21502557? ago

Not really, or at least not that I know of. Just your average everyday bloke.

21492920? ago

And mummy knighted all her boy's friends. Well except Jeffrey. Her driver and another staff member were also in the kiddie club. Looks like we know what the Firm's REAL business is.....

21490987? ago

The Royals are all VERY sick.

21488925? ago

Uh huh .. Bloodlines and Bogeymen. Oh my! Oh ... no ... Mr. Bill. No .. no ... don't let the Draconian's get me! Run ,, run the slithering Reptoids are going to suck our blood!! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!

21488451? ago

Sounds like William was waiting for his own time to oust his uncle. Bet his uncle tried or did abuse him and he just had to wait for the oppertune time to get his revenge.

21488365? ago

The royal family an suck my dick! Past, present, and any future fakes! All of them!

21487917? ago


Windsor is a cover...originally German names, that were covers for Russo/Ashkenazi surnames. The subversion of bloodlines is essential to (((their))) plan and to (((their))) success. They believe if they muddy the bloodlines enough they can prevent Christs return. (((They))) will fail.

21489664? ago

Ashkenazis can trace their lineages to just 330 people in the Middle Ages.

21487531? ago

@:29..Naked man climbing out of Palace window. https://youtu.be/hbNfZHY-DFQ

21493092? ago

He looks nothing like his father or brother.

21487486? ago

Order of the Garter is a royal breeding program.

21487379? ago

What are the chances that Britain could/would eliminate the royal family as their figure head or government body or what ever they call it? They should completely disband/dissolve and redistribute the wealth to the people!

21493135? ago

Slim to none. It's brainwashed into the population from birth. They are all too afraid of a bogeyman "President Blair or Corbyn" although this could very well change with a "King Charles III". People are already getting agitated and restless. They've imported to many newcomers and now with the Andy scandal, well who knows what will happen...? But they are actually taught to believe a president would cost them the same amount as keeping the royal family in palaces, security and lifelong luxury!

21487309? ago

I like what u did there. Can we all refer to that faggot, (prince) Andrew, as just Andrew? Or faggot andrew? Instead of “prince”.

21486603? ago

Most of these elites were dealt a shit hand- pedophiles aren't born, they're created (when abused at a young age). I'd bet big that the majority of those in the royal family were passed around by (the ultra-elite) pedophiles when they were young. The cycle was created long ago, but it very obviously continues to this day; the ones pulling the strings have all the blackmail of everyone who's (publicly) in power- the Jimmy Savile's or Epstein's of the world have far more power than the royals, or people like HRC/Obama, but they're still not the real ones who were pulling the strings (those who do prioritise anonymity above almost all else).

21493033? ago

Yes, Uncle Dickie was instrumental to that in the "Windsor" family...

21488166? ago

Child sexual abuse opens the psyche up to...infection... by outside entities

21496316? ago

Honestly all abuse does, at any age, but its pore potent in childhood and more likely to stick

21489370? ago

In a more practical sense, your first sexual experience (bad or good) permanently alters your sexual desires to a degree I don't think most people realize.

21494880? ago

Sexual imprinting

21486722? ago

Not elite.....they are degenerates

21486916? ago

Both can be true, they believe they're elite and are obsessed/consumed with power. In reality they're mentally handicapped, and spiritually dead.

21486359? ago

A saw a (black child on yt, I think. Channel possibly deleted now) video of Prince Harry once that convinced me he is a witch. It was right around the time he announced his engagement. In the video, a female interviewer is asking him questions while they stood on opposite sides of a reflection pool in the royal gardens. There was considerable distance between him and the camera (20-30 ft). He mouthed the words "was it romantic" in unison with the newswoman. Exact unison, as if he was a puppeteer and she was the puppet. It was incredibly unsettling. Knowing what we know about the family, I would not be surprised if they had dark forces working with them.

