21573483? ago

She is always giving clues through shapes and color

21572935? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

Nothing else matters at this point.

21572540? ago

Hi. There is a lot more here. I will try to post the full decode today.


1 = A = Q in Isisian code

The 23 means 11 btw.

Then it goes to 45 (POTUS) > 4+5 = 9

Thus 911 revealed.

Then 8+9=17 (Q)

The Domino (fitting choice) adds to 17.

The dice shows a 4 and a 5 (45 POTUS)

There is more.

The Army tweet capital letters (TARPRRRF) Gematria reveals a message of 'Love QAnon'.


Result was on page 45 of the results!

Notable: >

Love QAnon

Jewish 976

English 690

Simple 115

I have already done the decode for Be Best. See QRV.

The time stamp was 57: Q Post 57 >

Also see post 1257.

More coming.

Kind regards,



21577609? ago

Hi! Thank you for the corrections and fillings!

21579814? ago

Thank you!

21579836? ago

Haha! My pleasure. <

21578012? ago

All good. Stay in touch fren. <

21571000? ago

Tacky as fuck

21570955? ago

Christmas is Pagan. The worship of a false god. Heloid the Sun god. The winter solstice. It is an abomination unto the Father and Son.

Hosea 4:6 My people perish for lack of knowledge.

Matthew 7: 21 It is not everyone that says to me, 'My Lord, my Lord'', who enters the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, 'My Lord, my Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, and in your name have cast out demons, and have done many mighty works in your name?' 23 And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.'

No matter how much proof historians and scholars presented no one wants to believe true facts.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Roman Empire had an established use for the date of December 25th way before the birth of Jesus. It states in the online section of Christmas:

One widespread explanation of the origin of this date is that December 25 was the Christianizing of the dies solis invicti nati (“day of the birth of the unconquered sun”), a popular holiday in the Roman Empire that celebrated the winter solstice as a symbol of the resurgence of the sun, the casting away of winter and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer. Indeed, after December 25 had become widely accepted as the date of Jesus’ birth, Christian writers frequently made the connection between the rebirth of the sun and the birth of the Son.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-ileaWlJS8 Pagan Origins of Christmas & Tradition History - Full Documentary

Most of YOU are CINO's and my Lord Yeshua Immanuel HA' Messiah will not KNOW YOU.

21570554? ago

serious Lothlorien vibe

21570357? ago

Goddess wear white

Some; wear it better than others

                                             BEST CHRISTMAS EVER; straight ahead. ;>) ;>)    ;>)

21570310? ago

It looks like Love and Light to me.

Christmas at the WH is so much fun! Gingerbread elevators and Pepe chefs, clues and puzzles... Merry Christmas everyone!!!

21570189? ago

Q invented the phrase ‘dark to light’

So this must mean something

21569573? ago

How is the first picture dark

21569381? ago

Interesting treatment of the color red! Melania is like a river that runs deep.

21569379? ago

I wish people would spend as much time on digging up more dirt on elite wrongdoing as they do on this shit. Dont you think a better use of time would be digging up enough evidence that the happening cant not happen, rather than focusing on proving that the happening is happening.

21571035? ago

This. Entire thread is retarded, but if you point something like how half the thread speculating about Melania is Q is fucking dumb, you'll get called a shill.

21569469? ago

You do realize that the most important and hidden ability of Humans is to create with our very thoughts and feelings, no? With that truth in our knowledge base, we find Joy and uplifting thoughts to buoy us up in these dark days. How we feel right now is key, and that is why the deeply light deficient ones are going at it hammer and tongs to keep us literally in the dark.

Why would we not choose to revel in every noticeable indication of the good, true and beautiful?

21569728? ago

Because its not actually necessarily an indication. You may be giving yourselves false hope. This effort could be applied to making sure that hope isnt false.

21569453? ago

Sounds like a task (You) are well suited for anon.

BE the change (You) want to see in the world, anon.

Bitching at us to get it done won't do much, unless it makes you feel better. (Does it really though?)

Show us how its done....

21569707? ago

I do plenty of digging. I just hate to see people wasting their effort on what amounts to circle jerking.

21569995? ago

I've felt the same for a long time, but I was redpilled very long ago.

It gets old waiting for the slow pokes to catch up, but these "circle jerks" help do that.

It took me a long time to figure out I didn't need the consensus to keep finding new things. (Noobs, kek) ;)

I used to get frustrated thinking nothing would ever happen (1990's) but it was happening, just not where I could see it in any obvious way.

Now look how many regular folks are on a full-blown tinfoil conspiracy site. (QRV, 8kun)

No worries Fren, The Collective Unconscious ("hive mind"~Q) NEVER forgets. ("WWG1WGA"~Q)

This took hundreds of years to get this far, we started in "The Dark Ages", but now its "Dark to Light"!

