21515889? ago

Thanks for spoiling it. WTF

21520323? ago


21514318? ago

It's the exact same thing as what Gary McKinnon went through. He gained access to Pentagon and other agencies computers looking for evidence of UFO and ET.... He found evidence. USA tried to extradite him for a trial. They put him through hell. But he "won" his extradition hearing. Had he gone to court, he would have been on the witness stand telling the world what he found on those agency computers

21509854? ago

Nice work anon!

21509798? ago

Impeachment is dead in the water. Just another Dem sideshow.

21509744? ago

You can see the real life version of this film in Senate testimony from George Galloway, the former British MP who gave his political life's blood to prevent that war in Iraq here:


He did everything in his power to prevent the war, so they ruined his career. (Notably, and the focus of this hearing, is the "cash for oil" allegation, which was used to oust Mr. Galloway.)

It is an amazing speech, which shows Mr. Galloway was utterly vindicated in everything he said and the war mongerers, who claimed weapons of mass destruction were there, were entirely wrong.

It is essential viewing!

21511469? ago

I’ll watch it, thanks for sharing. I distinctly remember when that war started, I was around 20 years old. Got into a huge argument with a dem coworker because he was against it but I was for it. I was so naive back then. Just went along with anything “republican” . Never questioned anything or researched anything on my own. Older and wiser now I guess.

21513193? ago

The deciding factor for much of the public was the allegation that Saddam had WMD, including chemical and biological weapons, and was about to start using them. That allegation was later found to be a pack of lies, as George Galloway had fiercely argued before the invasion, to avert an unnecessary war.

If time is scarce, go straight to 20:00 minutes for the climax, but I think it is all worth hearing. Republicans and Democrats all were behind that war. Galloway was expelled from Tony Blair's Labour Party for his strongly anti-war stance. Now they want us to fight Iran. The Iranians are civilized and quiet people. There should be no war against Iran.

21519702? ago

Insider info on that thing with the WMD's... there's a reason the Neocons thought he had them. They weren't completely lying. See, the Neocons and the Demonrats had given them to him. He did, at one point, have WMD's. They actually were fairly confident in that fact and that's why they ran with it. Sauce: Intel guy who was in Iraq. He said, "We knew he had them, but a lot of us thought he had actually already used them against his own people. Saddam killed something like 100,000 iraqis that opposed him. Now, years later, it looks like some of the neighboring countries also got their hands on some of that US WMD stash. So the story is far more complex than we hear.

21509428? ago

No bcs they will hang😎, after all is done there will be forces and teams to not let this efer happen again

21509082? ago

State secrets need to go. If its not to protect tech advances and currently active and legal operations then it should be outlawed. The government hides all there BS behind it. Its absolutely the reason why everything is so f up right now.

21508797? ago

Seems pretty applicable to the Flynn situation as well.

21508731? ago

Also what is happening with general Flynn

21509288? ago

Q drop 1008

" Flynn is safe.

Define 'witness'.

Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing? "

It appears to me that Flynn permitted himself to be removed and set safely aside in order to protect his capability to be a witness for the prosecution against the BO whitehouse crew when the time comes.

21508698? ago

They want defiance. The Pentagon is counting on it.

21508342? ago

The accusation is the punishment now

21508310? ago

Fuck. Drain the swamp now

21508213? ago

Agree. But I will add I don't think Q is predicting. They know.

21508088? ago

Thanks for the informative post.

this makes me wonder what in going on with D. Feinstein and her Chinese (spy) driver? maybe our gov. will bury it.

21507782? ago

as long as we remain passive, the slavery og citizens will never end. are you not tired of being sheep?

21507547? ago

I looked up where this film was available and noted Amz/ c_a prime. Wonder how many “anons” will go there and rent it to wind up on the list? Not a hater, just have trust issues. Have we confirmed this is the real Q and not someone gathering addresses for the ms13/ hezbollah hit squads?

