21455620? ago

OMG; look at this. The Red Scarf.


21455660? ago


The (((faggot))) would do a Ted talk.

21454454? ago

Not a real Jew. You leave this world the same way you came in. Meaning NO TATTOOS. That is one of the big pain points for Jewish survivors of "The Holocaust" - they are now changed.

21451090? ago

going to delete TOR now.....

21451113? ago


21451050? ago

Applebaum also made a little tour of the middle east to help activists with security before the State Department (read: CIA) astroturfed "Arab Spring".

21451066? ago

Interesting. Thank you

21450947? ago

I'm confused by Q's post, not my area of expertise, is Tor and PGP compromised - not secure?

I had someone suggesting using Protonmail for communicating some real estate financial transaction information securely, it uses PGP, does that mean Protonmail is not as secure as it suggests?

If PGP is not secure, are there any viable alternatives?

21450965? ago

Nothing is secure you have backdoors installed at the hardware level. More technical anons can explain further but have no illusions about invisibility

Israel Inside.

21451278? ago

Israel Inside

Like Tor - ah? Asking for a goyim.

21451079? ago


21450522? ago

Is it a good idea then to use TOR to get to 8Kun?

21450543? ago

Missing the point anon.

Yes go ahead and use it

21450107? ago

Fugly-looking creep. Looks like a kiddie diddler sacrifice sicko to me. Just the kind of minion the cabal loves.

21449959? ago

You idiot... Appelbaum is not a core TOR developer. He was just a contributor and was booted out a couple of years ago.

21449996? ago

Try harder

21450152? ago

If you weren't such a LARPing faggot, you would have found the following info:

In the summer of 2016, a flood of abuse allegations came out against celebrity Tor developer Jacob Appelbaum, a shocking blow to one of the cryptography world’s most outspoken figures. In a string of testimonials, accusers shared allegations ranging from professional aggression to outright sexual assault. Within days, Appelbaum left the Tor Project. Appelbaum maintained his innocence and was never charged with a crime, but he became persona non grata in most of the industry — a powerful early example of the growing movement to banish sexual harassment and assault from the workplace.

Along with the information that he was just a contributor.


21450280? ago

Solid sounding info. Does the OP or anyone else have a rebuttal to this clarification?

21449201? ago

Using their weapons against them, Victory is sweet.

21487980? ago

Canada went negro tranny https://voat.co/v/whatever/3534648/21486905 When your message is so natural that you need pure propaganda.

21449112? ago

WRONG SUB PHAGGOT. What you want is /v/jews

21451962? ago

Oh, the 'wrong sub phaggot' shill has arrived.

Welcome back new fuckwit Fren! <

Now fuck off.

21452019? ago

Same dumbass goat. Same canned response.

21452315? ago

Wrong! <

21449534? ago

As if we love Israel and the Jews here on QRV.


21449593? ago

Excuse the shit out of me? No, bitch. You do not speak for us. You ONLY speak for you and your 2-3 anal buddies who larp he al day.

21451519? ago

I'm actually one of the most active posters of content that makes it to the front page because I'm actually researching and watching constantly. What exactly am I LARPing as? I don't claim to be anything. I just present facts and news articles and people upvoat them because it's not Fake News. The Jews are not are friends. Maybe some genuinely are on our side. But the ones who control the most power are certainly not, and it is objective fact that Dual-Citizens should not be allowed in our Government.

21451819? ago

Look at your ego, it's massive. Jews are not what you think they are. You've bought into a fake conspiracy.

And the only reason you faggots make it to the front page is your alt account, plus you all rubbing each others' cocks.

21451976? ago

Nice Leftists tactic, call everything you don't want people to talk about a conspiracy and present no actual evidence to disprove it.

The literal survivors of the USS Liberty, all military memebers, agree that Israel attacked and sank their ship knowing full well it was an American Ship.

