21488318? ago

I'll believe it when it has happened.

21488032? ago

Coming out of hiding pfft She's one of the main players in this Epstein saga, she's been singing like a bird, she knows she's dead already.

21487623? ago

And She's dead!

21487448? ago

Should there even be an FBI? Is it Constitutional? Has the FBI ever not been corrupt? It was founded on corruption...Should a government agency have national policing capability? I don't think so...the Founding Fathers were completely against a standing army and the tyranny it poses for obvious reasons. Now that I am thinking about it, I wonder what the Founders would have to say about "Law Enforcement?" As I see it, the two basic things Law Enforcement does...#1 - Generate revenue for the state (they are tax collectors). #2 - They investigate crime. I know the average cop would include they deter crime and occasionally bust criminals while in the act of committing a crime as well...and they do that...however is the deter'd crime outweigh'd by the people who die every year because they cannot defend themselves? I wonder? The reason I don't carry a hand gun on my person or in my vehicle (I live in CA...) is not because I don't have a CC permit. And it sure as hell isn't because I would be breaking the law. Any law that is unconstitutional is not legally a "Law." The reason I don't carry is because of Law Enforcement. If a cop, for some reason, finds a gun on my person, without a CC permit, I'm going to jail or worse. Nowadays, I would also run the risk of getting myself killed because your average cop will shoot first and ask questions later as we all have seen over and over again.

So, if I am out with my daughter and we have car problems in a bad part of town...and some crazy SOB on drugs tries to harm my daughter...and because I am not 6'5" and weight 250 lbs and I get overpowered by the thug and my daughter gets raped, who's fault is it? Well, it's certainly the thugs fault first of course, however, it's really Law Enforcement's fault as well because they were not there to protect my daughter and because of them, I was not carrying a hand gun! Do you think an off duty cop who goes out to dinner with his family is unarmed? I doubt it! How does the average cop think it's okay to strip me of my God given right to self defense and at the same time have their own? Now the officers that I have talked to about this issue all seem to have the same damn answer..."I would just be doing my job." And my thoughts on this are "Really?" I thought they all took an oath to support and defend the Constitution? They didn't take an oath to do their job. I think...honestly, there shouldn't be Law Enforcement at any level or if we do need tax collectors and investigators, we need to disarm them and arm the public! In my opinion the thin blue line is thin enough that it's not worth the money and a case could probably be made that more lives would be saved by taking the money we spend on the FBI and all the other Law Enforcement operations in the United States and use it to train and arm citizen militia's around the nation. Two quotes I love are..."An armed society is a safe society," and "Gun laws are the government's guarantee to criminals that law abiding citizens will be unarmed!"

21522144? ago

+1! I know the former quote is from science fiction author Robert Heinlein. Didn't recognize the second, and a search didn't find it either.

21523625? ago

The second is from a book called “Unintended Consequences” by John Ross. Amazing read if you can get a copy.

21524478? ago

Thank you!

21487180? ago

Read the article. She’s coming out in her own, and Epstein’s defense. This is nothing more than posturing. Mentions going to FBI or, get this, a fucking public statement. Those two things are not interchangeable.

21486142? ago

and she will get out of all of it. Jews are not held to goy laws

all those girls she kidnapped from trailer parks were "trash", remember?

21486065? ago

I hope they offered her witness protection, the didn't think twice about suiciding Jeffrey, they'll think even less about suiciding her.

21485515? ago

I think she’s just going to deny everything for everybody. She’s too deeply involved to point any fingers and deny her involvement.

21485206? ago

But if I had “cross-state” speeding tickets, and the fbi wanted to talk to me, they’d have bolo’s out across America and they’d be raiding all of my LKA’s. But this child raping and killing demon gets to determine when and where she speaks to the feds. Honestly what the fuck is wrong with this?

21488431? ago

If the Feds were after you for unpaid fines, that would mean that you were found guilty by a judge. The result of legal procedure. Maxwell hasn't even been "ticketed" yet. Flawed analogy.

21487172? ago

photoshop or not? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3534496/21486588 Gisillane Maxwell took her picture at and was picked up by media after Epstein didn't kill himself is right down the street from the Vivid headquarters

21485164? ago


21485158? ago

I admit, I didn’t read the article but.... How does someone, who is in hiding, let the public know that they will soon “set to come out of hiding”?

Wouldn’t, once the person who is in hiding, comes out and speaks, that person no longer be hiding?

21485051? ago

Plenty of time to concoct a story. It should be interesting as long as she doesn't suddenly suffer from a bout of crippling depression and neck herself.

21485015? ago

Add another one to the Clinton Body Count.

21484802? ago

Is she duly contracted by the clowns to do what she does? Is that why she walks this earth free? She a agent of darkness shielded by the untouchables with badges and find who enable evil to thrive.

