21475883? ago

Just get over it and watch


21480972? ago

Soooo Dave's source is all movies and TV shows??

Just watch but watch it objectively.

21473166? ago

I don't care how fucking great your computer is, you cannot use to to accurately predict the future.

21472765? ago

The explanation is that they did, which is why the black hats succeeded for so long. Apparently by 2012 (end of Mayan calendar?) all timelines merge into one eventual set of events. No matter what they tried to change, it ended up the same, and introduced inconsistencies ala Mandela Effects. Many theories that CERN was also a part of the attempts, but odd failures popped up constantly oh, eventually shutting down the project.

21472525? ago

The AI never took you, or I into account. And it couldnt possibly know that it was really me who ran over my neighbor's cat. That in itself changes the course of history and corrupts the data

21472362? ago

LOL, the going story is this is ET technology to predict the future... this has gone too far, instead of getting The Fucking Truth, we are drowning in bullshit.

One wonders how much Truth there is in all the other accusations, clues, riddles and so on that we’ve blindly adopted, interpreted, passed around...

Time for proof.

21471785? ago

I assume it is AI software. Software predicted Trump win eventual loss of power for DS and Dems.

21471508? ago

Nah man, anons were most likely misunderstood what Q meant due to his many ambiguous yet accurate drops. Things were getting worse since we all know there are people with ill intent by fuzzying up the truth, driving away from what anons should know, and finally poison the well shills that will jump into any opportunity to make ludicrous claims, making anons look silly by association.

21470937? ago

Battle simulation, quite simply. No such thing as foretelling. Trump/MIL likely pulling the strings behind some Dems moves as well. The "squad" seems like an obvious plant to break the DNC.

21470855? ago

The looking glass requires a highly intuitive person to operate. Because of natural law highly intuitive people are inherently good since their abilities are god given. Because the Looking Glass requires a highly intuitive person, the cabal is at the mercy of the person. The intuitive person knows if they were to tell the truth, the World would be destroyed. Would you tell the truth?

21473423? ago

You are so wrong. I happen to know some of the most psychic people on the planet, and met a few others, no shit. And some of them are evil, and use their abilities to harm and exploit others. I have seen many gullible people misled and harmed because they assumed that a person with abilities ( and who promoted themselves as "spiritual") was actually good and trustworthy.

21470616? ago

God warns about necromancy.

You're dancing with devils (deceit) when involved in this con job.

21473439? ago

Nobody's talking about necromancy.

21482181? ago

Necromancy (/ˈnɛkrəmænsi/) is a practice of magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events, discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the ...

Focusing on divination or foretelling future events here.

Do you think it matters to God whether you're conjuring "the dead" or utilizing "technology" in the endeavor? Methinks the warning holds.

21485458? ago

What are you, fucking Amish? Show me in the Bible where God prohibits us to use technology.

21486101? ago

Missed the point there, patriot.

Prohibits activities attempting to foretell the future. Like magic or conjuring the dead or by other means, like ouija boards or crystal balls or other fuckery, like Project Looking Glass. You're deceiving yourself.

21486395? ago

What the Bible prohibits is spiritism. That is the blanket term for everything you described. The commonality is they are all means of dealing with unclean spirits. There is nothing wrong with televisions or telescopes or any other technological means of seeing at a distance.

21488540? ago

Strawman there, patriot.

We're talking about the means to "peer into the future."

But, I'll agree, Bible prohibits "spiritism" as you say. Devil spirit interaction.

Let's, put it this way, does God "rubber stamp" efforts to peer into the future by technological means?

21488635? ago

No strawman.

I stick by my last reply. I have nothing to add.

21470556? ago

It's bullshit 👍.

Modern day crystal ball fuckery type shit.

21470267? ago

You can say anything you want here niggerfaggot

21470185? ago

You been sniffing too many unicorn farts.

21470088? ago

Yep,Trump has a magic crystal ball made by pixies from Mars.

My unicorn told me so it must be true.

21470070? ago

It’s based on the observer and their power to perceive.

21470022? ago

I am not saying that 'magic' is not real.

Clickbait title, contradicts with this bullshit. Fucking JIDF retard.

21469984? ago

The remote viewing thing was actual military funded project (sure it's still on-going under the radar). It had some mission successes

There's no doubt that consciousness is the more fundamental substrate of reality than matter/energy

It makes sense that ultimately human beings will learn how to engineer at the more fundamental substrate - Remote Viewing was a flicker of potentiality in that direction. There's bound to be a tech that can enhance it in some manner.

