21518706? ago


21514942? ago

He could not have picked a better wife - or a better First lady.

21513605? ago

He probably just has a really good memory. KEK

21509456? ago

Yes you are! Donald Trump, if you’re reading this, know how loved and respected you are!!! You’re one in a million and we’re so lucky to have you!!! 👍😊❤️

21512831? ago

one in 365 million

21508414? ago

It's so obvious

21508055? ago

This is a masonic technique, useful for anyone tho. Weaving coded language into irrelevant small talk. Watch for repeated words.

21509176? ago

Yep. And then it connects to Gematria too. <

21509014? ago

And We Know.

21507729? ago

Its a very humble and true statement that an honest man would make. The fact that POTUS ‘45 lets us into his head makes me trust him so much.

21507546? ago

The Unveiling (revelation i.e. apocalypse)

21507521? ago

Hard to deny it at this point

21512386? ago

too obvious. people say "maybe 15 o 20 times." no person keeps track of how often they visit a city more than five times. how often have i been to london, paris, rome? my answer, "maybe a handful of times?" where do you live & how many times have you been to your state's capital?

21506970? ago

Trump did this same thing a couple of years ago...even more pronounced. He started telling this same story, and mentioned he'd been to DC "17 times" in the past. Then he mentioned 17 at least two more times in the course of a minute or two...like really empathizing the number (I was almost waiting for him to say "wink, wink"). I thought it was really strange how you'd remember going anywhere 17 times...most people would say "more than a dozen times" or something less precise. No...for some reason, 17 stuck in his mind that night, and I noticed tonight it hasn't changed.

21510253? ago

I remember. Do u remember what else he said? He said “I’ve been to DC about 17 times or so... but I never stayed the night”. I’m picking up what he’s saying. He’s saying he’s been there but hasn’t partaken in the swamp activities.

21509331? ago

I think it was a Florida rally as well.

If I'm not mistaken, it was the one where everybody showed up with the Q signs and it triggered the first wave of media reports about Q. I think...

21509492? ago

Yes! I thought so too...pretty sure it was July 31 2018, the same rally as the Q signs, and the media went fucking nuts the next day.

21509007? ago

Kinda how he autographed the Alabama helmet w/ a 17 on it. What a ... coincidence ? ? ?

21509337? ago

Bama claims 17 national championships. It's on a lot of the memorabilia.

21507528? ago

Exactly, how would someone that traveled as extensively as he did, remember he been anywhere 17 times? Makes no sense.

21507293? ago

I remember this also.

21506773? ago

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening

It's Happening


21508756? ago

You fucker, I see what you did there. The OCD in me would not let me go by this comment without counting haha

21507198? ago

the revolution or the collapse?

21511016? ago

Human revolution,

Collapse of old guard / DS / cabal / zios

(((Their))) inevitable Apocalypse!

21507377? ago

Writing “It’s happening” 17 times

21507462? ago


21507246? ago

All three

21507291? ago

would that be the biblical apocalypse?

21512085? ago

double meaning

1 "lifting the veil"

2 fighting some ets

21513247? ago


21509166? ago

What other Apocalypse are you aware of?

21511151? ago

Alien apocalypse. Climate apocalypse, solar apocalypse. Space rock apocalypse. The list is long.

21514385? ago

Zombie Apocalypse.

Vampire Apocalypse.

Starvation Apocalypse.

Gender Apocalypse.


21515118? ago

Vampire apocalypse? That's a new one on me. How's that one shake out?

21519947? ago

They are looking for fresh DNA as they are dying.

Vampires = Fallen <

Real evil. Decended from Cain.

Bloodline of The House of Windsor et alias.

It's not looking good for (((them))).

21508075? ago


21506481? ago

First Maggie the NY slime jewess, then another Jew, Blumenthal offer “ unbiased opinion” on the President! LOL.

21506475? ago

17 times...

21507843? ago

He said exactly this in a rally a while back. He said before I become president I was only ever here... 17 times. Something like that.

21510246? ago

He’s been telling us that he is part of the alliance and any time he came to Washington it was to coordinate alliance activities and that is all because dc is the swamp and potus doesn’t partake. That is the message in my opinion, especially if you remember the last time he said a similar comment to this at another rally a year or so ago.

21506461? ago

Traitorous Jews argue in a circular manner of self-gratification on CNN that “ Orange man is bad! I am exhausted by their utter bullshit!

21506445? ago

I'm almost 40, Born on America. I've been all over the place moving from state to state a lot growing up. I have only been to the united states maybe 2 times in all my traveling for all my life. I never intend to go back. Currently north east somewhere near a place some people call New York, not to be confused with STATE OF NEW YORK which I have never found on any official map of North America.

21507093? ago

Look over your shoulder much?

21507455? ago

What would I see?

21506397? ago

I love this man,! CNN is a fucking bad, racist joke!

21506388? ago

Great!! That will drain the swamp.