21686896? ago

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21586745? ago

*Current Count: 772 likes to 42,000 dislikes

21586719? ago

Great Britain.. the ultimate in cuckery

21555968? ago


You got cucked white boi? go eat some soy.

21555805? ago


21555694? ago

So far 369 likes, 24,000 dislikes.

Tfw the goyim are rebelling.

21555679? ago

Every. Fucking. Time.

21554988? ago

I heard they are going to start selling Hildabeast Favorite "Fried Chicken Rings" What are those you ask. CHICKEN BUTTHOLES.

21555535? ago

With the limited time only hrc hot sauce! I ain’t no ways tiyad!

21554100? ago


21553817? ago

open fire open fire

21553679? ago

Open Fire. Open Fire.

Open Fire

21553580? ago

19k now. Just added mine.

21553492? ago


21553229? ago

The commercial woulda been ignored in reverse, black woman kissin' & twerkin' her phat ass on a ginger (sans dollar bills in her g-string which would ruin optics of authenticity).

21552960? ago

yep, comments are turned off

typical NWO meme, black guys impregnate lots of white girls. Why would in general, any white girl want a black guy unless he was something really special. And just saying, being white, had 2 black GF and they were something special. Nothing wrong with it, but the force feeding of the meme is disgusting.

21552418? ago

Yeah, we don’t like being forced to be with black men. Source: am a white woman. I’m sick of seeing nothing but mixed families vs white couples and families. ENOUGH!! It’s one thing if it happens naturally, what is going on right now, the push, is entirely artificial.

21552351? ago

Hmm.. good one KFC, black people and fried chicken.

21551919? ago

16k now, plus my down vote

21551548? ago

Fuck Faux “news”

21551496? ago

cabal is pushing this shit really, really hard

21551475? ago

Ride the coal.

Pay the toll.

21551432? ago

Nigucky Lied Whitey

21551164? ago

Did my part to downvote.

21551157? ago

A coal burner is self-culling; let it go. Any animal can fuck. Only white men build families, communities, cities, countries, civilizations.

21551807? ago


21551012? ago

I like down voating mudsharks.

21550787? ago

Just curious. What do black women think of all this??

21551827? ago

suppose it just gives them more reason to hate white women like me...fun, fun.

21550638? ago

White woman love dark meat just like their KFC dark meat

21550344? ago

I fry my own chicken

21550250? ago

They clearly subscribe to the philosophy that all publicity is good publicity. They will only get the message if there is a falloff in sales.

Bottom line $$$ is the only meaningful message for corporate entities.

21550239? ago

I tell my kids "date white, mate white." I point out that purebreds are worth a lot more than mutts and half-breeds.

21550086? ago

No sandwich for that dumb cunt

21550010? ago

Can’t find the ad on Ytube.

Someone send me some sauce?

21550003? ago

well, no more kfc for me

21549886? ago

Up to 12k dislikes now. The whole fucking page is propaganda - astroturf that shit

21549883? ago

Finger clickin bad

21549868? ago

Did anyone notice the guy on the other side was puckered up to kiss the middle guy who puckered up to kiss the girl....the rest was obvious.

21549683? ago

It's now currently at 163 thumbs up and 12,000 thumbs down

21549680? ago

wanna bet they will remove this video or make it private by Monday ?

21549678? ago

KFC is just marketing to their customers. What's better than white women and fried chicken?

21549369? ago

Pay attention. It's just dumbasses trying to bait the board.

21549351? ago

Jews pushing race mixing and white genocide again.

21551800? ago

yep it's SO clear now, and there's no way to 'unsee' it...

21549958? ago

Again? When did it stop?

21549343? ago

I buy my chickens for a local farmer.

21555530? ago

I raise my own, ducks too.

21549305? ago

LOL and the stupid pop music at the end isn't an accident either. The whole commercial has a purpose. "I don't care. I love it." Yes, I love destroying my Aryan race with miscegenation. I don't care, I love that my daughters are being pushed into breeding with blacks from all angles.

21549393? ago

If your daughter dates niggers then you (as a father) have failed. Beat that bitch's ass and don't let her out of your sight.

21549464? ago

I concur

21549156? ago

She has her mouth on a shit pile.

21549121? ago

Lol, it's at 11,000 downvotes now.

22177004? ago

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21549024? ago

I’m gonna come and say it, fuck KFC

21548990? ago

There can be no doubt that they're trying to ignite a race war. They're getting more overt about making blacks and brown men appear strong and noble, and whites wimpy and undesirable.

21552070? ago

They don't want a race war, they want Whites to die without fighting back. Just look at Haiti for example.

21549401? ago

Wait till those women get beat up when the niggers chimp out.

