21566045? ago




21560604? ago

No major terrorist attack doesn't count. Las Vegas shooting was a major terrorist attack.

21562873? ago

bodies or GTFO

21559151? ago

it's a start. so much damage has been done to this country over a long time.

21558833? ago

Why hasn't he stopped the gangstalking or even mentioned it yet?

This is why I don't trust POTUS or Q!

No effort to stop a global genocide using satanic ritual abuse and electronic harassment. You are all being played.

21559408? ago

Thanks, now go change your tampon.

21558213? ago

Never once mentioning white genocide.

Never once mentioning our replacement.

POTUS is a little kike bitch and will be hung with the rest

21557916? ago

There is a small island in the Aleutians waiting for all the World's Mohamadistas.

21557790? ago

Source or GTFO

21557716? ago

Isis is ancient symbol of love not some modern deep state invention

Alkaid is bright star and not bush nazi invention either

Heard about India symbol of peace called swastika?

21559552? ago

That is the devils trick, to take something holly and make it profane. Being Gay was acompletely different thing in the 1920’s

21564295? ago

It's their religion, satanist, "as above, so below" also duality. It's the ultimate goal of destroying the family unit and all things that are good.

21563793? ago

You heard about Taoism?

21558813? ago

Isis was given the sacred word by Ra in the story, and all ciphers in the Craft go back to her, the feminine, O, also meaning Pi. Her's is the study and letters, The Word. <

BTW, Allies means "All Eyes", and Nazis means "Not Sees".



21566049? ago


21566794? ago

Yes, I thought that might get your attention. <

21573990? ago


21574157? ago

21557667? ago

ISIS is totally gone? News to me. Lots of right wing terror attacks happening. I thought Antifa was a Terrorist org? What’s he doing about that.

21557569? ago

Never said Trump hasn’t done any good. I just like to remind people he’s a Zionist and you shouldn’t worship him.

21557688? ago

Trump sucks Israel’s cock

21557554? ago

I am frankly of the belief that no amount of American military assistance in Indochina can conquer an enemy which is everywhere and at the same time nowhere, "an enemy of the people" which has the sympathy and covert support of the people. - Senator JFK on Vietnam

21557503? ago

But Bush said they hate us for our freedom. Plus, we have to stop communism.

21557449? ago

from: doglegwarrior

prime example of me appreciating and agreeing with the Q and anons. great post keep up the good work. wish trump could start deporting muslims and outlaw islam the demographic damage is done 4 million muslims will turn into 16 million and thry dont stop they are like the borg.. a retarded imbred version but same out come.

21564006? ago

from: doglegwarrior

You are the fake and I am the REAL doglegwarrior. Mwahahahahahaha

21558934? ago

Famefag faggot

21565340? ago

from: doglegwarrior

famefag? thats funny how the fuck would this get me any fame? i dont even want fame it would be a curse

21567279? ago

Nobody cares what u have to say namefag. Go fuck your self.

21569036? ago

from: doglegwarrior


circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly ZERO medical benefits and about 100 babies a year die from complications from the jew religious initation ritual.

21572020? ago

You’re a faggot, go back to reddit where u can proudly display your faggot screen name, famefag.

21574211? ago

from: doglegwarrior

im banned or shadow banned from reddit. they somehow changed my name and gave me some weird name i didnt even want. you can go their if u want.

21574525? ago

Namefag, nobody cares who you are or what u have to say. U r a narcissist.

21557678? ago

GTFO namefag.

21557762? ago

from: doglegwarrior

calm down with the yelling and caps lock button buddy. not called for.

21558127? ago

no one needs a 'good job' from you

21565363? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ok no problem

21558186? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i said keep up the good work. not good job get your shit together subverter shill!

21558483? ago

they will keep up the work with or without your dumbass comment.

as if you didnt say keep up the work they would?! its practiaclly saying good job. say good job to someone who has reached their limit not someone/thing still perservering.. its makes you look grandstanding. noone cares who you are either,,, make you look grandstanding, again. your tact sucks is what im saying.

21565357? ago

from: doglegwarrior


21557499? ago

Its going to take bulldozers. Then ship survivors to Canada.

21557415? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Can i get some attention please? This seems like a great thread to advertize my name in. Do you not see how brave I am? Not hiding at all! #warriorlife

21557532? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Sauce or GTFO namefag! (so much kek, thanks anon)

21557457? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the real dogleg... this nonamefag is namefagging in my name! i think it is hillarious. btw the real doglegwarrior says the real dogleg when confronting fakes.

21557683? ago

You’re gonna fucking get strung up you POS. GTFO NOW

21557737? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ive been told from real Q anons that the people calling for violence and hangings and for people to kill them selves are shills? so i am assuming you are not part of the real Q anon and should. be banned! lol just kidding i dont believe in censorship or banning. hopefully your evil calls for killing people will be exposed.

21557475? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Lets see how much you can lift. I am the one and only dogleg and you are a fucking fake. Prove you are the real dogleg you cannot #warriorlife

21557702? ago

from: doglegwarrior

damn it you got me with using the real dogleg... touche well played.i can probably still bench 250. used to be in the 300 club but have not been lifting lately as in years ... need to get back in the weight room. not sure what the warriorlife is but sounds interesting. my goal is 3 days of lifting 1 day of swiming and 3 days at the range shooting. would love to get into 3 gun shooting competion seems like the best thing for survival training with guns. anyways well played will look inton warriorlife

21557562? ago

Who and what is doglegwarrior and why should I care.

21557705? ago

A mossad faggot that cant get Q anon out of his dumb little nigger brain

21557272? ago

Great job. Now finish the wall & lock her up!

21557182? ago

All aboard the Trump Train!