21452056? ago

They said "Israel", as in "All of Israel", as in "The entire fucking government?" or better yet, "Every jew on the fucking planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

No. But you just love group think and prejudice, don't you? So full of shit.

21452172? ago

Yes, they literally claimed, while talking about antisemitism law in a judicial setting, that ALL JEWS were "ONE PEOPLE" who's heart is in Israel, and therefore criticizing them for that, because it's true and indicative of being a Jew, is Hate Speech.

21452195? ago


You hear what you want to hear, you cross eyed faggot.

Jews aren't the problem. You are.

21452208? ago

Here I'll pull up the video, just give me a few minutes to find it, would be easier if you Jews weren't actively trying to hide the truth of course.

21452244? ago

No no no no no. You arrogant piece of actual shit.

I am saying you are filling in t he blanks where you want.

You are taking liberties in interpreting the facts to build the story you want.

You are doing EXACTLY what the news does: Tell an inedible story, then post a video or article which proves about 2% of that story and claim "There's ma proof!"

21452395? ago

They literally signed an anti-first Amendment Bill 741 in Florida.

The Dancing Israelis is also official documentation.

The survivors of the USS Liberty have all agreed that Israel sank their ship on purpose after clearly identifying them.

The Jews have been banned over 100 times for bad behavior, they never stopped.

The ADL is responsible for a large portion of the Censorship online.

The Israel Lobby pushes Open Borders and Mass Immigration.

And on and on and on, these aren't conspiracies, these are facts.

You are a shill.

21452458? ago

You are full of shit. You have bought into a fake conspiracy. You are the shill. Go fuck yourself and stay the fuck away from q supporters. You've already fucked everything up with normal trump supporters, now you're fucking this up too.

21452779? ago


Jewish Media pushing Kalergi's Plan

21452752? ago

21453661? ago

This is the absolute truth. You see what you want to see.

You take this to mean all kinds of things it doesn't because you have a one track mind.

-bottom line-

You think you've found the enemy. but You want what the cabal wants. You want that because you are following their plans.

The only thing left to do with you is to gas you. You'll never change.

21452649? ago

And here's an interview with USS Liberty Survivor Ron Grantski.


21453621? ago

OH NOEEEESSSEE!!! He came back with hyperlinks!!!!!!!

Like I said, faggot. You see what you want to see.


21451425? ago

Lol, you must be blind. We upvoat videos talking about the connections between the Jewish Supremacists every day and downvoat shills trying to cover up Israels crimes and pretend like they aren't actively pushing for the policies we stand against and are actively trying to weaken and harm the Whites.

You're in the minority here if you still believe the people who attacked (and survivors all agree that it wasn't on accident) the USS Liberty and much much more are our "Greatest Allies", you're no ally of ours unless you start calling out the obvious Jewish Supremacists that seek positions of power, hire mostly other Jews, and use those positions to the benefit of Israel over all others, and who admit they cannot have more loyalty to any other country than Israel (meaning they shouldn't be in our Government) in their official statements when discussing "Antisemitism" laws (in Florida if I remember right?) and how presenting this FACT as something bad (which it is) should be considered "Antisemitism Hate Speech". If you agree, you are against the First Amendment. You are no ally of the USA if so.

21451844? ago

  • You are full of shit.

  • You do not represent even a minute fraction of Q supporters

  • you don't even believe in q.

  • Quit talking out of your ass as if you have some sort or moral or intellectual superiority. There's a reason the whole world hates you.

21451952? ago

Nice leftists deflection.

Yes I do. You do not and have no evidence of such.

Yes I do.

LOL, says the person trying to defend the people literally banned from countries over a 100 times for being scumbags. (You know why we have ridged coins today? Jews were clipping them and stockpiling the material for their own, and Israels, wealth.

21452089? ago

You do not represent q supporters. They laughed your ass of all of the other subs. They laugh your asses off Twitter. They only reason you feel powerful here is your anonymity and you alts and you little gay fuck buddies.