That's called the "Coal Toll"

Burn the coal..... pay the toll.

21548984? ago

Here's the link, faggots:


It's at 11,000 downvotes currently with only 147 upvotes!

21548896? ago


21548827? ago

Obvious shill post to divide us.. that is all!

21551309? ago

What's "shilling" about pointing out the truth?

21549430? ago

Jews and niggers are a huge problem. Ethnostates are the answer.

21549329? ago

We can unite on our boycott of KFC

21548790? ago

No more kfc for me.

21549355? ago

You're a faggot of you were eating kfc before anyway.

21548769? ago

How niggardly. Must be in Canada.

21548739? ago

Would be a damned shame if free BBQ Bacon Stacker coupons started appearing all over the internet.

21551451? ago

damn.. such a shame.

21548575? ago

For those asking why:

1) Fed up with social engineering. It's peaking and it is a weapon to divide us.

2) Muhammad Ali speaks his mind on race:


Personally, I don't give a crap who you marry, but he makes excellent points.

21548461? ago

Just dropped this on The Donnald .win let's watch those numbers 12:44 pm MT 9.9k dislikes

21548369? ago


I tried to kick it off on Twitter, but I don't use it much.

Added - just Gillette-ing them know 😁

21548362? ago

9.7k now

21548329? ago

the moral of the story here is do not eat out. let all fast food chains die and go bankrupt. i cook all my meals at home. says lots of cash tastes better and healthier for the waist and the wallet. i take the money i have and am paying down my credit card debt. i will starve out credit card compaies next.

21561001? ago

Bravo! I've been saying that for years to everyone within hearing distance. STARVE THE BANKERS! Don't use credit cards at all and if you must pay them in full each month to avoid paying interest. There's something massively wrong when your credit card interest is anywhere from 10 to 28% and the banks pay you less than 1% on a savings account.

21553824? ago

I eat out a couple times a week simply for MY convenience. I never choose KFC as a place to go. I use coupons when I do go out.

21552445? ago

Funny you mention that! I was just making that decision myself, mentally, about an hour ago. I'm currently on day 4 of a fast, my first over 2 days. Funny, you stop being hungry after about 48 hours! I went shopping with the wife a few hours ago, looking at lots of food and still no hunger. Wild.

I went with her to pick out some organic coffee.

After we got home, and in separate rooms, I made the decision that when I stop fasting, I want to consume only organic. So I did a search for "organic restaurants near <my town>", and there really aren't any. You first sentence was what I decided!

21551756? ago

yep I cook at home 90% of the time, and if we do eat out, it's Chick-Fila or local established restaurants.

those big chain restaurants are filthy and filled with NPC employees.

my how things have changed since the 80s when fast food actually tasted good and fresh.

21554312? ago

chick fila has abandoned christians. they have cow towed down to the satanists

21548560? ago

wHaT?? If you go after muh credit cards, then how can i get all the stupid shit i cannot afford???

21549233? ago

Credit cards are great if you're not retarded. Get an American Express, learn how the points work, and pay off your ENTIRE balance every month. I get like $600 a year on average with points by doing that, and there's no downside.

Credit cards only can exist because they're counting on you to get tempted into buying shit you can't afford. But if you're smart, it's free money. Free money courtesy of the idiots in credit card debt lmfao.

21572564? ago

I agree. My wife and i havent paid for hotels or airfare in years because we use the points. We pay for everything with a card, but never allow ourselves to go into debt. We pay in full immediately. We get free stuff because we are responsible.

Responsibility is they key. In all honesty, we probably get all of the perks because of the people that pay huge amounts of interest and are fiscally dumb, so I am torn.

21572707? ago

That's like 2/3 of it. The other 1/3 is that credit card companies get a tiny percentage of every transaction used with one of their cards.

21572737? ago

True. AmEx rapes small businesses.

21554973? ago

Eh, I screwed up and got my wife pregnant shortly after getting married. Was blessed with an opportunity to move debt from one card to another for 0% interest for a year. Should have it paid off by then.

21555508? ago

Eh, I screwed up and got my wife pregnant shortly after getting married.

Wrong. You screwed up by having credit card debt. Well, maybe you had medical copays or something unavoidable. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt.

21559556? ago

Let me clarify, I got my wife pregnant before I intended to. The credit cards were the sole reason I got my credit high enough to be approved for the home loan i needed. We live in a sick corrupt system that relies on us to create debt. I was not alive when it was created. I am just trying to support my family in this broken system.

21559897? ago

You can use credit cards without being in credit card debt, dummy.