Probably by putting remote viewers into altered states of consciousness. Lots of things to try there - DMT, sensory deprivation tanks, there are ways of generating sound waves into ear phones and pulsing visible light that can bring about an interaction with brain wave activity

The different states of human consciousness and brain wave activity have been studied for many decades.

Experiment with all those factors, trying lots of different combinations - like Thomas Edison brute force searching for the ideal light bulb filament - will see something that enhances Remote Viewing capability. And then that in turn is well explored and further insight is gained.

Maybe in the early phase a lot of this comes about by shear experimentation - we probably don't have an E=MC2 equation for the consciousness substrate, so to speak. There probably isn't a CAD software program for engineer designing for that yet.

But it doesn't matter - things can still be quasi engineered based on lots of empirical research.

21469973? ago

Basically it is a crystal ball which you can see into the future for POSSIBLE events

Anon, are you familiar with this massive crystal ball thing called the NSA? Just saying.

21469968? ago

This. it's all A.I.

21469962? ago

OP if you are going to bash on it at least spend enough time researching it to sound knowledgeable.

21469707? ago

Yeah thats why race war or bust

21469622? ago

God is real. Time and space are not.

21469353? ago

Holy grail


21469128? ago

I agree. Logically it seems to be false and part of a long term psychological operation called the Great Awakening. It's Revelation of the Method 101.

21469006? ago

According to the PLG story, they couldn't get it to work passed 2012. I don't buy it either, but that at least answers one of your questions.

21469292? ago

Why 2012, and how do we know it's 2012??

21473155? ago

google is your friend on that one.

21469896? ago

Because that's the year he chose in his LARP. The number of upvotes this shit gets embarasses me. Yeah maybe similar tech exists but that guy isn't in the loop.

21469003? ago

You can say whatever you want. But you cane in so hot I thought you knew what you were talking about. As I went along I said oh I get it.. Hahahaha op is just a stupid faggot.

21468985? ago

let's see, do I trust some anonymous person I don't know from Adam, or an anonymous person, Q ,that has mathematically proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he knows what will happen before it happens, years in advance, down to the day and hour. nah, I'll pass, I'm with Q.

21468959? ago

I agree OP. If this was available, even to a few select DS actors, you would see or hear some proof of this. It's all BS.

21468837? ago

Because the cabal screwed us happily till 2012. Precisely December 21st, 2012.

Insiders have implied that up to then, their subjects using the Looking Glass said massively the same thing and it just terrified the cabal overlords: Ascension. They couldn't see what events happened, they couldn't see how they could influence the future. All subjects experienced a spiritual enlightenment. You could say they had their big "come to Jesus" moment, or they met God if you want.

Whatever, the cabal overlords were pissed. Like Snow White's stepmom asking again and again the mirror who's the prettiest, and like a broken record, the mirror replies that Snow White is, the cabal asked the Looking Glass again and again about the future past December 21st, 2012, and like a broken record, the Looking Glass was showing Ascension.

The insiders tell us the cabal was in a panic, commissioned their underlings to analyze what could be the possible future. They came up with 2 possibilities. Future One: Humanity Ascension. Future Two: Apocalypse, fuck humanity to fend for themselves on the surface, cabal going underground living the good cabal life. They did intentionally numbered it #1 and #2 because the future #2 was the one very likely to happen, hardly any chance for #2 to come true. Yet the overlords chose to ignore the possibility of future #1 to happen, deciding that future #2 must be the one to happen and made their preparations and plans accordingly. They close Project Looking Glass, because like Snow White's stepmom got mad with the mirror for repeating ad nauseam that Snow White was prettier than she was, the cabal was pissed at the Looking Glass for showing ad nauseam a future of humanity ascending.

21474497? ago

You sir,

Are a douche

21470733? ago

Hmm where are you guys seeing this? Posts on /pol/?

I'm surprised I haven't read what the few of you have mentioned similar stories about.

21514464? ago

Listen to Dan Burisch on Project Camelot too. You have more in detail testimonies on Project Looking Glass, Timeline 1 and Timeline 2. Be open-minded if you're not yet familiarized with the UFO and Secret Space Program subjects.

21514539? ago

Heh... I could blow your mind, Non.


