21565950? ago

nice get OP.

21562509? ago

Because we are the enlightened ones now!

21561823? ago

1 Peter 5:8-9

Be [a]sober, be [b]vigilant; [c]because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. WWG1WGA

21561974? ago

got your back!

21563202? ago

Also, Jews are niggers.

21566333? ago

110 never again

21561266? ago

I like stealing their word sorcery too! “Birth of a new dawn”.

21567663? ago

If you want them to nod their heads and agree with you on everything, just say “community” a lot.

21561133? ago

Enjoy my downvoat then, faggot.

21561983? ago

powerful jew

21560811? ago

Amen!!!! Don’t let the enemy discourage or distract you.

21560637? ago

Shills = Proof we're OVER THE TARGET.

21560290? ago

Please shed the bright all caps header. I'm trying to nap between crisis acts.

21559714? ago

Let's ride. <

21559909? ago

Grab a cigar and a keg of powder !

21559923? ago

"I will break them". <

21559970? ago

Right beside you with tracking hounds and camouflage.

21560029? ago

I've packed my "night vision". Let's see if they can outrun weaponized telepathy. <

Brain intrusions...

21560049? ago

telepathic weapon user here since 2012 <

21560078? ago

They scatter like cockroaches when I call them out. They rarely engage me on here. I wonder why? <


21560109? ago

All I hear is moon crickets....

they have NOTHING! MAGA! <

21561161? ago

Moon crickets? That's a racial slur against blacks. Shill.

21561510? ago

^^moon cricket^^

21560127? ago

Because (((they))) know WE will tear them up, like tissues at a snot party. <

21561148? ago

You can say kikes here, faggot.

21561957? ago


21561228? ago

Seed of Satan. <

21561342? ago

You continue to use Abrahamic religious terminology though

21561486? ago

That's what they are. <

The tree that Eve "ate" from, was Satan himself, who she lay with to conceive Cain & Abel.

Cain is Satan's seed, bloodline, and (((they)), The Synagogue of Satan, are who these 'people' are.

They are born dead from the womb, and must interbreed with the other non fallen races, or they go sterile after 7 generations. <

They are EVIL.

21561730? ago

(((they))) have never been so worried, PDJT has the looking glass now!

21561829? ago

We have them dead to rights. <

21561887? ago


Hoping DJT will pardon me as well. He knows I am 100

21561472? ago

you mad, brah?

21561697? ago

I< AM fighting the Information War.


21561826? ago

weak AF attempt

you are gay <

21561862? ago

Over the target. <

It's getting shilly in here... Brrrr. Lol.

21561847? ago

21560145? ago

(((they))) END

21559573? ago

Great. Looks like the qtards have discovered meth.

21564985? ago

Yet here you are...... Made your way here all the way from Facebook most likely.

21559509? ago

You sound very very important

21560164? ago

It's a jew or a reddit tranny. They are all megalomanics.