21459064? ago

Maxwell is C_A asset. Protected. Nobody of that criminal stature is truly free.

21454854? ago

Decodes is out there stating epstein is alive. wait and see approach, but your post makes sense. Gitmo would be the most secured place for these type of people.

21455182? ago

and.... demonic means used on the demons?

21454691? ago


21456508? ago

"FBI and DOJ may be considering the possibility that a “criminal enterprise” was involved in the incident https://voat.co/v/QRV/3528692/21439366

21455533? ago

I see your Jizzlame and raise my Jizzstain

21472028? ago

Another dot connection!! Jizzstain was in on Monica Lewinsky's blue dress fiasco......she really gets around.

21456742? ago

I concede. Jizzstain merges like peanut butter and jelly, but will not throw in my hand.

21454501? ago

Suicide Weekend wasn’t a joke. Project Looking Glass? If it’s real - then Epstein is obviously alive and in our custody.

21454658? ago

Suicide Weekend wasn’t a joke

when did this happen, yet?

21454803? ago

Epstein "committed suicide" on a weekend. But there can be multiple meanings. When it happened I definitely thought here's suicide weekend. Did wake up lots o normies.

21456723? ago

It helped wake my parents as I had been talking about and informing them of Epstein for the year leading up to his "death"!

21455320? ago

all part of the awakening of patriots and NPC alike ?!

21454496? ago

Was wondering when someone would spell her name Jizz lane!

21454514? ago

Credit to you!

Glad you are here, this is about to be EPICstein!

head nod, patriot

21454563? ago

Epstain, Rosenstain Etcetera who names these people? You can't make this shitft up!

21454632? ago

(((they))) laugh at us for this

21454220? ago

Please, it's pronounced Gee - laine. Just cos you're saving the world, it's no excuse to let pronunCIAtion lapse. Thank you ~ Pool Q.

21454261? ago

weak AF jewshill? or asleep boomer? or MSM tardbot?


21455602? ago

None of the above. Just enjoying the show.

21454206? ago

Wish she would be not only referred to as "procurer" and "madam". She also was involved in the sexual abuse of these kids.

21457949? ago

Child Sex Trafficker seems about right.

21459325? ago

She also "trained" the children how to please grown men. Which means she molested/raped children. The question is...did she also lead them into St Jame Island to be sacrificed and eaten?

21454231? ago

"satanic", "pedophile" and "mossad" are key to tagging her.

agree fully

21454030? ago

Some sick pups in that picture from Q drop 3431. Epstein is be held in a secure location. And certainly NYC is not secure.

21454064? ago

You can see and feel the evil in that picture. I wish every person in America was sent a poster of that photo.

Thanks for the great comment!

21453779? ago

Bring his ass out.

21453993? ago

This old, satanic, jew bag was spared for the major prize of witness to data collected. Game Over.

21453551? ago

She is an ally I do believe.

Do you know how much information that brain holds regarding our enemies?

21453574? ago

the weak link I believe, patriot.

21455719? ago

I'm thinking that either way :

- Epstein killed: no way would they allow him to have been killed before having extracted information

- Epstein alive: locked down in secret custody, would be interesting to know whose face fit that profile photo of "dead Epstein" that high profile convict / witness should never have been in a public prison in the first place.

That would shock everyone modestly aware if Epstein showed up at a trial.

21458359? ago

Bourdain fits the profile. Maybe they switched bodies.