Jacob Applebaum, jewish baphomet lover, core TOR developer RE: PGP, backdoors etc... (magaimg.net)
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3530139?
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21451050? 5.1 years ago
Applebaum also made a little tour of the middle east to help activists with security before the State Department (read: CIA) astroturfed "Arab Spring".
21451066? 5.1 years ago
Interesting. Thank you
22331218? 4.9 years ago
? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3563239/21731028
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21451050? ago
Applebaum also made a little tour of the middle east to help activists with security before the State Department (read: CIA) astroturfed "Arab Spring".
21451066? ago
Interesting. Thank you
22331218? ago
? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3563239/21731028