21561913? ago

I don't have to clarify my financial situation to some jack ass on the internet for why i chose to carry debt on my cards instead of paying them off immediately. Besides there are ways to move the debt around to earn 0% interest, which is what I am currently doing. So I am at no disadvantage currently.

21562331? ago

Name a single advantage to having debt as opposed to not having debt.

21563080? ago

I have real world assets they have fake as monopoly money they are not currently collecting interest on that will be paid off before prorate ends. All without hurting my savings, so if an emergency happens i don't need to create more debt.

21563871? ago


Interesting choice of words. Most people who are in debt over an "assest" have an auto loan for their vehicle, or a mortgage for their home, not a credit card.

Either way, you listed excuses why your situation isn't as shitty as I believe it to be, but you still didn't answer: what advantage is there to credit card debt vs no credit card debt?

It's not a trick question, it just has an answer you don't want to admit: there is no advantage. Thank you, though, because if it wasn't for fools like you who live beyond their means and buy computers or something and call them assets, credit card companies wouldn't offer rewards for using them.

21564391? ago

Tools used to maintain my property to maintain its value may not be true assets, but are essential for protecting the value of my very real asset. You assume way to much about what my purchases have been. Call my wedding a frivolous purchase and living beyond my means if you wish, but I could have paid it in full with cash and chose not to. Why? because having cash is more valuable than a open credit line. You can't make a down payment on a home with credit, only cash. So by taking on some debt to protect my cash, I enabled myself to purchase a home and still have enough for other extenuating costs relating to child care. Despite all this I have been able to save money from month to month.

So yeah I could have chosen not to get married and have a family and be living debt free, but that plays right into what this KFC ad wants. A non-white America. So you are welcome for my foolishness for considering having a family as a valuable asset and worth incurring debt for.

21564713? ago

Weird. I did all of that as well, minus the part where I went into credit card debt...

21564744? ago

Lucky for you then.

21552610? ago

Exactly. I make more money buying things with credit cards than I do saving money in the bank.

It's a screwed up world that we live in.

21550085? ago

and pay off your ENTIRE balance every month

This is key. I made the mistake of putting a new vehicle on an American Express using a 1.9% rate check. They immediately claimed I missed my payment and jacked my rate to 30%, and then my cards by different companies did the same.

21549931? ago

We get at least two free plane tickets a year doing this with a miles card, and never carry a balance ever ever ever.

21548310? ago

Anti-ginger discrimination.. ADL and SPL, get on this!

21551784? ago

yep it's sad. two of my kids have red hair, and that 'ginger' BS really bothered my son when he was younger.

f'ing (((media))) is EVIL....

21548269? ago

nigger food... hey! where are the 'FREE" KFC chiggum-sammich coupons.. next chimp-out at KFC!

21548253? ago

I dont understand this add at all: black guy gets the ugly girl,

white guy is consolation eating?

wtf? Can someone explain please?

21548284? ago

Trolls trying to make QRV look racist. That's all it is.

21549421? ago

How about Jews pushing white genocide in all media channels? We're sick of seeing this shit.

21548303? ago


black guy is prettier than white guy

girl is ugly, so she choosed what she likes most when on camera,

clearly not the couple

but I don't get whats with eating burger with radio/commentary guide?

21549538? ago

Australians are generally not into fucking an Abo.

21548909? ago

Yes, please race mix with niggers. That's a good goyim! White genocide 2030! I mean... celebrate diversity.

21548153? ago

Have been seeing this being promoted: Razor Bumps

Razor bumps? There's only one demographic portrayed. All others, 98% of the population, couldn't care less about nappy hair.

21548299? ago

ha. that twitchy nigger would slit its throat w/a good old straight razor.

21548073? ago

Imagine being that actor...

21548305? ago

juicy smellits little brother....

21547900? ago

KFC... joining the get woke, go broke crowd.

21555984? ago

More like KFC trying to appeal to their core demo (blacks) with dhowing what blacks like most white women and cheap fastfood.

21554954? ago

Haven't eaten there in a long while, guess I'll keep on doing what I have always done. Unfortunate Chik-Fil-A has succumb to the perversions of the global cabal.

21548278? ago

free chiggum-sammiches!

21549378? ago

Wait until there are nothing but niggers in their restaurants. They'll spend more in repairs than they make in chicken sales.

21553164? ago

That's what Fed Bailouts are for. KFC been bleeding for years now, time for taxpayer funds to sustain this Americlown icon.

21549537? ago

It's why we have mass migration, so business can have more mouths to buy shit.

21554202? ago

Using welfare money paid for by the white middle class?

Those niggers are poor.

21549547? ago

Without EBT those fuckers can't buy shit. The collapse of the dollar is coming soon.

