21566000? ago

I don't get it, kfc will make you forget being cucked in front of the whole world by BBC?

or when you're cucked-white-white, the only thing you can do is put juicy, savory brown colored meat in your mouth?

21557779? ago

This is disgusting.

21557287? ago

Nigger shit chicken. It's nigger shit.

21556535? ago

Kill those niggers

21554738? ago

WTAF? I thought this was a shill post until i watched the ad. I hold nothing against mixed race couples--I have dated men from a number of races--but that ad is such in your face UN propaganda.

21554408? ago

KFC is selling “the other dark meat”

Used to be negros loved kfc

Now kfc is loving the negros

21566046? ago

Makes you wonder...if the plantations weren't cotton fields but bbq chicken fields...

21554322? ago

This shit is getting so weird.

21553842? ago

I took my first white girlfriend to KFC for our first date. She got it good that night

21553317? ago

Already not eating at KFC.

21553249? ago


21553002? ago

Just showing the white man being cucked by a black dude.

Nothing to see here. More Jew hatred against Whites.

21552916? ago

KFC is more ghetto than Popeye's anyway. The Colonel would be very disappointed in what it has become.

21550816? ago

must not even be real bacon, cuz dat'd be annoda shoah!

21550768? ago

boycott. yesterday.

21550460? ago


21550185? ago

StoneToss called it about a year ago:


21550121? ago

Remember this when they are on their knees begging for mercy. Harden your heart.

21550008? ago

Fried chicken store pander to niggers?

  • shocked Pikachu

21549948? ago

Eww... not at all appetizing.

21549937? ago

Remember everyone: Make Photoshop Your Friend

Turn her into a Jew

21549914? ago

I've never eaten that shit but if any of you do, you should boycott those mother fuckers.

21549907? ago

the real question should be " why isn't a black woman good enough for that black man. "

21549448? ago

Fucking Jews and Niggers.

21549333? ago

"I don't care, I love it." Nice touch at the end there. Be apathetic toward the genocide of a strong and wonderful Aryan race.

Want a blast from the past? Watch Lynyrd Skynyrd Live at Oakland Colosseum 1977. It's a sea of beautiful ivory in the once classic Americana of California.

21549264? ago

Now, KFC will always mean nigger food to me.

21549061? ago


21548902? ago

Everyone involved in this anti-white hatred-filled commercial needs to be shot.

21555700? ago


21548861? ago

This is just provocation. (((THEY))) are desperate to start a race war, they think the distraction and chaos will allow them to escape what's coming.

On a related note I realized the rainbow symbolism for the LGBTQ is not about the 'united colors of humanity'. The inversion is about splitting WHITE LIGHT into many separate colors. Divide white christian societies so they can be overcome.

21552846? ago

Also, their flag is missing a color!

21548814? ago

*their corporate soul.

pump UP those dislikes on that one!

21548761? ago

It would be a damned shame if free BBQ Bacon Stacker coupons started appearing all over the internet.

21548590? ago

Wtf is this crap

21548542? ago

Yeah nigger sauce xtra

21548410? ago

Can you get more anti-white? Why does this not violate hate speech laws?

21548387? ago

What the Kike Fried what?!?!?

21547950? ago

I am seeing this alot. I don't have TV anymore, but I think I was livestreaming the T-day parade, and a commercial came on for either car sales or car insurance. There was an interracial couple, mid-lifers, and the white man was projected as being stupid and the black woman as being smart. She was the one who made the smart choice for xyz company. I was like, wha?

21549373? ago

same race couples barely exist in tv commercials, tv shows or movies now. And White couples no longer exist...

21547916? ago

Welcome to Australia.

21547846? ago

It's everywhere, in almost every commercial today. gays, trannies, lesbians, bi-racial, made to look like it's the "normal" population in America. Not so but the propaganda goal is to subvert kids who can't think critically that anything goes. The take away is there is no morality, no right/wrong, no taboo, all is good. Well, all is NOT GOOD. Do everything in your power to help your kids understand that your family values are something they need to hold dear. Your belief in God is a family value as much as your obligation to teach your children. right from wrong. The left wing, MSM influence extends to commercials, cartoons, billboards. It's not just about wanting to sell you something anymore. It's about changing your moral compass, confusing your children, drip, drip, dripping an evil message and making it seem so common that it must be normal. It is NOT normal. It IS perverted. Teach your kids. Make a game out of it. Have them look for the messages that go against your family values. Have them point them out to you. They reward them for recognizing it.

21556182? ago

If you see it portrayed on screen, your brain makes you think it's an accurate depiction of the world because our monkey brains still can't fight all the survival chemicals. They show gays everywhere, the population thinks gays are more common and ok. They show interracial relationships and nothing else, the population thinks this is what is supposed to happen subconsciously.

They show white people only being the villains or violent misogynists.

Black men are always scientists and level headed, or super funny and witty.

Women are strong and make better choices (But don't you dare ever have a child!)