21472819? ago

21470265? ago

This makes me wonder more and more what I was doing Dec 2012. I would need to search more, but I think it was honestly around this time or not long after that I woke up...

21468813? ago

Holy shit guys. I love you, but this shit is retarded and makes you look like nutters.

Admittedly, I don’t follow Q super close, but I’ve kept an open mind about it possibly being an elaborate insider drop mechanism. But this...

this shit here is more than a bit silly. Just my two cents.

21473337? ago

Some people just have limited imagination and refuse to think about anything they can't see or feel.

21470753? ago

Anon, things are significantly stranger than you can currently imagine. I'm sorry to say this, but if you think anything you've read in this thread, you are in for some intense realizations in the near future. I'm afraid these realizations may shatter your world.

I'm sorry you have to read these words. We'd desperately love to be wrong, all of us.

21470103? ago

I feel the same way my man.

21468773? ago

It's not AI do your research a little better. This is old tech. Even us will be surprised by the things we've had for a while now

21468683? ago

Bc until now futures always had possibilities so no 100. Basically whatever chance there was for jews to take control happened in the possible futures Dwight saw

21468679? ago

Oracles have existed for as long as civilization. I think it is entirely plausible and most likely that given certain persons have a talent for predicting future events, coupled with AI and computer-aided modeling (and who knows, alien technology), PLG is the real deal. Ergo, I call bullshit on your proposition that PLG is bullshit.

21468649? ago

It was said that they couldn't see clearly with it past 2012. Originally the bad actors had it, and used it to manipulate events, but it stopped working. What the white hats have now might be AI, we don't know for sure. But I'm sure you've done your research before making this post.

21468524? ago

The story goes: The bad guys had it for a long time. Like over 100 years or so and used it to terrible effect. Thing is it ended in 2012. NO MATTER WHAT they did it ended in 2012 and never went after that. From that point no one had a fucking clue what to do. Now think back to 2012 and notice how since then the bad guys have been getting worse and worse at their jobs. Likely they are fucked because they were playing to with with the cheat codes while the rest of use were in the fucking thunder dome. Then they lost the cheat codes...

4 short years later they were getting their shit pushed in left right and center because they didnt have the cheat codes and didnt know what to do. Thing is they had no idea how to operate on equal ground. They had to actually compete... Like a soft floppy flabby faggot tossed into the fucking octogon with lions and methed up niggers and rabid wolverines... (all of us). They got their assholes ripped out then, all of a sudden they realized... TRUMP HAS A WORKING VERSION and can see the future. They are fucked. Or so the story goes (Bill Wood Laid this out in interviews in 2012). Pretty telling to see it today.

21470980? ago

Loves it. <

21470704? ago

Who is John Titor?

21470763? ago

Ha ha yeah I have a file on his ass lol. https://files.catbox.moe/bwu407.pdf This one is fun but a long read.

21470013? ago

I've had more than one dream about Trump being able to use special technology for future use, and this comment completely resonates with me...

21470778? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/bwu407.pdf YOu may like this one

21475527? ago

Holy crap yes yes YES.

I'm gonna need to try and put this on my Kindle!!

ThanQ!! <3

21470689? ago

Isn't POTUS connected to Tesla or some shit? Through his uncle?

21475574? ago

Yes, which would explain his access. I think the wristwatch pics may have more importance than we realize.

21470217? ago

Dude... ok, so I have sleep problems. Nasty ones. Weed is the only real fix for it and I am too poor to be able to do that so I never really sleep since I have a job. Anyway, I usually have horrible nightmare dreams that are absolutely disturbing until just about 10 days ago. Then I had this one dream. It was crazy, I was up on a reall high and trecherous peak. LIke a rugged mountian and could see the whole sky. No clouds it was all stars but most of the stars were occluded by SPACESHIPS. Of every type and shape and size from massive things that nearly blocked out the moon (though were closer) to tiny flitting things that I could barely see. We were there watching the ships. They had all uncloaked and it was dark so you could only see the outlines but there were tens of thousands of them. Then the first ones on the horizon started catching the sunlight and lighting up. They were all different colors. It was amazing.

I remember being kinda nervous of all the people around us at this mountian top because it was somewhat trecherous but the view was amazing. I havent dreamed since. no shit. 10 days.

21475448? ago

Wow, that's a beautiful dream that you were meant to remember! <3

I had a VERY similar one awhile ago, where we were all in some type of observatory (a touristy one, not a sciency one) & from every window, in every direction you could see ships in lines waiting to come in for landings. Their lines radiated out in all directions as far as into space to where it was dark. It was amazing.

