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21468327? ago

God told the prophets about the future. so it can be done. but I am of the mind that God controls what can or cannot be seen. Satan and his ilk have a vested need to alter Gods future. too bad so sad. God wins in the end. God probably used it to fool Satan. hahaha. now there is something that will bake your noodle.

21470399? ago

Burisch said that he used his emotions to manipulate what was seen by the others. So if it is a real thing and that guy was telling the truth then it is open to manipulation. Like a ouija board.

21470679? ago

Plenty of things like that are simply mirrors.

Tarot cards, for instance, offer the same insight. You're suppose to get out what you put in. That's the whole point. What most don't realize is that not matter what you choose, you brain helps you zero in on the truth. It's very neat, really.

21470963? ago

Just like Gematria. <

21473453? ago

Sounds about right although Gematria is generally just pure bullshit. Although, should you go looking for things, you will undoubtedly find them.

21476512? ago


NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5- 'o-o' <

21476815? ago


I'm hardly convinced.

21476919? ago

The skill in this is decoding intent of the sender, context, and using both subjective, and objective analysis > conceptualization, to gain a greater "Apperception of the Conceptual".

I use prayer to guide my insight, and I have done more work on The Great Awakening than most, so I should know my shit by now.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Keep reading my comments in my decodes, ad many are pretty funny, even if I say do myself.


