21557974? ago

Friction causes blisters....

21549469? ago

Porn and masturbating to porn creates a pleasure and neurotransmitter potentiated positive feedback loop with the ACT of FUCKING. This just magnifies the importance brought to the act of it. This is important in that it shuts down the whole reason for the act: UNIFICATION of a man and a woman.

(((fucking))) is abhorrent to the healthy mind. Making love, unity of man and woman achieving a superior state through some moments of completeness is the process of the healthy mind.

Also, circumcision HUGELY decreases the sensitivity of the glans, promoting the need for intense, hard, FRICTION during the experience. The FRICTION becomes the MEANS to the END: the orgasm.

In all this, communion of man and woman is put aside as unimportant. This is (((their))) goal and intrinsically part of (((their))) evil modus operandi.

21594672? ago

Nobody agrees with this IMHO amazing, revelatory and supremely wise comment?

21547209? ago

I don't need a gaggle of scientists to tell me excessive porn rots the brain...

21549356? ago

ANY porn is excessive. ANY sexual objectification of women is (((their))) agenda.

Masturbation is just slightly less bad than porn too BTW.

21544828? ago

Its just a router for the mind, thats all. Our minds live in our microtubules which connect us to the rest of the universe.

21544756? ago

Most men know that being around women destroyes our brains, and doesn't require porn.

21544736? ago

It's a natural impulse, another attack on ones psyche (((by))) Next crapping and breathing will be bad and shills will be saying I stopped breathing and found god, needlework and women attractive! We're all uncivilized monkeys pretending we're better under a thin veneer of civilisation. Take it away and it's Mad Max world. All men's vices are equal, watching porn, smoking and drinking are a damn site better than looking like an upstanding member of society and fucking kids, being a gender confused fuck up, and even worse, a progressive traitor.

21544874? ago

Masturbating is. But not constantly watching close ups of people fucking and getting dopamine hits from it. Don't be stupid, porn is far from natural.

21543778? ago

I wonder how much money the deep state is making from porn and what that money is funding.

21544816? ago

Porn is all free on the internet. I don't think they are making money on it. I think somebody is spending a lot of money on it as warfare against western civilization.

21545928? ago

I was looking into this actually last night. From quora: a certain percentage of girls like posting naked slutty pic of themselves on online for exhibitionist kink and self esteem boost. A lot of free porn could come from this

21545989? ago

I wasn't talking about that, I'm talking about professional produced HiDef videos.

21544067? ago

The Vatican owns/ owned large stakes of stock in porn producing.

21544889? ago

I don't doubt that at all. Any sauces for this?

21543750? ago

And watching yourself fuck by looking in the mirror, or by simply looking down at where the action is? Does that have the same effect?

21544819? ago

No. Although the mirror thing sounds weird.

21543749? ago

Porn forces you to ignore the part of your mind that says, this doesn't sit well with me. You remove your ability to repent so you can cum as hard as you did a few videos ago. Child porn in that future. Take a wife, it's less trouble to explore her sexually.

21543704? ago

I don't contribute to the (((porn industry))) because of their exploitative ways. My 2D dog-girl furry waifu is the only semen demon I need.

21543595? ago

Gay and interracial porn fucking sucks!

21543454? ago

These problems all have a common thread, technology.

21543328? ago

The kikes know this.

21545604? ago

Why All Porn is Gay


"Think of heterosexuality as monogamous and dedicated to rearing children; homosexuality as promiscuous

and concerned with sex for its own sake. Porn is creating new generations of heterosexuals who behave like homosexuals."

21542646? ago

This is how it works.

Deep in some DNC/cabal meeting, they talked about how to discredit the Q movement.

"We can't discredit Q because of so many proofs, and we can't directly dis Trump because people would laugh at us. How do we damage this movement?"

... says one faggot

"I know, we'll do it by causing division. We'll mix Q with ridiculous gematria, disparage blacks and Jews, imply aliens exist, promote flat earth and overly-conservative puritan sentiment"

... says another faggot

I hate to break it to you, but Q has nothing to do with watching porn or discontinuing fapping. Neither is it about pushing your own flavor of religion or all the other divisive crap.

