173? ago

That is exactly what I was going to say....

21574664? ago

There's a domino game called "double fifteen' that has that 17 dot domino. (19 bux on amazon)

21577447? ago

Double twelves as well. We play those all the time.

21575726? ago

Double 15 = 2 x (1+5) > 6

Thus 66.

21574342? ago

Precisely. Information warfare Patriot.

21574225? ago

The domino is the most obvious lol. You had to pick out one with 17 on it.

21574141? ago

Domino is part of 1776.

Domino 17

BeBest 7

Dice 6 is facing the camera.

I’m all for Q proofs but 1776 is a more complete puzzle than just 17

21578863? ago

Hot Damn Shazam!! 1776....

21578184? ago

Good eye!

21577738? ago

B = 2

E = 5

S = 19

T = 20





Q =17

21575601? ago

I think the 17 at the beginning may be Q but you are right about the frame with the Domino.

Domino = 17

BeBest = 7

Die Face = 6

21575371? ago


21574937? ago

All a saw was 76

We're on the driver's side.

21574325? ago

Interesting. Check out the playing card too. Everything has meaning.

21574009? ago

she is beautiful and classy

a new Jackie Keneddy

21574079? ago

Love her big bolt-on tits

21578876? ago

oh ffs, francis.....TALK to a girl, already!! They can't ALL be turned off by you....

21573750? ago

21573743? ago

1.7 million views.

21573722? ago

Are they censoring it or did they just edit it out for time without understanding the significance?

21574367? ago

I mean its possible they just cropped it from widescreen down to 4:3 for some unknown reason... but that crop conveniently removed the domino...

21573590? ago

Holy shit I totally missed the doors lining up to make



Kek good find!

21579046? ago

How do the doors do that? I don't see it.

21579857? ago

The #1 door is directly above the #7 door.

21574819? ago

Go directly to the 57 sec WH video. <

21573701? ago

Caught word from an anon digging. Cred goes to them. I just review confirm and spreading the word. It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!

21574197? ago

I wonder how many men Melanie has slept with in exchange for money in her lifetime. Trump can’t be the only one.

21582179? ago

I wonder how many foreskins you've eaten.

21575515? ago

Lol...I bet you still dream about your first time troll and what it will be like or you are a feminist leftist in which case you dream of a cure for at least one of the venereal diseases you caught, along the freedom and sexual liberation path you've been on.

21574433? ago

I’m guessing you have neither the money nor anything else that would interest her.

21574330? ago

Aw, look at you and your desperation: a whore can see nothing but other whores.

Nice try, Yaniv's mother.

21575538? ago

Are you saying Melanie’s a whore? I agree

21575576? ago

Not at all; just keep making the whore posts everywhere, it shows us all how desperate and scared you are. Bravo.

21573773? ago

Either way, you're doing your part fren.

21573589? ago

she's an amazing 1st lady...im politically probly more right-wing than DJT or her, but on a personal level she is pure class

21574747? ago

Who else likes our first Prostitute, Melania

21575133? ago

Haha, no thats YOU.

21575178? ago

no u. How much did Donnie pay to fuck Melania for the first time?

21575259? ago

Feeling $0r0$ tickling your throat - from inside?


21574929? ago

If the government doesn't hang you shills, patriots will.

21573860? ago

She’s Definitely been a prostitute in a previous life. Oh wait.

21575148? ago

No, but you ARE a whore right now, $$$oros

21575168? ago

How much do you think Donald paid to fuck her the first time?

21573956? ago

This FLOTUS doesn’t have swinging balls as seen on The Ellen Show. That was gross.

21573963? ago

I like her giant bolt-on titties

21574019? ago

Who doesn't

21577639? ago

Anyone who doesn't hate bolt-ons is clueless about mammal majesty

21573543? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/6Sq800aJ4Rmr - ( CBS News - WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS: First lady Me... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/c1kQ968icypr - ( Melania Trump - “The Spirit of America” is ... )

21573493? ago

The answer to 1984 , is 1745

21573492? ago

Has anyone seen the Slovenian Prostitutes porn photos? Her bolt on titles don’t even look that good. Like a teenage boy with balloons glued onto his chest. SICK

21573572? ago

Shills are on a weird one about Melania today. Our first lady is hot. The last one had a big dick. I'll take the one that showed her titties a decade ago.

