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21462364? ago

whats this conspiracy?

21462479? ago

All Jim Stone said was that somebody hacked his computer and got over a gig of data out of it, so he went through what they got to see if anything wasn't already publicly published on his site. He found that they got this picture off of his computer, that he had never published, so he went ahead and published it as a security precaution.

If you don't check Jim Stone's site, he's a former American intelligence employee who now lives somewhere in Mexico and publishes all opinions and analyses of current events and other things. His website is just an IP address, no domain host, and it's in what he calls "combat mode" which means the secondary URL it generates is unique each time he updates the page.

21462690? ago

There is little question the white race, which invented the entire concept of "freedom", is hated by the satanic New World Order, which is seeking a replacement population in the United States and Europe that will be easily subdued by Jewish run communism. This newsletter is a warning to everyone about what is going to happen if Trump is successfully outed, and who is really behind these actions.

This is a risky newsletter to publish, but now is the time - while this site is at least still up and running.

I first noticed the war on patriots back in the 1990's when patriots were first being demonized as a threat, and I could not understand how on earth anyone who wanted what was best for America could possibly be bad. This mantra subsequently advanced to "Supremacist" then to "white supremacist" with it's sidekick "white privilege".

I was quite surprised by how many white people fell for the ruse, and by how many "patriots" were shamed just for standing up for America and freedomor even being white. Lots have figured out the ruse by now (the frog is waking up and may jump at the last moment) but things are definitely not looking good for patriotic Americans. If Trump fails to drain the swamp for any reason, be it poisoning or ouster or a stolen election, we will definitely need to fight a war just to survive. The New World Order communists are without question holding straight white America in the utmost contempt, and is drooling at the opportunity to exterminate us.

They did it in Russia.

They did it in China.

They will do it in America.

Do not be the fool that thinks otherwise. If Trump falls, you really will need to use your guns, PLUS Ford F-350's and semi trucks. . . . . .

These people calling themselves "democrats" are not going to listen to your vote and allow a fair election. They have openly stated their utmost contempt and hatred for the "deplorables". They have openly stated they hate the United States and want the country destroyed. They have proven it by not only allowing un-fettered anti-western immigrants en masse, they have taxed you and paid those immigrants a lot more than most Americans make just to be here and squat in a house that should be yours, while causing rents and real estate to skyrocket because there's not enough houses to go around. The homeless problem was mainly caused by precisely this. Real Americans have been priced out of the market, while having their jobs handed to invaders by the enemy, which could have hired Americans for the same or better pay to productivity ratio but they did not. It is not about work getting done, it is about ripping the rug out from under whitie. There's no where to go but the street after that.

The left has openly stated that they WILL disarm you and once that is done, all hell is going to break loose with massive government sponsored killings after which the immigrants will receive YOUR home to live in, because you're dead. They will then have an un-thinking and easily controlled population in your place. There's no way out of this, it is a simple reality.

Until people's liberalism/leftism is no longer treated like an issue similar to talking about someone's bad breath or body odor, we're that much further away from preventing the dishonesty, irrationality and inhumanity of people of the left.

The Democratic party is now irredeemable. Anti-white rhetoric is now a part of its core message. To be of European descent and cast a vote for that party is suicidal. However, to complete their job of stealing America, they need to get the guns. THEY WILL SUCCEED, ABSOLUTELY, IF THE FOLLOWING ADVICE IS IGNORED.

When they come for your guns, they are going to use the APC's given them by the DHS, and you'll have no choice but to hand them over. HERE IS HOW TO HANDLE THIS PROBLEM:

21463158? ago

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21462715? ago

from his site