21498044? ago

My solution? Send more used tires.

21494485? ago

Funny thing, white Christians used to do this to each other back in the day...kek, this was literally a regular day for whites

21494922? ago

When it was Christian they chucked the Christian women and priests to Lions and Crocodiles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colosseum ... i guess the one positive is an old cool looking ancient building still stands

21494265? ago

not clicking the link

21495102? ago

soap? @Crensch @heygeorge ...no like info, censor news, sheeeeeit @kevdude @Rotteuxx ...not soap, the soap usually posts stupid gay tranny crap

21494440? ago

African mob beating and burning some poor fuck up

21493887? ago

Hey ... it's the traitor who likes to jerk off to snuff porn again.

21493976? ago

You want these people in America? ... Open Borders for Saudi and Israel

21494111? ago

You missed my previous interactions with this cunt on his previous posts.

He's a fucking shill who gets off on snuff porn. He's spamming this shit to QRV because he hates QRV and Trump, not because he's a patriot. No one wants this scum here .... but this cunt gets off on posting his porn here instead of simply having a discussion.

21494468? ago

and ...?

21494521? ago

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21493957? ago

You won't find porn is these threads, that stuff is done by the jew trannies and soap box jihadi spammer. This kinda news, its a typical day on liveleak https://voat.co/v/Niggers/3535395/21493058 another day in A Freak Ah !

21493727? ago

Holy fuck. Backstory?

21493848? ago

They had no written language, checked spears at wild animals, had not even invented the wheel. The Prime Directive was viewed as so fundamental to that officers swore to uphold the Prime Directive, even at the cost of their own life or the lives of their crew. Why give them guns, fuel and phones, Prime Directive dictated that no personnel knowingly interfere with the natural progression of stone age no tech non-warp civilizations.

21494505? ago

Whites themselves did not have written language until introduced to them by the predecessors of the Jews (Phoenicians). Your modern alphabet is derived from the Jewish alphabet.

Whites were also hunting with spears and bows and arrow until gunpowder and guns were imported from China. Agriculture was imported into Europe by way of Anatolia. Prior to this, whites were just hunting aurochs and shit with spears.

But but but but, whites we wuz inventorz and shit. The reality is that without help from others, whites would never have attained civilization either

21494751? ago

This in a ways is true, the Whitey was still running around in fur, collecting wild foods, chucking spears at wild game, living out the end of an ice age while civilisations in Egypt, China, Mesopotamia they had cities .... I'm not sure they are one people tough, they seem to be a different collection of ethnicity and tribe which became their own State and each nation and state becoming its own global power.... if others were so far ahead!? why did they die and decay... so now ask yourself, how far and how fast did Arabia collapse, how quick did it fall into despair, horror, slavery and dust ... was it following that pedophile prophet mohammed that fucked Arabia up? He the founder of islam, raped animals, thought he was demon posessed or thought he himself was taken by djinns, he married his own cousin, bad ideas from islam?? ... fucking a person's own family line leads to regression and dead ends. It seems like you hate Whites, maybe in a ways if they are a race they can be respected for gaining so much ground and catching up so fast. They in the West in White states and nations also had more free political movements, the spread of ideas, French guys like Léon Foucault, Russian chemical engineers, the British guys like Newton, Tesla, Thomas Edison already by the time of the industrial revolution, the White nation states far more advanced than any others, it might pain you to admit your display screen, your phone and sat connections, your computer touch pad all thanks to America and yes maybe 'White People' as you call them.

21494787? ago

Arabia was never civilized...Mesopotamia is not Arabia

Egypt, China, Mesopotamia, and even India were around for 1000s of years....modern white civilization has been around for only a few 100. Second Scientific revolution has been around for less than 300 years. It might seem like a long time to you, but in the grand scheme of things, it is nothing.

21494887? ago

and what of Greece and Rome, you do realize they inspired the modern ideas of Western government, capital, democracy, the French system, the Magna Carta, the United States Congress and Senate. The topic of the Indian subcontinent and its peoples could make a book in itself but you still will not explain why Mesopotamia has regressed and collapsed, why the average person there is dumb, superstitious, violent, illiterate, perverted, mentally ill, terroristic or impoverished.

21494985? ago

Several things happened to Mesopotamia.

The original Mesopotamians were not Semitic, they were Sumerians, but they were eventually conquered by the barbaric Semites. Eventually, environmental change took its toll on the original civilization.

Still, Baghdad was one of the higher centers of learning in the Ancient world. The problems started when they got taken over by Muslims. Muslims are Semitic Arabs who follow Abrahamic religion.

Many Iraqis are still good people, but continuous warfare over a strategic region has hindered their progress in anyway.

Greek and Roman people are actually more Asiatic. Romans themselves claim descent from Aeneas, who came from modern day Turkey (Troy), and Greeks themselves came from Crete, which was originally inhabited by near Eastern peoples.

Most of the achievements of Western civilization didn't come about because the people were simply white kek. They came about due to a particular set of geographic circumstances. Europe was constantly fighting among itself, unlike China or India, which led to a climate in which innovation was favored. This is mainly due to to geography.

21494370? ago

the notion of 'white' or western european supremacy is basically like saying the kid in college is 'superior' or the toddler. it's one family, everybody grows, each with different abilities and liabilities... but the one thing you would never do is put a toddler in college and call that "equity." analogy aside, every advancement is built upon a solid foundation.

21493789? ago

maybe he took some food without paying, then mob gets him .... /v/TyroneComics or .... v/Wakanda