As if stopping the child traffickers, baby rapists, cannibals and high treason traitors isn't enough. No, Q can't be just about that. Let's add to it, yeah that's the ticket ... lets make it about not masturbating.

Tell you what, I'm going to focus on bringing the evil people of this world down while you sit in your mother's basement trying really hard not to touch your peepee.

21544857? ago

Not about Q? The Jews and NWO using free porn to enslave the masses while pushing porn with black men and white women and cuckholding down our throats? Yeah that has nothing to do with Q or the NWO, move along here. Open your eyes faggot. This sounds like it was written from a basement dwelling neckbeard cuck anon, desperately trying to justify his porn addiction.

21544779? ago

Found the jew.

21544602? ago

Good response.

21543560? ago

Your idea of the world players is laughable.

You're right that Q has nothing to do with masturbation, unless you count mental masturbation. This is funny, it's like you're trying to say "Stay moderate or even a bit left politically."

21543698? ago


People who enjoy the don't masturbate post also hate Q and Q followers.

This is my surprised face. I'm very surprised.

21543378? ago

I dont know about flat-earth but aliens definitely exist. It shouldnt be controversial. An infinite universe created by a massive amorpheous field of intelligence and conscious energy (Source) but only one lousy ass-planet has intelligent life? Come on man.

21546263? ago

You don't know about flat-earth, precisely because it's the number one theory that can prove that [space] aliens do not exist (just demonic manifestations) and that we never were into 'space' because we could be living in a closed system.

21543573? ago

I didn't say aliens don't exist, or do exist. I said the question itself has nothing to do with Q.

Masturbation -- not about Q. I pity the unfortunate person who stumbles onto Q, wants to learn more and ends up at Voat reading some idiot preaching to not touch your peepee. Stop conflating Q with ridiculous things.

21543353? ago

imply aliens exist

Q did that. We didn't "mix" it in.

21542806? ago

promote flat earth

OK, that's why YouTube has censored the shit out of it, hey? Lumped it in with 9/11 because it's just a silly conspiracy, right? The equidistant azimuthal map is the real deal, or at least close to the real thing. Please don't speak on something you know nothing about.

21543607? ago

youtube prolly banned flat earth because negro pro football and pro basketball players were going on TV and saying the earth is flat..... think about how quickly whitey would wake up to racial IQ differences..... can't have that.

21543543? ago

You just made my point.

21543383? ago

OK, so go circle the north pole at a certain distance, then travel to the "south pole" at the same distance and circle that. Your second circle will be a LOT longer, right?

Go try, go try.

21543541? ago

“The lights which are exhibited in lighthouses are seen by navigators at distances at which, according to the scale of the supposed ‘curvature’ given by astronomers, they ought to be many hundreds of feet, in some cases, down below the line of sight! For instance: the light at Cape Hatteras is seen at such a distance that, according to theory, it ought to be nine-hundred feet higher above the level of the sea than it absolutely is, in order to be visible! This is a conclusive proof that there is no ‘curvature,’ on the surface of the sea - ‘the level of the sea,’- ridiculous though it is to be under the necessity of proving it at all: but it is, nevertheless, a conclusive proof that the Earth is not a globe.”

21544802? ago

a conclusive proof

Your comment is conclusive proof that you're retarded.

21549558? ago

Okay class, now we have the opposition's point of view in the debate, settle down. Please go ahead Timmy. "That's retarded. Thank you."

You disappoint me, Timmy. F.

21549727? ago

Debate? There is no debate. You cannot reason with crazy.

21550824? ago

Okay class, now we have the opposition's point of view in the debate, settle down. Please go ahead Timmy. "That's crazy. Thank you."

You disappoint me, Timmy. F.

21543670? ago

Yawn. I'm talking about measurable distances.

21546177? ago

And he's talking about measurable curvatures.

21546615? ago

And it's a lot more complicated than that. You have light interacting with air and other things, refraction... If you just circumnavigate twice, it's straightforward and should pretty solidly prove that either flat or globe is wrong.