21573725? ago

Yes, Melania offers beautiful proof that she is a lady.

Let's see Michael, I mean Michelle, attempt to do a nude photo shoot.

21573585? ago

I like her pay for gay stuff myself

21573463? ago

Had to football cause Thanksgiving. 17's, 17's everywhere..

On jerseys, on scoreboards, in statistically improbable frequency, IMO. I suspect awareness of Q has permeated the US mainstream to the point that sportsballers (players, coaches, managers, viewers, broadcasters, gamblers, loan sharks, etc.,) are getting superstitious about "the letter 17"


21579863? ago

Could you point toward some of these examples, such as football jerseys? I understand the reference, but I haven't seen it in the wild.

21595950? ago

Auburn vs. Alabama on 11/30. After Auburn scored a second touch down and bringing the score to 17-10, Alabama's number 17 returns the kickoff for a touchdown which (once the extra point is scored) ties the game at 17.

21573527? ago

We are the news! Thousands of eyes open. We think for ourselves. MSM will never control the narrative. Fear and Pain.

21573339? ago

Nice, CBS censoring out the Q references is enough Q proof for me.


21575280? ago

What's a flotus?

21575384? ago

First Lady of...

21575431? ago

Oh I was thinking "fuck leader" but I didn't think that was right

21578851? ago

You didn't think, period. Or are you the kind of man who gets those nowadays?

21580171? ago

May this cock slide in and out of your mouth

21573854? ago

Love our Eastern European prostitute FLOTUS!

21574007? ago

Be Best

21573614? ago

EXACTLY. The Censoring out is awesome! Proof Positive 100%

21578174? ago

I love FLOTUS. One of the most beautiful prostitutes I’ve ever seen.

21582259? ago

Unlike your mom, who is an ugly worn-out prostitute.

21579260? ago

Project much? Sorry you’re a whore.

21578847? ago

You love noone and you're a sad excuse for a man.....sorry, too honest?

21575529? ago

Who doesn’t love our Prostitute FLOTUS

21578161? ago

Apparently YOU.

21574738? ago

I love our Prostitute FLOTUS

21573400? ago

One doesn't have to wear a uniform to be a Patriot.

21574280? ago

When one considers our FLOTUS risks her life and that of her son everyday along with POTUS on behalf of our nation. There aren't enough words to thank her for her courage and patriotism. On top of that she is beautiful and stylish. I love how Breitbart will cover her wardrobe at public events when the corrupt fashion magazines don't even mention her.

21578147? ago

She almost lost a kidney for our country. 😢

21574392? ago

We do. We notice her sacrifice. We are the news now.

21574320? ago

On top of that she is beautiful and stylish. I love how Breitbart will cover her wardrobe at public events when the corrupt fashion magazines don't even mention her.

She also uses her wardrobe to troll the media and communicate directly with anons, Melania is a white hat all the way. On par with her husband for sure.

21578837? ago

Such as when she wore a white hat at an event, no less...

21574735? ago

I agree! I need the analytical anons to "decode" her wardrobe choices at events, but there's definitely some messaging in FLOTUS' fashion statements. ;)

21574776? ago

My favorite is still the blouses she wore with the "pussy bow" while the media was pushing his "grab 'em by the pussy" comments as a reason to discard him.

SB2, love him or hate him, really does a great job decoding her wardrobe choices on the international scene.

21575941? ago

The huge White Hat was good too. Doesn't need a lot of decoding either LOL!

21574074? ago

Love our Prostitute Loving POTUS!

21574307? ago

^^ found the terrified chosen one

21574126? ago

Pure MAGA, man