21507630? ago

I sure hope none of us pay $14.99 to rent it on Amazon. Someone posted a link to watch it on bitchute in this thread. Also available on BitTorrent sites.

21509090? ago

We paid $5.99 to rent it this evening - Amazon Prime.

21508102? ago

thanks for the bitchute and bit torrent tips.

21507541? ago

Lol. Yeah - it’s do or fucking die right now. We’re not kids anymore. The boomers were sound asleep but thanks to the Internet we’ve been awakened and once you’re awake - there’s no sleeping for you.

21519714? ago

yeah, we weren't sound asleep. We were operating on the available knowledge we had at the time. There were many of us in that age group that weren't having any of it. I saw how corrupt GW and his dad were right off the bat. We have a lot more information now, but we also have a lot more DIS-information now. We are on this ride together and the sooner we all figure that out, the better.

21510168? ago

Not all boomers were asleep....I've been speaking up about this corruption since late 80's...read a book called The Unseen Hand, then started seeing current events that were predicted in the Bible centuries before. Most people thought I was a idiot...now they see I was right. But I do admit to not having realized how deep the evil ran.

21513475? ago

Likewise; I knew something was wrong when I saw the official reaction to the book "Chariots of the Gods". A lot of the book made perfect sense and deserved serious attention rather than the ridicule that it received. Likewise George Orwell's "1984" received reviews that were mainly like "duh, that could never happen" when it was obviously already beginning to happen!

(Maybe only "boomers" will understsnd this. Younger generations don't appear to read books.)

21507369? ago

the ending sums up the gov perfectly. gov unions take this stance when grievances are filed. i have witnessed it personally. they slow boat EVERYTHING. when asked why they purposely delay they reply, off record, the person will have to suffer to get what is rightfully due. ***the site i go to to view movies has this listed but it is unavail. i had actually tried to watch back in sept and forgot about it when it was unavail. now i see why it may not be so readily avail.

21515806? ago

I don't remember who said it, but they said: "The process IS the punishment"

That's what lawfare psychopaths love to do.

They do it in criminal cases like this one, but they can also do it in civil and business courts as well.

Normal people instinctively know this. That's why they don't search justice for the little wrongs done to them ($10 here, $50 there) because they know that it might be dragged on for longer that it's worth it.

21511996? ago

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21507328? ago

No, they will not succeed in that endeavor. WWG1WGA.

21507285? ago

Kim Clement prophesied this exact thing. Start listening around 7 min to 11 min although the whole thing is worth a listen!


21509304? ago

Thank you for posting this; very moving!

21507594? ago

Been a while since I watched that. Thanks for sharing it. Just watched it again and picked up on something interesting around the 14 minute- 15 m mark. He talks about a brilliant “plan” and a simple “STONE” that will destroy the enemy ( David and Goliath reference?) but this reminded me of all the times Q has referenced the key-STONE

21522541? ago

Kim Clement also prophesied in 1996 about 9/11. He said we would retaliate and that was going to be wrong. Short clip at the beginning. https://www.charismamag.com/video/37822-how-kim-clement-prophesied-the-9-11-terrorist-attacks-in-1996

21509439? ago

Much bigger, guides tone that they foolishly left for us to see what are the longterm plans (destroying all rh+ humans)

21508073? ago

excellent observation about the STONE. We have alot of great things to look forward to.

Kim Clement seals the deal for me 2 term pres. no more spirit cooking, no more corruption. Restore our great nation and even Ukraine. plus for those suffering in Calif, God has not forgotten them.

a great time to be alive.

21513364? ago

We have alot of great things

Indeed, great things are being allotted.

21510774? ago

After listening again, I was shocked to hear his say “0nce virtuous women would eat their children” and something about right out of the womb” then he said God would end it! Praise God that is a God I want to serve!