21546721? ago

Of course, proofs contrary to your point are always "a lot more complicated than that", but poofs to your point are "straightforward and should pretty solidly prove".

Actually no, circumnavigate is both possible on a sphere (as one path the equator line describes) and on a flat disk (like the path a CD track describes, or vinyl if it weren't for the spiral aspect).

I'm not even convinced that we live on a flat earth, but you should take a good second look at what was presented to you as 'proof'.

21543423? ago

I can't just go travel to the south pole. It's heavily restricted there. Most you can do it a guided tour to very specific locations. They even have a fake south pole location for tourists. Tbh, in fairly certain the legit north pole is off limits and restricted too.

21543662? ago

I know. Don't do it AT the south pole. Just do one circle above and one below the equator at a latitude equidistant from it.

21544795? ago

What's your point?

21541761? ago

Zoloft will fix this brain damage.

21541896? ago

Thanks rabbi

21541912? ago

I was having fun. No harm intended. Sorry Pastor

21541527? ago

Porn also distorts young people's expectations about sex. Porn sex is not real natural sex between people who care for each other. I can imagine this causing quite a bit of conflict in many relationships.

21545570? ago

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21544772? ago

Then they get married and wonder why they can't get pregnant. "I don't understand it. She always swallows."

21542115? ago

You've got guys expecting girls to do things that women in porn needed drugs/$$$$ to do, and that has put them in the hospital after.

21541253? ago

Porn is American as Apple Pie!

21541637? ago

Porn is that transvestie that you fapped. To which u didn't even notice. Better tits than the missus you could dream of..

21542103? ago

Enjoy your used up hussy.

21541465? ago

Porn is as American as Gefilte fish

21541193? ago

THIS!!! I can’t think of a single family that hasn’t been effected by this issue. It’s causing a rotten decay on our families.

21545560? ago

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21540889? ago

I rubbed my peefrontal cortex so raw from porn that I needed special cream

21540836? ago

Great. A Canadian college student making wild declarations based upon her educated guesses about the deeper meaning of several unsubstantiated ‘studies’.

These grad students are so desperate to get published that they turn into their own clickbait factories.

21545043? ago

Fuck off jew, we know your bullshit now.

21541671? ago

the OP has to be a shill. critical thinking is deviod from voat during certain hours.

21541481? ago

Aw, look at how you immediately resort to the Judeo-Bolshevik ridicule that worked in the 20th Century but outs you ever time you do in the 21st.

21542669? ago

Thanks for checking in, professor.

21544909? ago

Aw, how long did it take to get enough CCP on all 3 of your sock puppet accounts?

21540745? ago

its like alcohol or anything else, give it up for 90 days and see what life is like without it....significantly better in my experience.

21543582? ago

The key to happiness is moderation. Dont jerk off every day, jerk off every once and awhile. Dont drink alcohol every day, have a beer every once and awhile. Dont get high every day, smoke up every once and awhile. Guarantee the times you do indulge will be much better and you will appreciate it more for what it is and not actually need to keep punching your dopamine button or you will be depressed.

21543942? ago

This, but at the moment i can´t stand the people around me without some weed. They are so brainwashed and i´m so awake and red pilled. At the moment things are going on too slow for me. Very hard time for people who are awake.

But i´m optimistic that i smoke much less weed after some things happened.

Greetings from a german Anon. WWG1WGA

21548667? ago

I was kinda forced to quit smoking weed for a years and if I try to now it just isn’t the same so even quitting that makes changes

21541889? ago

I'd agree, i was doing so well then I ended up with an injury that stops me from going to the gym (cant even get my heart rate up for a few more weeks)... So i relapsed. I know i'll be able to do better, but the gym was the only thing that really kept me in line. Its wild how addicting this shit is. I kicked nicotine like it was nothing, alcohol after college (idk if i was addicted but probably) sure no problem.. but quitting wacking off... hardest thing I've hever done

21543132? ago

Ah, gotcha....yeah just knowing its an issue, and realizing you can nofap yourself into a totally different existential experience, youre miles ahead of most ppl

21540741? ago

so I can watch it after adulthood ? nicsu!