21549513? ago

niggers running them niggers staffing them, ust need col sanders portrayed as a black guy & the nogs will flock for free non-existant chimp-out sammiches..

21547889? ago

disgusting. I reported it for overt sexual content on a fried chicken ad for fuck's sake. Get back in the oven rabbi.

21548413? ago


KFC / Popeyes are supplied by Tyson Chicken

Under the guidance of an attorney representing Tyson Foods, Hillary Clinton made a $98,540 profit from a $1,000 initial investment in less than one year trading commodity futures. While $98,540 may not seem like much money relative to the Clinton family’s wealth today, it exceeded Bill and Hillary’s combined annual income at the time.



21549172? ago

No one actually goes broke though. Nike and Dicks are making more money than ever.

21548156? ago

They're comparing oprah to colonel sanders in another tweet. It's clearly obvious which side they're working for.

21547699? ago

I don't get it. What am I missing?

21549436? ago

Jews pushing race mixing and white genocide on TV at every possible opportunity.

21548914? ago

European ancestors

21547735? ago

What am I missing?

A neocortex.

21547778? ago

Ah, I get it. Yall are a bunch of trolls trying to make QRV look racist. lol.

21552332? ago

They have a point. Look how white males are portrayed if they are at all in commercials.

21549174? ago


21548060? ago

but we are

21547641? ago

At least the guy got a sandwich as a consolation prize.

21547691? ago

..for not reproducing.

21548159? ago

Wtf is infringes on my rights?

21552317? ago

Imaginary ones?

21548180? ago

I don't know. I never reported a video. This is a screen grab from the KFC tread on half/chan.

21547940? ago

LOL, I did the same

21547624? ago

... Burgers?

21548030? ago

21549137? ago

Chiggun you racis.

21551459? ago

dats raysis! u ows me chiggun re-pay-ray-shuns, nigga!

21547455? ago

Looks like it's KFC in Australia, but obviously same corporation, coming soon to USA you can be sure.

21551928? ago

Don't worry, Jewgle will soon enough fix the ratio for "vote abuse" or "brigading" or whatever.

21549818? ago

VOTING DOWN HELPS THEM - It's considered engagement. It's the 7th most powerful rank booster. If you wanna hurt these clowns. Watch 10 seconds of every video they have made. That will kill their retention and put their videos at the bottom of search rankings.

21552301? ago

That gives me an idea to automate this and share the script.

21556720? ago

Advertisers are always at the top. Your hacks won't effect their placement or ranking.

21562855? ago

kek, which is why it's only an idea that i shared freely :)

21551679? ago

When you’re part of the group voting means nothing they’re automatically pushed to the top.

Voting is also manipulated/changed by sites like YouTube, Twitter, Reddit.

The only option left is to trust the plan or Revolt with the 2nd amendment. And we see how the cabal is coming after 1st and 2nd amendments daily.

21560911? ago

Right on man!

21556711? ago

These are advertisers paying Google lots of money. They go to the top and stay at the top. That's how ads work.

21548264? ago

10K dislikes

yeah baby

21554236? ago

now 20K dislikes

21549580? ago

Now 12k dislikes

21549660? ago

and glowing shills tells us we are small numbers

I watched live 100 likes a sec on some twatter posts from here

same from youtube

it was strange and beautiful

21551678? ago

16k dislikes. 203 likes. Hehehe

21552293? ago

1.2 hours after your comment: 17k (kek!, a Q) dislikes, 273 likes. Q will win!

21549215? ago

11k dislikes, 150 likes lol

21547485? ago

I did my part. That is fucking disturbing...

21547392? ago

"Comments are turned off". Go figure.

21555972? ago

Less guts than Geliette, they atleast had the decency to stealth delet the comments.

21553688? ago

59 iq subhuman monkeys turned them off

21552278? ago

Dissenter would be a good option if they didn't crush it...

21549890? ago

Never date an actress. Would you still kiss this woman after this?? I wouldnt

21553701? ago

Open fire and dont look back.

Pull the trigger

21549383? ago

What? Of course they don't want to be told how dizzzgusting they are.

21549132? ago

Doesn't matter if they turn off the comments. Screenshot it, link it, throw it up on Twatter and FB and let KFC reap the rewards of their Cabal propaganda. Did you guys see the Sprite commercial where a mother was grooming her son to be a female?

21549358? ago

Or the Amazon commercial with 2 lesbians kissing?

21551670? ago

Ugh, really? Missed that one. Thankfully

21550187? ago

Turn off the tv. At this point I’m only watching Hannity, Ingraham and Tucker. And FnF. They wouldn’t put that stuff on there.

21551560? ago

Fuck Faux “news”

21548731? ago

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