21493029? ago

All their interviews are scripted and rehearsed. Except the latest royal interview, which proves exactly their intelligence levels and precisely WHY they don't speak often candidly or without preparation and rehearsal. They are all as dumb as a box of rocks. Why do you think they were so elated to have a "smart" Meghan Markle join the Firm? They are all just that stupid. Truly. They thought she was intelligent, a great public speaker and would bring them social credibility. This is the mentality you are dealing with. Cold stone stupid. Harry had his A levels completed for him by professors. In Geography and Art. Look into it yourselves, although with outspoken Charles coming to helm soon, you may not have to. Outside of the queen herself, they aren't bright enough to know when to keep quiet.

21498482? ago

Charles was either cocky as hell or incredibly stupid to say he was eating pizza when questioned about that picture with the young girl. As for Harry being stupid, perhaps so. He did try to get with Rihanna but she turned him down.

21500461? ago

A LOT of girls turned Harry down, which is why he was so happy to accept Markle.

21487414? ago

Scot and York .... the Duke of ... why does pizzagate sub delete any mention of the masonic stuff @WolfShepherd @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS ? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3507370 ... the hellfire club?

21487197? ago

that ability is present in all of us

21498422? ago

Is he mind-reading or projecting his own thoughts? I suspect we are all able to do the latter. Animals pick up on it.

21486535? ago

I had a friend who would do that, his lips mouthed the words that you were saying to him. Don't think he even knew it was happening.

21498412? ago

That's the first I've ever seen it. Did your friend have any other unusual traits/abilities?

21489740? ago

Ugh I hate when I catch people doing this. It drives me nuts. I purposely alter what I'm going to say to trip them up

21488112? ago

Mirror neurons... Simulating you, simulating me, simulating you, simulating me....

21486319? ago

The Queen and Prince Philip were apparantly found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children in 1964. Here is the story of David Compan who made the big mistake of serving the arrest warrents in 2014.

21486284? ago

And Prince Charles is on camera saying he was Vlad The Impaler in a past life.... I believe him.

21493114? ago

He owns the castle in Romania. He's a complete fruitcake and is going to make a horrible ruler. He's also the main agitator behind the climate nonsense and has been for years.

21486689? ago

This is why he is letting the UK being invade by the muslims.... I believe you shill and I am the Queen from the flat earth.

But everyone know that is the jesuites behind this shit and they were even controlling the banks in Sumeria, of course.

PS: does Israel have nuclear bombs and could you write GOD?

21486109? ago

William and Harry will do it too. Probably already have.

21493065? ago

Harry yes, and most likely already has. We've all seen his fetish for black children. William I am not so sure, but he may just hide it better, although his distaste for his father and brother, and the fact that his brother is never around his own niece and nephews have me thinking otherwise. William keeps a tight watch on his children around his family members, father and brother included, for a very good reason. I think he owes the Middleton family for that.

21486741? ago

I get a feeling that William and Harry are different...

Hopefully they can end the cycle of pederasty and buggering

21488105? ago

it seems Diana worked hard to protect them from that. but still saw enough to be killed, ordered by Philip.

21485859? ago

At his trial in 2004 Belgian child molester and murderer Marc Dutroux claimed he was part of a European wide pedophile network. He claimed he was one of the procurers and the 'clean up' man of the pedo ring.

He was convicted in June 2004 but the jury dismissed his claims about a European wide pedophile ring. Law enforcement should be looking at this again but I have no idea if they are.

If you have Usenet access and you're interested in seeing an overview of that fuck wads case, search for "Worlds.Most.Evil.Killers.S01E04.Marc.Dutroux.720p.HEVC.x265-MeGusta.nzb" I would guess the show is probably available on demand too.

21486818? ago

Organized ritual abuse and snuff films. This is not just pedophila but much worse. They are harvesting these kids. Dark ceremonies with all the regalia.

We are about to put these perps all in cages. Hunters become the hunted. It won’t be fun for these philanthropist and silver-spooned castle dwellers when we catch them red handed, again.