However, you just reminded me that another crazy cool dream about the ships/Event just occurred for me 16 days ago and was one of those truly mindblowingly heartfelt ones.

Maybe we are all getting in sync via the great awakening during dream time.

I'm like you; my bad ones can be really bad, so I treasure the good ones that much more!

Have you tried listening to binaural beats with your headphones to help you drift off? They do a good job of calming the brainwaves and balancing the hemispheres of the brain. Also, if you have any way to grow Catnip and/or Chamomile (both easy), those can both make good sleepy teas.

Suggestion on your dream is to write it down and/or draw a picture of it with the date you had it to always have for future reference. I had some wild pre-election dreams that I'm grateful to be able to look at years later as they were written at the time. The universe definitely speaks to us through dreams but sometimes certain parts aren't fully understood until later. Kinda like the Q posts ..

21469286? ago

"...Like a soft floppy flabby faggot tossed into the fucking octogon with lions and methed up niggers and rabid wolverines......."

That has got to be the comment of the day LMFAO

21469531? ago

Yeah, we need a 'Best Of' on Voat.

21468928? ago


21468701? ago

Do you have any theories as to why it didn't work after 2012? I think 2012 was the beginning of the age of aquarius and also the end of the Myan calendar. Hmmmmm

21470332? ago

Yes. They were using human consciousness to destroy human consciousness. A Fail-Safe kicked in because consciousness will not destroy itself. Every timeline after 2012 became a timeline for the Great Awakening.

21469746? ago

the theory I like best is that when we have free thought, we are not so predictable - and the great awakening is a part of that.

The theory doesn't make sense in that the great awakening didn't start in 2012 (that I know of- I guess planning may have been going on then). And Q is predicting stuff even though we have free thought.

So too bad, that theory doesn't work in my eyes. I was so hoping it was true!

21469131? ago

According to a number of Myths, we're nearing the time of Harvest.

I don't go much into detail on Voat because most people just aren't interested and it's quite in depth.

21470676? ago


21470039? ago

Spill it. More are ready than you think ;)

21475829? ago

For me I was reading hidden hands post on ATS way back 2008. Something here 'resonated' with me. I could not stop thinking about it... looking for updates....



This led me to the Law of One

https://www.lawofone.info/ One needs to look up terms in the glossary here to follow this with any clarity https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Law_of_One

Which of course led to wilcock and goode. While I follow them with skepticism, I am continually being amazed by the disclosures and science coming out that seems to corroborate aspects of their crazy talk!

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." I try to follow this and keep an open mind. This is how we learn new things 'outside of the box' , at this time of Q, we are seeing technology disclosures (navy patents for antigravity and free energy), I am starting to think the story here is more and more plausible.

21479243? ago

I'm with you. I'm re-reading the Hidden Hand interview in another window as we speak because it truly changed the way I'm seeing things & is even more relevant now for me as my thinking expands. And I can read Lisa Renee newsletters/Ascension glossary for hours!

This is so much more real to me than anything on TV. What a relief to know we really aren't here to just do the typical sheeple life..lol

I'm glad I kept an open mind to Wilcox, Goode & Cobra because dang if they haven't been saying a lot of this stuff for awhile now. Q is doing a fabulous job bringing it all mainstream and I love it!

Law of One is on my Kindle to read soon, as is the MJ12 book someone (you?) just linked. Holy shyte that looks amazing. My poor Kindle can't charge fast enough ;)

21469982? ago

Law of One stuff?

21469437? ago

Ditto. Interested.

21469377? ago

I'm interested. Care to guide me here?

21468820? ago

Dude, I dont know. I like high conspiracy. I like a good story. I like making good connections and fitting pieces together. I like to think about it. That is where I am. do I BELIEVE it? IDK. I have seen a UFO? Does that count? I collect High Conspiracy though and both this Bill Wood guy and Bob Lazar mentioned Looking Glass. They are the first mentions of it from what I know.

21469483? ago

Dude, I dont know. I like high conspiracy. I like a good story. I like making good connections and fitting pieces together. I like to think about it. That is where I am. do I BELIEVE it? IDK

100% THIS.

(not the person you were talking with)

21469017? ago

This ^^

21468942? ago

I remember when high octaine speculation was just for the joy of wondering. Kinda miss the fun of not needing sauce and pondering the plausible wild guess.