They show things that "aren't" to train the population into thinking that these things "Are". Think about the slow, over sexualization of little girls (And now also little boys holy shit) They are showing little girls in media that it's ok to show your midriff and date a boy your dad doesn't trust, he's white anyway what does he know? That was 20 years ago. Now girls are being told to have sex with their classmates and share pictures of their assholes on social media.

21556545? ago

So true and it's only getting worse. The pedos and NAMBLA are working overtime to condition our brains into thinking that their perversions are normal. There's a battle being waged that morphed from only wanting our money to now wanting our money and to destroy our morals and values. True normalcy is now what is marginalized. They have used the concept of tolerance to push their way into our homes and heads of our children. Our tolerance is not supposed to have limits? Interesting how these same people have no tolerance of our morals or of conservatives. It's a cancer with no cure except what? War?

21552825? ago

I fell for it (i.e., became an atheist -- they weren't pushing it this much when I was child). Fortunately, I returned to Scripture several years ago. Glad I didn't die while atheist -- that wouldn't go well!

21547985? ago

Lmao. That's hilarious.

21547711? ago

Welp, there goes another one.

21547698? ago

blatent jew miscgenation agenda - pushed very forcibly now everywhere

21547680? ago

western women are irredeemable trash

21547515? ago

The voice at the end: 'I dont care, I love it.'

NPC programming

21566010? ago

Love being cucked and stuffing your face with hot brown meat

21547508? ago

I want the name of the director, writer and actors who played in this. Kill all of them. This has to stop.

21566019? ago

make punishment fit the crime. play 'i don't care' while they are saran wrapped to a table dexter styles and alternate jamming BBQ kfc in their mouth with big black cocks

21548061? ago

⬆️ This is the correct and the only effective response to this trash.

21547469? ago

Is the white guy a joo?

21547466? ago

Don't eat there. Won't eat there. Fuck their shitcken!

21547457? ago

give your gf to invaders and get fat white goy!

21547391? ago

KFC is gross.

21547856? ago

Kentucky Fried Cannibal

21547328? ago

Had to find this YT video just so I could dislike it. Over 7k dislikes and like 6 likes.

21549354? ago

Over 11K dislikes now!

21550396? ago

Now at 14K dislikes. I think they have awoken a demographic. Don't piss of white males.

21548043? ago

Thanks for the idea. I found it and the dislikes (including mine) are at 8.8k, likes at a hundred fourteen.

21548143? ago

Now at 9.1k dislikes, just added mine so it's now 9,101.

21548848? ago

It's over 10K now just a little over an hour later. I bet they'll yank that ad faster than the "writers" yank THEMSELVES, apparently, because if that's what they think, they're not "getting any," either....

21549209? ago

Yea I was looking for it and I can't find it? KFC kiss cam commercial isn't turning out with this on the results, lmk so I can add my dislike

21551819? ago

21551802? ago

Oh it's there -- the funny thing is for every ten thumbs up, it gets another thousand thumbs down:

as of now, 209 thumbs up, over 16,000 thumbs down.

At least I know who will be hiring on Monday for corporate marketing positions....because not just someone but a LOT of "someones" are losing not only their jobs but their pensions over this fiasco. I swear, the world is effin' nuts. I'd be smart enough to make commercials that do NOT make "statements" because unless you're Apple advertising during the Super Bowl 40 years ago, when your commercials MAKE the news, you're airing a disaster movie and NOT a commercial.

Airport '19 I guess...sit back and enjoy the crash.

21552799? ago

I think "Where's the beef?" made the news -- but, you're right, it was some time later.

21569016? ago

yeah but it was in a good way. A funny old lady doing a Wendy's commercial. Clara Peller was her name. Dunno why I remember that....probably b/c Mondale tried to usurp the line against Reagan. We see how well that worked.

21547221? ago

White women prefer black men, they are more masculine, much stronger and virile

21547361? ago

I've seen maybe five white women that weren't fat and were with niggers. The rest are fat hogs that no normal white man would fuck so they desperately moved on to niggers because they have zero standards. Nice lies though.

21549360? ago

And for every one of these is 100 fat white hogs. Do you think exceptions disprove a rule? I mean, you ARE retarded, so maybe you do.

21549348? ago

Start by reading what he said, he said they are the vast majority.

On the other hand though, all three of those examples contain whores, who have zero standards and will fuck anything.

21547304? ago

Hambeast who like abuse

21547198? ago

projectile vomits

21547192? ago

OK...it's real...was hoping it was a satire. It's "KFC Australia", so I'm guessing we won't see it on American TV, but bet your ass it's coming soon.

21547775? ago

Well of course! Every other product has inter-racial couples, and the white man left out.

21547146? ago

Tell me that's a parody...please.

21547356? ago

If you only knew how bad things really are.

21547129? ago


21547030? ago

To bad I've already been boycotting KFC because their stores are either in nigger neighbors or staffed by niggers.

21547820? ago

I have boycotted KFC since 1988. Went through their drive thru and ordered a meal. Paid for it and then sat there for 30 min waiting for food, and nobody came to the window until another car pulled up. Then the bitch wanted me to pay again! The only reason I sat there that long was because my date didn't want me to go inside, honk, or make any kind of a "scene" whatever that meant. That was the last date with that one, and the last time I went to KFC.