21485876? ago

The police literally found catalogues of girls/boys available for abuse in Dutroux's home. Why would he have catalogues if there weren't people to browse them for selection?

21489107? ago

‘Catalog Kids’

See Ted Gunderson and his work exposing these pedo rings.

And Franklin Cover Up

21485947? ago

There is no good answer to that question. Hopefully, cops are reexamining the case.

21488450? ago

They aren't; they'd be following traces leading back to their own leaders.

21485351? ago

The Royal family can trace their family History to Vlad the Impaler.

21486618? ago

Thanks for correcting the record. Pederast and his alts.

21485870? ago

From the horses mouth


21492944? ago

Charles has a castle in Romania. He bought it.

21489655? ago


21485565? ago

Savile, Mugabe Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, Kevin Spacey they give Knighthoods to strange people

21492932? ago


21485593? ago

SIR = pedophile

21496854? ago

Sir Faggot Stephen Fry:

“It’s a great shame and we’re all very sorry that your uncle touched you in that nasty place – you get some of my sympathy – but your self pity gets none of my sympathy.”

21496293? ago

Sir David Heathe was the PM of Great Britain and had a notorious reputation. It’s alleged he and Jimmy Saville did terrible things, horrible things, evil things.

21486154? ago

Was Arthur C Clarke a sir?

21488056? ago

yep he was

21485767? ago

Elton John

21492028? ago

Reginald Kenneth Dwight 1998, Elton Johnny became Sir Elton John, knighted by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace

21485247? ago

https://archive.ph/SHyUr :

Disclosure Backpack on Twitter: "William's dad was best friends with Jimmy Savile who abused hundreds of children over decades. The royal family are sick.… /OeCGe47mHI"

This has been an automated message.

21485240? ago

There's a room in either buckingham palace or windsore castle called the room of lost childhood or something.

21485630? ago

Dutch selling oil yet they have no resources, Americans go die in wars so Dutch who pray to that Pyramid make profits. She was fucking the Arab, Dodi's mother was the Saudi Arabian author Samira Khashoggi her father was Dr Muhammad Khashoggi, who was of Turkish descent, and brother to the billionaire arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, the Iran Contra yrs? A gleaming yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, a 430-ton luxury vessel, a brother of Adnan Khashoggi, the Saudi Arabian arms dealer, a Masonic House of Orange in Holland building ships the Dancing Hare (formerly Lady Ghislaine and Lady Mona K) is a luxury motor yacht built by Amels. Follow the money, the first international bank London-Amsterdam and Mystery Babylon.

21486757? ago

More please

21485234? ago

Ring of Power.

21493073? ago

And the "Windsors" are the top of it all.

21485585? ago

Albert Pike and that burning Eye ... one ring to rule them all. and BTW if you listen to conspiracy people, it is not just the Royals, the Vatican, the Jew Occult, the Commies and the Mohammedans all seem to be part of some global satanic conspiracy.

21485169? ago

You know the queen and George Washington have a common American ancestor, Augustine Warner, who lived in Va in the 1600's. This is through her mother's line. Many Americans are descendants of this same man. Robert E. Lee was one of them.

21485490? ago

Dang, Robert e Lee is in my family tree. We are so much more closely related than we realize.

21486129? ago

There is a big difference between 'related' and 'closely related'.

21486547? ago

Yes. I'm related to Henry VIII. But probably only a little more than I'm related to King Tutankhamun lol. I'm English white trash.

21485079? ago

I don't see what the big deal is. The Royals have had their way with people sexually since the beginning of time.

21488975? ago

The ‘royals’ are inbred degenerates.

Nothing special about a system of robber barrons and inheritance.

21485509? ago

Even Diana said, she was "a lamb to the slaughter", chosen because she was a virgin. Then tortured, humiliated, exiled, and sacrificed.

21485085? ago

Exactly ^