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21559714? ago

Let's ride. <

21559909? ago

Grab a cigar and a keg of powder !

21559923? ago

"I will break them". <

21559970? ago

Right beside you with tracking hounds and camouflage.

21560029? ago

I've packed my "night vision". Let's see if they can outrun weaponized telepathy. <

Brain intrusions...

21560049? ago

telepathic weapon user here since 2012 <

21560078? ago

They scatter like cockroaches when I call them out. They rarely engage me on here. I wonder why? <


21560109? ago

All I hear is moon crickets....

they have NOTHING! MAGA! <

21560127? ago

Because (((they))) know WE will tear them up, like tissues at a snot party. <

21561148? ago

You can say kikes here, faggot.

21561228? ago

Seed of Satan. <

21561342? ago

You continue to use Abrahamic religious terminology though

21561472? ago

you mad, brah?

21561697? ago

I< AM fighting the Information War.


21561826? ago

weak AF attempt

you are gay <

21561847? ago