21513876? ago

eating their children, i caught that too. so sick. then the libs are trying to normalize this to save the planet. horrific.

when i first learned of this a few years ago i was sick to my stomach for weeks, and no one believed me only the Q army offered support.

the good news is its all going to end. Kim Clement is more confirmation that Q and the Lord God Almighty will accomplish this mission. For the children, for God and Country. the sooner the better.

21519642? ago

Ahh - but it's a "woman's right to choose, yo!"

My answer to that bullshit argument is always, "She had a right to choose to not have sex. She had a right to choose to use contraception. She had a right to choose to take the Plan B pill (immediately makes womb a poor place for contraception) if she was raped or had sex unwillingly. Those are the Rights To Choose. Once conception has occurred, she now needs to consider the rights to choose of the baby."

Actually had a Millennial tell me that it's not a baby until it breathes on its own outside the womb.

So -- and please steal this! -- I said, "Oh. Interesting..." then I changed the subject. Paraphrased this little made up story below.

"Well, dude, did you hear about that lady who rescues pregnant dogs?"

Millennial Dude: "No! That's a really good thing."

Me: "Well, she's kinda like PETA though. She reaches through into the dog and pulls all the puppies out and kills them. She says it's kinder to drown them before they're fully grown than to let them be born and turn into feral dogs."

MD: "WHAT? That's Bullshit! Why would anyone want to kill puppies? She's a sicko!"

Me: "Ummmm. But you said it's only a fetus until it breathes on its own. Wouldn't that also apply to puppies?"

MD: "No! I mean, they're puppies!......" and he faded off.

I just waited for it to sink it.

These idiots would protect pups from PETA but not babies from Planned Murderhood. They protest shoulder to shoulder on behalf of Hong Kong, but support a China like regime through people like Bernie and the Commiefornia candidates.

I wander around shaking my head a lot

21553089? ago

i agree, only people who are already born get to decide the fate of the unborn. the unborn are people too.

21507734? ago

Roger Stone?

21509497? ago

Colors are the keystone. Green was first color then red now were in to yellow. Ever heard a football play?

21513350? ago

now were in to yellow

Now what were into yellow?

21520666? ago

Q ‘s keystone is color cordinated. Carry on.

21508308? ago

kim clement says to remember the name...stone. and they would all laugh at him. there is a reason there is a gag order on Stone. what he has to say must be a massive bombshell.

21507266? ago

Can’t believe I fell for it hook line and sinker.

21507210? ago

Need to let the truth come out in Senate hearings in any case, fuck 'em.

21507185? ago

Great post. This anon did their homework!

21507085? ago

Makes me wonder if we will ever see the network mini-series they did on the middle east. I remembered it was critical of the Obama admin. It aired once and was pulled from availability.

21507188? ago

Haven’t seen that one. Would like to watch if you can remember the name of it?

21507636? ago

I really don't remember. It was 2014 maybe. Pretty sure it was ABC. I was going to wait till it came out streaming but it was completely buried.

21506932? ago

I hope the Democrats show exactly how big their post-OP non-dilating pussies really are and rescind the impeachment.

... then I get 600 bucks from a SJW Cuck. The cuck already lost 300 on the Mueller hearing, so then, in my mercy and magnanimity, allowed a double or nothing. But because my want of their exposure is worth infinite more than the 600 bucks,,I hope the House does impeach, cuz then the Senate ravages their assholes to a degree Nadler has never felt whilst pegged by the poor children he's abused. With losing the 600.

21507141? ago

How much cuck could a wood cuck Chuck?

21509506? ago

Post 141

Re read.

21506844? ago

very nice

21506638? ago

Well hopefully after Trump's 8 years there won't be any deep state left.

21508147? ago

If there are any left, they can be hunted like rabid skunks.

21507316? ago

And no Dems left either!

21506962? ago

They have spent a few decades entrenched, no way shit stains can be removed after 8 years that easily

21510794? ago

I have seen God do miraculous things before.

