For goodness sake, I don't need more MORE Q PROOFS. I need ARRESTS! (QRV)
submitted 5.2 years ago by 3540068?
For crying out loud. The trigger is now!
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21531111? 5.2 years ago
I need more Fox News articles and YouTube videos, personally
21532183? 5.2 years ago
Digits confirm, you aren't sure what you need.
21533621? 5.2 years ago
Further up confirms what we need.
21534048? 5.2 years ago
kek and randomly, I just found the next post from that one! 21533334, here:
has to be "randomly" because one can't just ask for the next comment number -- one has to know which post it was on, as that comes before the comment in the URL.
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21531111? ago
I need more Fox News articles and YouTube videos, personally
21532183? ago
Digits confirm, you aren't sure what you need.
21533621? ago
Further up confirms what we need.
21534048? ago
kek and randomly, I just found the next post from that one! 21533334, here:
has to be "randomly" because one can't just ask for the next comment number -- one has to know which post it was on, as that comes before the comment in the URL.