21522642? ago

Fake news. He has many identities to hide from assassins n shit.

21521894? ago

Uhm... That's fraud. <

21521635? ago

at this rate hunter will be president one day

21520842? ago

There’s so much negative news coming out about Hunter Biden and now the Republicans are saying that he’s going to be the first witness in the Senate hearings. If the DS doesn’t take him out he just might suicide himself for real.

21520032? ago

The guy from Archibald's said he would come in two days in a row and then they wouldn't see him for a month. In the comments someone mentioned that when mob bosses need an alibi they give an underling their credit card and send them off. Maybe he's supplying alibis.

21519541? ago

Biden's have an evil perspective on how things are supposed to work.

21519305? ago

That is not illegal as long as you sign your own name.

21518643? ago

Well, anyone can do that, right?

21516319? ago

Theft must be in their genes. Biden's niece got arrested for the same thing, used someone else's card to rack up over a hundred grand of crap. Of course uncle Slow Biden got her out of it.

21515975? ago

It's not illigal, unless I do it.

21515942? ago

Just the tip

21515438? ago

These people break the law with impunity. Sickening

21515363? ago

That's how the cabal works.

Black Visa card, no limit.

Spend spend spend...they write off.

Money they never had is then written off, so the American taxpayer pays for hunter's shit.

21521902? ago

You are spot on here my Fren. <

21536726? ago

It is exactly what I would do if I were evil.

They had tried so hard to turn me.

Guess my fathers love is way too strong.

21537138? ago

Same. The Lord broke me before I came to my senses. I lost everything. A reset. Now God and I are a team. <

21515713? ago

DuPont cover-ups? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525580

21515686? ago

Don't the debts get bought for pennies by the debt purchase extortionists who then hold your life to ransom until you pay them in full?

It's just the Rothchild fractional banking system way.

21521911? ago

You are also spot on.

21515037? ago

I know the identity. It’s the American tax payer. Hunter and the Bidens, all faggots.

21514985? ago

I should clone myself a bunch and collect disability on the ones that come out retarded.

21521995? ago

kek, a Multiplicity reference!

21514821? ago

There will be a record of those transactions if anyone cares to check.

21514439? ago

At the very least, untold amounts of money "paid" to Biden for access to his father which is likely not reported by Biden as "income" (= income tax fraud) and / or not reported as a "gift" by donor (numerous types of fraud) and / or perhaps fraudulently written off as a business expense by the donor.

21514369? ago

just think if Trumps sons pulled this BS. media firestorm. instead its a media firestorm on made up crap.

21514167? ago

Don't the highest level of credit cards NOT have names on them? A perk, I think of being so rich or special that they get to maintain their pretend anonymity.

21514362? ago

I suspect the cabal has many false identities and personas that collect fake pay checks, public assistance, and are registered to vote.

Thousands of fake accounts getting social security checks every month?

Why not? They steal from us any way they can. Fake identities is so easy they must be doing it.

21521940? ago

Rigged lotteries (Epstein x 2). <

And also Casino wins to pay people for 'services rendered'...

Money Laundering system you see, to pay for the child trafficking 'services' (((they))) deal in.

Big money.

Bigger money than weapons or drugs combined, and then you also have the organ trafficking, adrenochrome, and spirit cooking spin offs. <

21514940? ago

Was Lois Lerner or some other high up female that had the whole alternate personality that got job reviews etc.? I wonder if they had a pension and paycheck too....

21517691? ago

Ohhh, never heard about that! Got any more details on it?

21526236? ago

I wish I could remember, with all the outrageous shit that’s come down I’ve forgotten. However, she was a woman of power, the head of some agency and she had created an alternate personality on an email format, kind of like a ghost employee and used it similar to what mittens was doing on twatter; with inter agency emails and memos. I guess directing the social narrative within the employees. We might need to ask the anons in a post, someone will remember. Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless you and your family Anon.

21527210? ago

A quick search tells me that Lois Lerner, Lisa Jackson (EPA head), and Kathleen Sebelius (HHS sec,) all had secret email accounts, but I cannot find much more than that. Hopefully another anon remembers.... or maybe Pepperidge Farm remembers this??

21528527? ago

Hehehehehe damn Pepperidge farms, I wish I had their memory🍪

21528595? ago

Me, too!