21507406? ago

I agree with both of you. I got there is no deep state, but I don't expect it to be completely gone then, if ever

21513906? ago

the deep state are like cockroaches,if we dont annihilate every last one of them they will gain power again.

21506574? ago

Yeah, the Dems can drop the impeachment proceedings and it won't change anything. We will still see them outed, prosecuted and convicted.

21507223? ago

Even if the dems in the house vote no. We could have easily planned for this and certain reps could vote aye on a dime anyway just to force it to the Senate.

21507478? ago

Holy shit, if that played out can you imagine the TDS levels? I'd go fill the back of my truck with popcorn.

21506571? ago

Thank you anon!

21506417? ago

They are going to vote to impeach in the house for two reasons:

1.) They have driven their libtarded base into frenzy and now impeachment is demanded by their idiot voters.

2.) Their hearts have been hardened like Pharaoh who sent his army after the Israelites into the Red Sea. It might make no sense and will cost you everything, but when you serve the evil one you do dumb shit.

21511254? ago

They won’t impeach. They’re already signaling they won’t. The Senate trial would be a red hot focus to drop their dirty secrets into and cause instant public response. They won’t make it that easy.

21509581? ago

Polling data says otherwise. Public support for impeachment is horrible. Moderates and independents are opposed to impeachment. Dems can't get 100% of their own party to buy in. Even Schiff is looking for a way out. He "wants to speak with constituents before deciding" https://thehill.com/homenews/house/471824-schiff-wants-to-discuss-with-constituents-before-deciding-on-impeachment

Even milquetoast fence-sitter Tim Pool can see it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Qqd-fB4qCbE/

They can't impeach. They have only 2 options left. Start a war or assassinate (which then starts a civil war).

21508182? ago

They have driven their libtarded base into frenzy and now impeachment is demanded by their idiot voters

not as much as you might think. more are getting torqued off at the vocal ones. i'm hearing more and more from dem/lib associates that they're just tired of it and wish Dems would get back to work (on something other than reauthorizing the "patriot" act). there's some real resentment building on the hardcore, small 'l', left towards the establishment Dems for the time and resources that have been wasted.

21511461? ago

Spot on, that undercurrent is getting stronger.

21507708? ago

They also realize there is no chance of a democrat winning in 2020. Impeachment and removal is their only chance.

21507647? ago

No matter if they win or lose they just want to be able to say they impeached him. Like clinton was impeached.

21506856? ago

and evil is blind

21506588? ago

You forgot 3) The plan requires a public trial in the Senate so Trump can present HIS evidence for all to see.

21507696? ago

Lindsey is starting hearings without impeachment it appears. Other committees are Racheting up as well.

21510012? ago

Perhaps The Plan allows for either the House to demand an impeachment trial in the Senate, OR, independent investigations by the Senate instead. All depending on how the movie plays out.

21507754? ago

Yup, I think POTUS/Q Team have some nice Christmas presents in store for us.

21506379? ago

Thanks faggot

21506331? ago

Oh ho, defying (them) will become the new national pastime. Better than baseball.

21511238? ago

Better than baseball and a better use of the ball bats too.

21509099? ago

*International pastime. <

21509487? ago

Nice digits you midgit^

21514053? ago

Nein Undt Nein.

21508171? ago

I'm not thinking "defying."

Just sayin'.

21506680? ago

Hopefully they'll be transferred and quarantined with no further aid from the West in short order so we no longer have to defy the parasites - and with their inherent criminal nature they'll quickly turn into Blacks in prison and cannibalize each other without Whites to parasite off of.

21512014? ago

Location sugestion: Antarktis

21506607? ago

(()) you forget these

21508407? ago

*[ ]

21509484? ago

Heres looking at you !

21509020? ago


21509027? ago


21507564? ago

That looks like a vagina

21513203? ago


21512333? ago

well to be fair they are cunts aren't they?

21508114? ago

Maybe a pink taco?

21508037? ago


21509429? ago

Here's a. Upvote ya nasty man 😂

21506304? ago

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