The amount of former NPC's with now functioning brains is very encouraging to us older guys who've been around this information and trying to get it out there for so long.

P.S. Your concern is valid, many feel as you do (I did), and your digits confirmed this idea:

21569707? Digits Confirm. Mirror get. 707 Think (0 is a) mirror. Thoth (Moon-Man) says pay attention to anons feeling this way or it will backfire on us.

21571414? ago

Thats not even a digits get and we're not even on chans lol

21572518? ago

21571414? Digits Confirm KEK! (too funny)

The chans took me a while to get used to I was more comfy on "Above Top-Secret" forums until they started to glow too much. I haven't even been on 8kun yet, I figure I'm better suited here.

We may not be on the chans but the post numbers work the same way. It was palindrome digits they read the same front to back or vise versa (mirror).

But I know its not the same thing as repeating digits it just means something different, still significant though, and against the odds. Repeating digits are Pepe saying "true but obscure", Thoth digits say "ignore this opinion at your own risk" but on the chans its almost always on racist posts. ("attend moar clan meetings" for example)

On QRV Thoth digits are seen a lot on concernfag posts, or other major, but unpopular and widely held beliefs. Still for the same reason, but with a different crowd.

I know its not 100% a sure thing, but a get makes it moar likely.

I'm just havin' fun Fren, while we wait for the next big action scene in this Show. Tryin' to spread the Love of chan culture is all.

Thanks for the keks!

21572631? ago

Abovetopsecret, eh? I'm certainly a lot younger than you but I remember browsing that and GLP a couple of years back.

21573228? ago

Good stuff man, good times. Lots of cool happenings.

John Titor the time traveler seems significant right now, I still think it might have been a LARP, however with Q dropping Looking Glass on the normies, I went back for a review of the Titor material. The biggest proof to me (back then) was how fast he responded and just knew it off the top of his head. He was already gone though when I got on the thread, but everyone took it pretty serious. If it was a LARP it was elaborate to say the least, and it did have some "future proves past" elements to it too (the obscure IBM desktop he mentions was secret until later). Worth a read for an any anon of today looking for info on how time travel might work IRL, and some cool pictures from before the time it was so easy to photoshop anything.

I never found "The Hidden Hand Dialogues" until later but it was cool to read (even though I've read shorter novels, kek!). It meant more to me seeing it was from my old stomping ground.

I also spent a lot of time on "Mars Anomalies" site too I was super butt hurt when it got taken down, but that didn't stop me from finding my own anomalies, but that quickly turned into photoshop detecting (NASA loves to edit) instead of cool artifacts just laying around. (boring) I found it on archive though, just sucks [they] took it down, so less normies would see it.

But "Enterprise Mission" is still up and running and way at the bottom still has all the neat thermal images of the ruins on Mars under the sand.

See? I'm not ideal for the chans I write a damned wall of text every time I touch the damn keyboard, kek!

21573285? ago

John Titor, yeah that was good even if it was a LARP. That's how I feel about Q right now, if in the off chance Q does indeed turn out to be a LARP (not saying it is) it will go down as one of the most influential LARPS of all time. Very excited to see how the rest of the year pans out, what with Q saying indictments are coming in 2019. It's about time, I've been waiting for this for awhile, but I can't imagine how it must feel for you older folks, especially being "awake" for a longer time. Super excited too to finally see Israel getting taken down, don't know how big you are into 9/11 theories and what not, but Israel had one of the biggest hands in that act. Google "dancing israelis", when you get a chance. Quite the eye opener.

21574262? ago

I can't disagree with any of that. I'm on the same page as you with Q, if it is a LARP, its the best one ever! Q has had a GREAT effect, regardless if its anything else it claims to be. I've never seen so many normies go full tinfoil, I'm so glad.

It's kind of like parenthood seeing all the new folks, I get to relive the wonder of new discoveries all over again like Looking Glass. With Q being considered fake by some conservatives it denies me any "I told you so" moments, but that's only my pride that wants those.

I'm probably about the same on Israel. I don't like the mossad, or [their] government, but the average Israeli probably could be reasoned with, some might flip (maybe) when they find out. I got ZERO tolerance for any dual citizens in any position of power, period. America first all the way! I'm with Q though on Patriot folk who happen to be of Jewish religion (a VERY unpopular opinion here). The ones I know of hate Israel too though. The American Patriot Jewish folk say Israel is fake and gay, I've seen them burn the Israeli flag even. But I won't forget the U.S.S. Liberty! I saw the dancing Israelis back when they appeared on the talk show, I hope we get those particular bastards before this is all over!

I don't think its right to lump them all together though. Just like I never owned a slave, neither did my ancestors (Irish potato farmers), I don't owe black folk anything, I'm not paying reparations, or any socialist bullshit! Americans of any color don't need another handout anyway. We need a level playing field. (damn affirmative action!)