21470787? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/bwu407.pdf YOu will like this one. LOng read but intersting.

21469033? ago

I miss doing it, high on weed, at 2am on 8ch on obscure subs like /VQC

21468669? ago

bahahahahaha! this is the best one yet

21468474? ago

archive.is/eohGG Electrogravitics...

21468422? ago

The older I get, the less I know.

21468685? ago

The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing.

21470660? ago

Ahhh, the root of wisdom.

Excellent job, my friend. "Smart" is knowing what you don't know.

21472605? ago

How do I know what I don't know, if I don't know anything?

21473804? ago

It's not that you don't know anything, it's that you know very little in comparison to the total volume of real knowledge out there.

21468904? ago

Let's clarify, the more you know, the more your realize who the morons are....


21468563? ago

This is true, if you weren’t there to see it with your own eyes, you have no idea.

21468363? ago

Going to throw this out at you guys.

What if Project Looking Glass = The Arc of the Covenant?

Q says this is going to be biblical? Somehow the Q team has fore knowledge of events. There are FAR TOO MANY COINCIDENCES of future proves past.

21471782? ago

Yes!!! Ron Wyatt's docu seemed very very legit...

21469175? ago

Q says BIBLICAL- all caps.

21469248? ago

TY... Corrected it.

21468354? ago

The technology has a veil at 2012, where a negative person could not see past that date. However a positive person can. Basically the technology went from control of the negative faction to the positive one on Dec. 21, 2012.

21472784? ago

I was under the impression that all timelines result in one scenario which they all know. Attempts to change the outcome, introduced errors e.g. Madela Effects. They were able to see, but not affect the outcome. Whitehats just had to optimize that outcome to minimize negative collateral damage.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

21472716? ago

I find it interesting if you add the 7yr tribulations to 2012 it comes to 12/21/2019. The day after the new budget expires. Shutdown? New start?

21470877? ago

Coincidentally the end of the Mayan calendar

21470046? ago

Did your spirit unicorn tell you that? Faggot

21469354? ago

I've heard the part about unable to see past 2012, but not the rest of what you said. That is utterly amazing, gives me chillls.

21468749? ago

This is spot on and the op is not aware of this

21468327? ago

God told the prophets about the future. so it can be done. but I am of the mind that God controls what can or cannot be seen. Satan and his ilk have a vested need to alter Gods future. too bad so sad. God wins in the end. God probably used it to fool Satan. hahaha. now there is something that will bake your noodle.

21470399? ago

Burisch said that he used his emotions to manipulate what was seen by the others. So if it is a real thing and that guy was telling the truth then it is open to manipulation. Like a ouija board.

21473307? ago

There are many timelines, many probable futures. We each have our personal timeline. Everybody who looks into that device sees their own personal timeline, which is why they all get different results.

21470679? ago

Plenty of things like that are simply mirrors.

Tarot cards, for instance, offer the same insight. You're suppose to get out what you put in. That's the whole point. What most don't realize is that not matter what you choose, you brain helps you zero in on the truth. It's very neat, really.

21470963? ago

Just like Gematria. <

21473453? ago

Sounds about right although Gematria is generally just pure bullshit. Although, should you go looking for things, you will undoubtedly find them.

21476666? ago

Bro, please do me a personal favor, and READ all my posts in detail.

I will pull ot sll together for you all, so it is clearer and beyond all doubt.

You will change your mind about Gematria.

White Hats (& Black Hats) are using this and a NEW coded form of comms. using key words and phrases, time stamps, steganohraphy. It is not pure Gematria Fren, O have literally found and developed a key for this cipher.

It is now Mathematically Impossible I am wrong about this.

Please give me the benefit of the doubt, as this is very new, and NOBODY in the World besides @SerialBrain2 and myself are doing this work (publicly).

Posting this stuff shits on the Secret Societies, as it exposes (((their))) methods.

"You have more than you know" - Q.

He isn't kidding. <




21476926? ago

Okay, link me a reasonable and concise explanation for why you're just copying and pasting lists of words.

it seems like you're still just plugging in words or phrases in to a gematria calculator and copying and pasting the results still.

Explain it further than that and I'll consider caring about your word lists.

In other words, I'm a pretty lazy intellectual and I don't always just care by default. I need a better and more concise explanation than what you seem to have offered so far. Just like SB, you seem to just be spewing things that don't relate beyond clear generalities.