21552786? ago

On a date, you choose to go to KFC.

Well, has your luck changed since you eliminated that as a potential date destination?

21553511? ago

Oh, it wasn't MY choice to go there! Yes, I've been happily married for 30 years now, thanks! KFC has never been a destination for us, either while dating or after we married! I just say, nope, not there. Can't do it.

21562178? ago

kek, 11 approves!

21547222? ago

I had KFC the other day, ate in parking lot and watched drive-thru, 75% black.

Shouldn't be surprised I guess...just funny to actually watch the convoy of black folks.

And the meal sucked...KFC ain't what it used to be.

21546935? ago


Add to places to I will consciously avoid.

21554377? ago

We just lost CF, now KFC. Popeyes was already niggerized. I wish I had my great grandmother’s fried chicken recipe.

21547937? ago

Don't worry, we Aussies are sick of this shit too, and are calling them out.

This will further Red Pill my fellow Chefs this morning during breakfast service. <

21548453? ago

More power to you and yours.

21547240? ago

If you have a yard i suggest you start a garden.

21550798? ago

buy a woodchipper. feed it a steady diet of tree limbs & niggers. sell as eco-frendly compost.


(clean neighborhood!, less niggers!, making a difference!)

21550857? ago

I am getting the wood chipper for sure

21551407? ago

when i lived in an undiclosed part of michigan at an irrelevant point in time, we had a winter storm come through. power was out. trees were down. edison crews were all sick or overworked. i made about $100 an hour, chopping through ice glazed treebranches & then sectioning them up to drag off the drive ways & roads... more than HALF these folks did not have $$$ on hand being 05:00am... and i never chased any of them down to collect.. a few times, i just said top-off my tank if you got 2stroke & grab some wesson-oil for my bar.

21551326? ago

ever seen the aftermath of a tornado, severe flood or hurricane? chainsaws & a wood chipper will make you money. grinding up looting niggers will make you a hero (if your caught) or folk-legend... ( if yer naught )

21550833? ago

Im aware the cult is into permaculture

21551300? ago

sonic temple was/is theyre best album..

21552764? ago

did, did you graduate hs in 87? cuz it's mine as well :)

21555915? ago


21562840? ago

nice. that was the first album of their i got. the second was "love" and i mentioned to a classmate who also liked the cult, "i just got love!", which ended up being funny ambiguously :)

21549925? ago

Even if you don't have a yard, check out the Garden Tower Project - really amazing 4'x4' system with its own worm compost, you feed it your kitchen scraps and never have to fertilize. Produces an amazing amount of food.

21551044? ago

Thanks for that tower garden share. 1 hr later, and its an amazing project. You can pretty much do hydroponic tower gardens, and even put it into a greenhouse. Amazing project.

21548581? ago

The deer eat the garden. I eat the deer.

21547278? ago

thank you - but raccoons, they tear up, perhaps you know this about those varmints already.

21551606? ago

We used to trap the coons and possums and give em to the colored family’s over yonder.

21551753? ago

That was kind and Christian of you.

21553302? ago

Thanks, they always bought a goat from us to bbq on the 4th of July and grandma always had extra fruit and veggies to donate out of the giant garden we had. Grandma and grandpa worked the farm until they died well into their 90s.

21548681? ago

Make some chili pepper spray, my grandpa taught me to make some for my bird feeders but it's great for all around garden defense.

Mix one tablespoon of chili powder with one quart of water and a few drops of liquid soap. To make the spray from fresh chili peppers, puree a ½ cup of peppers with one cup of water. Place the mixture in a saucepan, add another quart of water, and bring to a boil. Wait until it cools then strain out the chili peppers and add the liquid soap.

21549070? ago

Does your chili pepper spray work on deer too?

Having a dog, and the scent alone will also help to deter other animals from messing with your shit. From chipmunk to Bear, having ba dog will cut your encounters at least in half, perhaps more. Won't solve the problem, but will make it easier to maintain sanity dealing with it ;)

21548707? ago


21547754? ago

Leave out some bubble gum for the 'coons. They will leave the veggies alone, but get all gummed up and won't be able to do the damage. That's what my mom says, does, and sees. I personally have issues with rabbits, deer, and squirrels. Mothballs work on squirrels, hair works for rabbits & deer. Find a hair salon, or save your own clippings.

21547373? ago

You need a fence.

21547714? ago

Or just make pets out of the racoons. Name each one bandit. Bandit 1, Bandit 2, Bandit 3, etc...

21547832? ago

LOL, I named mine Rocky...Rocky Raccoon

21546734? ago

sick, don't marry a whore.

21546700? ago


21548708? ago

Jew pornographer is upset because white porn stars refuse to have sex with negroes https://voat.co/v/NiggersAnonymous/3539574/21527641 Terri Minsky looks like a man in drag.

21548069? ago

They were implying that the niggers lips tasted like KFC, which they probably fucking did.

21547764? ago

My first thought as well...