21568373? ago

So far it's been all calm and no storm.

How about some fucking arrests before the election in 2020?

21568285? ago

this is the 123th I see this. this time it must be real

21567578? ago

Without a specific date mentioned, these tweets have no value. I ignore these completely now, burned too many times.

21567350? ago

Check out the Q on this soldiers back. (From the tweet)


21567061? ago

Note the victory rune...

21566936? ago

Nothing will happen. In a week, you'll all pretend this thread didn't exist.

21567555? ago

Just like the “cables” from the Baghdadi compound that connected to Pelosi and Schiff.

21566841? ago

Two days early from a one year delta - Q #2546 was 12/3/18.


21568264? ago

So not a delta. Is that really a special connection between these two events in your mind?

21569873? ago

If you were paying attention there were a lot of Q posts that lined up two days ahead of schedule, I believe it started mid-summer, but I don't have the sauce rn.

21566697? ago

We are ready for the storm

21566308? ago

Why is the top reply talking about the soldier on the right? What am I missing? https://twitter.com/USArmy/status/1201366645765218305

21569220? ago

Right on!

21566338? ago

He’s got a small white Q on his bag

21566380? ago

Wow I looked and looked, but now I see it, thanks!

21566192? ago

Ready2Fight reminds me of "Patriots Fight" -- I'm hoping that this week is "Glorious."

21566122? ago

https://archive.ph/6BFSv :

Cowboyw2b on Twitter: "Q #2546:

The President of the United States initiated and confirmed the order when he stated "The Calm Before the Storm."… /zwoc6CPrP7"

This has been an automated message.

21566077? ago

Foreign or domestic?

21566061? ago

Get some grunts. We are proud of you and we love you.

21566038? ago

this week is going to be good

21566180? ago

This week will be like every other week - a non-event!

21569209? ago

Nothing will stop what is coming. Certainly not kvetching.

Get back in the oven kike.

21566072? ago

Next Monday is the 9th, when the report comes out. Cornered animals, be aware of your surroundings this week!

21566084? ago

RBG or Carter?

Still looking for a bookmaker that accept wagers lol

21567689? ago

My money is on Carter but even he is too small a fish in the biggest of ponds, RBG is even smaller and would only draw limited US attention. I believe they need a huge WW figure too even get close to containing whats comming... #my2cents

21576851? ago

the reptile queen?

21570531? ago

Carter is a small fish but in a lot of ways the least 'polarizing' of recent presidents for the public at large. As optics for distraction it would work best imho (think of the MSM narrative - celebrating when the office of President was occupied by such a wholesome and humble man, etc)

21565996? ago

What storm, Mr. President?

21568189? ago

Beats me! ¯_(ツ)_/¯

21566616? ago

It’s a common phrase. Don’t be a foo, foo.

21566032? ago

You'll find out.

21566369? ago

In 2021, because 2020 is election season.

Then 2022

Then 2023

Then it's elect replace X... Never ending cycle.

21567169? ago

So you said this hoping to be heard. I hear what you are saying and I agree this would be awful and it does have historical precedent.

So... we must continue and now I volunteer to monitor this situation actively with these statements in mind, as we cannot know this as truth until it arrives.

I suppose the real conundrum is, should time prove you to be correct, and we witness this, what then would we (even) old(er) folks do about this situation or rather, what should we have done now?

21574772? ago

what should we have done now?

voice your anger instead of blindly believing a internet rumor. look what the groypers are doing - do that at trump rallies. Make your discontent heard.