21540525? ago

Growing up used to be addicted to porn from 12 years old. It got so bad that I didn't feel any attraction for women.(no, never became a fag)

I was always tired, depressed and frustrated.

Then one day I found the NoFap movement and decided to give it a go for 30 days. Here is what happened after 30 days of NoNut and NoPorn

  • I became attracted to women again. I was blown away at how beautiful women actually are(I'm from Eastern Europe btw, most American women don't count)

  • I was happy and fulfilled for no reason. I was really comfortable in my skin again. I started having plans for my future, started being more bold and courageous

  • I felt a reconnection with God on a personal level. When you jack off every day to that crap, you really start to question if there is a God or not. But after I stopped, there was no more question. God was real and it wasn't even up for debate

  • I started to want to build a family and actually have children. Where as before I was terrified of them, now I am open to the idea of having kids. I guess it comes with the fact that you stop being a wimp and you actually start being more responsible for yourself as well as others(family, community, etc)

These are just a couple I can remember of the top of my head. Long story short don't do it. You'll be happy later

21544897? ago

God said long ago, "Whoredom and new wine take away the heart."

21544592? ago

'Most American women don't count'..You claim you're not gay, that's doubtful buddy, but you sound like a jerk off. American women are beautiful.

21551108? ago

Did I hurt your feelings sweetheart?

It's no wonder women have such low standards in this country, when there are white knights like yourself who are willing to lap up all their bullshit.

American women mostly don't have manners, are dumb, childish and don't take care of themselves. The word femininity isn't even in their vocabulary. This is why all the immigrants hate them.

If you want to see how ripped of you are, step outside the US buble, and go visit a couple of countries in Eastern Europe. And after that try again.

21545823? ago

No they are not. In the intl city of Shanghai the highest value women were russian and japanese. The lowest were american and west african. Even my european friends refused to date them

21541655? ago

and then everyone clapped

21541246? ago


21540625? ago

Congratulations on reclaiming your essential nature!

Thanks for sharing!

21540486? ago

Double worse is that that part of the brain determines your place or role in society as dictated by your immediate surroundings or community up to that point (around 24 yo.) If an adolescent is exposed to violence sex acts and demeaning behavior toward a sex partner chances are he may be desensitized to the point that it may seem normal.

21540314? ago

Plus, it makes you go blind. Lost my vision years ago! Cant see shit!!

21541617? ago

Fapping to wrong porn

21541338? ago

I wonder if there's something to that. Sperm contains a lot of DHA (omega 3 fatty acid). The brain needs DHA to function correctly. The eye which should be considered part of the brain is supposed to have more DHA than any other part of the brain. If there are other factors in your life that keeps your DHA status low (bad diet, bad lighting in the environment which accelerates DHA recycling in the eye), then I bet constant ejaculation could be a contributing factor to deteriorating eye function.

21541256? ago

I'm reading this message on a braile converter but my hairy palms make it difficult

21543484? ago

You don’t shave it like everyone else?

21540808? ago

I only did it until I needed glasses!

21540244? ago

Porn is the devils work!! Stop playing with your penis and fap to god instead and you shall be saved an eternity of damnation!!

21540181? ago

https://archive.ph/U515w :

2019-11-28 | Watching porn rewires the brain to a more juvenile state, neuroscientist warns | Daily Mail Online

'Watching porn erodes an important region of the brain, rewiring it into a juvenile state, a researcher warns. '

'That brain region is, crucially, one that does not fully develop until adulthood. '

'And the demand is insatiable, with 33.5 billion hits on Pornhub, the biggest free porn site, in 2018. '

'Overusing that neurotransmitter can wear down your natural reflexes and habits, leaving the body unsure how to satisfy its needs. ', "Rachel Anne Barr, a neuroscience PhD student and researcher at Canada's Université Laval, says studies show people who regularly watch adult entertainment often develop damage to the prefrontal cortex, the brain region that controls morality, willpower and impulse control."

This has been an automated message.

21540129? ago

What a cuck