No Q support er would ever take you seriously unless you pretend to not be a racist fuck while being anonymous.

21452057? ago

Now that bit about the coins being ribbed to stop fraud I knew, but the part about Jews clipping the gold off the sides (specifically them) is new info to me. Thanks.

21451133? ago

You mad Aaron?

21450499? ago

So you do love israel and its filthy rat population?

21451851? ago

Do you suck penis? Yes. Yes you do.

21451953? ago

I thought so. Filthy kike infiltrator. You cant spin your bullshit here. We see you for who you are.

21449103? ago

I just flushed a big fucken Molech down the toilet.

21449263? ago

Poop is concentrated evil leaving the body.

21449751? ago

not evil....death.....that's what these people fetishize....and it explains so much

21448981? ago

You can find very specific things in TOR.

One of them is Molech.

21450161? ago

Geeez... you people are stupid.

21450271? ago

Go on....you were about to explain this.

21450337? ago

I don't dispute the fact that Applebaum is a sleazy degenerate, but the mental masturbation you guys go through is why no one likes you guys... You're just another version of fake news.

Maybe you should try keeping it real for a change.

21454550? ago

You should be aware by now that when you do these things, you reveal to us that someone stands to gain from people not believing us. This also unsheathes your aim.

You're making a mistake.

21454660? ago

I make no mistake calling out bullshit when I see it. I'm an avid supporter of Trump, but this Q thing reaches level of stupidity that makes you guys look like fools. Like I said, keep it real, and you guys will appear more credible.

21454927? ago

Look, friend, I could shatter your overton window in a second.

You have no idea who you're talking to. You have no idea what you don't know. I, however, know I know virtually nothing while you still believe there are things you know.

You will never progress unless you conquer yourself.

21454986? ago

Okay, Q.

21451115? ago

Oy vey goyim getting uppity

21449824? ago

huh? please elaborate...!

21454534? ago

Boy, I sure as hell would love to be capable of explaining more.

The best I can do is this:

It appears some entities summoned the "god" through the digital realm.

Other than that, I can tell you Terry Davis reconstructed Solomon's temple. Hopefully now the name makes sense (Temple OS).

After these things, anon, I can't really go in to much more detail without just confusing you all or actually fucking things up and just telling you the wrong things. This isn't an area I feel very comfortable speculating in.

21455430? ago

Thanks! In all my years of sitting behind computers, I can't believe I never came across TempleOS ... now that was an interesting read. Ever booted it!?

I'm curious to understand more about how the OS is a Temple ... Maybe only Terry will ever know...

21455921? ago

No, plenty of people understand.

The problem is, not everyone is fully capable of comprehending the interaction.

21478034? ago

...Yeah, maybe not everyone.

I think I'm making progress ... http://magaimg.net/img/9qhb.png

Have any questions for God?

21479121? ago

Ask the ghost how to find Morodloeth

21448896? ago

Picture of Jacob Appelbaum, jewish, behind creation of TOR, loves baphomet, and connected to an old group known as Cult of The Dead Cow

Anyone who thought using TOR and PGP made them invisible probably regrets it now if they did anything that made them 'blackmailable'

Good pic to save in your archive. Applebaum has had his troubles with the NSA and can be seen on youtube trying to make them out to be total villians (projecting)

Every. single. time.

21487962? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498799/21188437 All Intel agencies, non military, at least are cabal imo.

21488099? ago

Cool story.

21449132? ago

Just looked into the Cult of the Dead Cow and guess who I found out is a member?


21449289? ago

Ah yes Robert Francis O'Rourke. Known to his cultural appropriation hating comrades as Beto.

21452587? ago

I call him Bob.

21449142? ago

Dig anons. Gold in them hills.

21451795? ago

This post is Gold. <

Digging deep.

Thanks for the tip off.


21454086? ago


Youre welcome