21476960? ago

No Man, come on! IT IS NEW.

I have done a lot of work here, and I ain't a LARP.

But I accept your challenge.


21476858? ago

There are people I can't name that have done this heavy lifting for some time, who ultimately determined these things aren't beneficial to focus on.

SerialBrain is hard to put any faith in. I've seen some of your work (not certain, but there's no way I haven't) and if it hasn't caught my eye by now, I can't really see how I'd be super wrong.

I'll look over it briefly.

21476991? ago

Thank you. ❤️

Start here please: it gives an insight into higher thought re numbers anf letters > 5D.



21479042? ago

Send me an inbox so we can communicate further, anon.


21479091? ago

I will ASAP. TY.

21476512? ago



NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5- 'o-o' <


21476815? ago


I'm hardly convinced.

21476919? ago

The skill in this is decoding intent of the sender, context, and using both subjective, and objective analysis > conceptualization, to gain a greater "Apperception of the Conceptual".

I use prayer to guide my insight, and I have done more work on The Great Awakening than most, so I should know my shit by now.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Keep reading my comments in my decodes, ad many are pretty funny, even if I say do myself.




21469203? ago

Right you are. The Bible talks about events that haven’t happened yet in the past tense. The Bible has also never been proven wrong, ever.

21469133? ago

Some insights from a Bible-readin' granny: God is outside of time. For Him, all time is "present" and so technically He isn't "predicting" anything. To know something is going to happen, to know what someone will choose, is not the same as making it happen or forcing the choice, and thus He has given us free will. God is at 30,000 feet; Satan is at the top of a ladder above a cornfield; we're wandering around in the cornfield.

21469442? ago

Some insights from a Bible-readin' granny:

Your comment is superb. There is no need to preface your words with information about your age, gender, and reading choices. The anonymity works best because the substance of the words must carry the weight of the message, not the status of the messenger. Your words add value and are thoughtful, they alone are enough :)

21473321? ago

But what if it's a guy who identifies as a Bible reading granny? Do you want to take that away from him? What about his feelings?

21469101? ago

That actually makes sense lol. Nice.

21468265? ago

The more you use it and read an outcome for an event, the more you reduce the diversity of possibilities, eventually leading to a couple highly probable outcomes, no matter how many more times you ask. It's like when you ask the magic 8 ball too many times and it keeps showing "maybe" and "try again later"

21468238? ago

Actually, it's more about probabilities. Free will makes it difficult to do 100%, so probabilities is the best they can do. However, sociologically speaking, movements of groups can get them pretty close to 100%, because of the "birds of the feathers" thing humans have going for themselves.

21468212? ago

Why does it have to be a machine? The government was delving into remote viewing decades ago. Who to say they haven't found a few people that have an extraordinary ability? I personally have had a couple of experiences when under stress that tell me we don't know how this world or even our own subconscious works.

21470717? ago


Execelnt, anon. The first step is acknowledging it. You're doing great so far.

21469832? ago

I think Minority Report was about this. If X remote viewers in isolation see the same thing, it's pursued further etc.

21468715? ago

I personally have had a couple of experiences when under stress that tell me we don't know how this world or even our own subconscious works.

I've had multiple experiences. I've encountered some wierd shit, and it definitely does seem to always be when under stress though.

21468530? ago

It is a time traveling weiner..

21468199? ago

It better not be if it costs 7.4 billion per year.

21468179? ago


You can say that. You can say more.

21468159? ago

Sure you can, we have an opened mind here.

21468143? ago

You'll need to suspend disbelief for a moment and assume this tech came from outerwordly origins. And it was specifically given to good guys. The bad guys never had it.

21470950? ago

Leap of Faith: Denied.

21469885? ago

The problem is that 99% of information posters are getting about this comes from a known larper clown who did a hilariously bad interview and made up some horseshit about 2012 etc.

21468684? ago

if this plot isn't an episode of the twilight zone, it should be.

21468124? ago

What if they were trying to build such a machine... knowing that there might be other dimensions in time.. by proof of something they stumbled upon. But were never successful. What if our highest security clearance MI have evidence that time travel is possible, through maybe ET sources, yet haven't been able to replicate it?

21468083? ago

good question. who knows. Disinformation is necessary?

21467997? ago

Sounds to me like some army grunt they dose with DMT.