IMHO Jewish Patriots with no dual citizenship shouldn't be lumped in with traitor scum that want globalism and child sacrifice. Just like its a fine line between Patriot Christians, and traitor zionist fakers who think Israel is better than U.S.A. (details matter)

I don't hate the "muh jew" crowd though they just don't know the difference yet. After all its [them] who want US divided, I say let's figure out who did what and let The Constitution sort them out. Live and let live is what made us great, [they] hate that though.

Glad to talk with (You) Fren, hope you don't hate me now, but I understand if you do, mine is not a popular opinion to express around here.

21569369? ago

Notice the red evergreens. Evergreen (conifers) turn red when they die.

21577607? ago


21569625? ago

Yes and their needles fall in copious amounts!

21577297? ago

A friend was paying good money to have his yard landscaped to save water and eliminate a lawn. He installed weed barrier and bark. He refused to take out a pine tree that was breaking the low wall around his yard. I warned him he would regret this decision to no avail. The last day he noticed the tree was shedding so many pine needles the bark was completely covered under the tree. He turns to me and the landscaper and asks when the needles will stop dropping. We both burst out laughing. "When the tree is dead, of course!". So, later I girdled the tree for my friend and waited. I only girdle the outside layer to allow the tree to suck all the nutrients out of the roots. Basically starving the roots to death. By the end of summer the tree was red and a flood of needles came down. We cut it down and cleaned up the needles. Presto, it's over.

21577542? ago

Just smiling!

21569202? ago

When Q talks about dark to light, he's also talking about the planetary vibration as we ascend to more light and become a higher frequency.

21570366? ago


21569166? ago

I love this. I love to watch this and rub my nipples. I love rubbing ointment on my nipples. I love it when they get pointy. I love rubbing my pointy nipples with ointment.

21569246? ago

Thanks for sharing.

21569301? ago

Hey hey hey, don't get all nippley at me. I fucking love that.

21569000? ago


21569182? ago

Nipples. Amazing nipples. I agree holeheartedly wicked one wicked wall!!

21569065? ago

21569000? Amazing Digits Confirm. Nice get anon.

That was my thought too!

(OP) got little digits too 3544606? double confirmation that we are correct.

21575292? ago


21571940? ago

Thank you, anon. Free patriot popcorn for you!

21568990? ago

I still love the idea M is Q.

She’s fucking brilliant.

21578034? ago

You might be right you know! ;)


21573652? ago

That’s what I call standing by your man.

21570722? ago

Shit that would make a LOT of sense. Remember when a reporter asked Trump about Michael Obama? Trump says he will never forgive him for what he did to the Army. Sabotaged it. So we know that Barack was just a puppet and likely the "wives" are the real nefarious ones. Everything Q team does mimicks the Deep State, only they turn it back on them. Wow.

21574690? ago

Seriously anyone who knows 5 languages fluently is an operator.

She’s a serious player

21569337? ago

Q says “Look at the wives” so who knows?

21571241? ago


21572032? ago

Was "on the move" ... Thx for Qorrection, knew it didn't sound right.

21568970? ago

Works for me!

21568961? ago

I think we're reaching here.

21571077? ago

Agreed, but retards on here take every little thing as a "q proof"

21568921? ago

Very demonic looking

21569316? ago

I want to buy one

21569120? ago

Check out a mirror for shits and grins. GOD BLESSED us with Melania, no doubt on who you serve. Your choice... God is so awesome, the light is still there for you.

21569319? ago

I especially love her pay for gay photographs

21568983? ago

I expect more from your mom.

21568901? ago

Scrabble - Be Best

Dominoes - 17

Cards - mouse (mice) with cheese(rats?); duck with umbrella in a storm (Don?); talking parrot(s)?

21569429? ago

Very demonic looking. Of course our prostitute First Lady designed this. Who else has seen her pay for gay pornography photos?

21569589? ago

You seem panicked with your grade school finger pointing and accusations. Why so NERVOUS?

21569599? ago

I wear the armor of god. I don’t respect prostitutes or porn stars

21569671? ago

And, yet, you feel the need to behave like a bratty child. Noted.

21569691? ago

Is Melania off limits or what? She’s a literal porn star

21569577? ago

TIL Christmas trees are demonic

21569588? ago

I’d pay for gay demonic?

21569495? ago

You should be ashamed! For heaven’s sake, that’s the First Lady is The United States your talking about. Have some respect.

21569646? ago

Want to see some of her porn photos?

21569904? ago

She was a professional and never once did porn. Nudity != porn

She never promoted degeneracy

21569980? ago

What about her pay for gay lesbian pictures?

21568843? ago

The visual of stacking the successive years is great! This year’s theme is definitely patriotic & bright!

21568829? ago


21569268? ago

Fuck off srayzie