21506499? ago

WHEN YOU'VE GOT A DIG TO DIG...DIG WITH THESE https://voat.co/v/QRV/3486951 Anon, your dig tool list is incredibergable. And you sir or madam anon are fucking awesome to the n-th degree. I hope anons upvoat the crap out of this post.

21485567? ago

She is a Mossad agent and the CIA is the same thing.

21484690? ago

Am I the only one not too excited when I hear someone is the target of the “fbi?” It’ll be a long time before I have any confidence in what they do and much less the cia and intelligence community in general. From what we now know these people are the most guilty of crimes.

21487427? ago

They sat on video evidence (pedo) of Dennis Hastert for about a decade.

21486678? ago

The fbi said we are domestic terrorist threats

21485869? ago

Why do you suppose the FBI is given jurisdiction over every kidnapping case?

It’s so the FBI can intervene on behalf of child traffickers and gather all the evidence... and destroy it

Why else would Weiners laptop contents still be a mystery?

21485292? ago

I was thinking the same thing. It's the FBI who let Epstein run Lolita Express openly for years.

21485539? ago

you mean the mossad CIA, I believe

21485604? ago

I suspect it is all one big party.

21485064? ago

Fibber shields protect the high level ones.

21484762? ago

Anytime the FIBbies are involved never feel confident.

Keep in mind for decades they basically operated through kompromat - not justice

21484808? ago

Yes. And the origins of the cia, op paperclip etc are evil as can be. Bush sr? Freakin nightmare. I truly pray that these agencies and their dark unaccountable deeds will be exposed and they be dismantled

21485174? ago

The OSS was nothing more than the European and American business owners creation. It was/is the security arm for the fascist corporatocracy.

21484992? ago

Agreed. Prescott Bush goes all the way back to helping JP Morgan fund %50 of Ally Debt in WW1 and then getting congress to back a bail out of the Allies lost the war.

They’ve been at this a long time.

21484740? ago

Agreed, the fbi and cia should both be shuttered

21484539? ago

Jizzlaine is a must have in your dead pool. Can't miss. Tick tock.

21485575? ago

yep, she is toast, next

21484496? ago

In other news, Ghislaine Maxwell kills herself next Wednesday.

21485144? ago

I wouldn't believe it without seeing the open casket funeral, same as epstain.

21486893? ago

Has there even been a funeral for epstein yet? I legit didn't see any details about it

21485235? ago

I still wouldn't believe it.

21485296? ago

It's amazing what can be done with wax.

21485544? ago

and holograms

21485058? ago

Ghislaine didn't kill herself.

21484854? ago



Start the memes now.

21484403? ago

Good looking jewess.

21485578? ago

ugly cow demonic cow

21522121? ago

somehow, "waiting for the dinner bell, ring, ring, ring!" appeared in my head

21484370? ago

Y'all know how her father died, right? In an "accident". Wonder if she'll pull the same trick.

21484411? ago

Robert Maxwell, died on his yacht years ago. He was humungous though so heart problems were likely. I don't know what happened to his sons, they've kept out of the public eye for a number of years. I wonder if they knew what their sister was up to since their fathers death.

21485523? ago

At the time (I remember it) everyone "knew" it was foul play. It was the Epstein of that period. He was so powerful and influential that to suppose otherwise is lunacy. We also know he was killed because of all the how, and where, and when. Never a "why" in sight. Same for Epstein. Why is the question you can't ask.

Why was Epstein suicide faked?

Why did Hilary have emails on her server?

Why was pizza so popular?

Why did Hitler hate jews?

Why does no one here talk about the fucking FBI finders drop?

See what I mean?

21485183? ago

His heart wasn’t cited as contributed to his death tho.

21484670? ago

Also the other two sisters are very much a part of deep state evil. Very involved in the internet and info gathering. Companies hired by us govt to use their “software”. They’re all Hamas goons.

21485540? ago

The whole family is fucked. I can't wait for it all to come to light.

21484362? ago

https://archive.ph/KPWfG :

2019-11-25 | Prince Andrew's friend Ghislaine Maxwell 'set to tell all to FBI'  | Daily Mail Online

"Prince Andrew's friend Ghislaine Maxwell is reportedly preparing to speak to the FBI about their connection to pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein."

'The 57-year-old is said to be ready to come out of hiding and defend herself and Prince Andrew. '

'Prince Andrew told BBC that he was only visiting to break off his friendship with Epstein. ', "A source told The Sun: 'Ghislaine is preparing to speak, whether by talking to the FBI or giving a statement to the media."

'Earlier on Sunday, Johanna Sjoberg, who claimed that Prince Andrew groped her was pictured for the first time in a decade. '

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