21704256? ago

You ok dude? Remember the anon hacker group with those strange masks @daskapitalist u have humaity

21448570? ago

God Bless JFK. May those who killed him come to Justice.

21447870? ago


21447740? ago

Also remember it was a Jew who assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald.

Jacob Leon Rubenstein (Orthodox Jewish family)


21447731? ago

Same group that brought you 9/11 and is trying to destroy Trump.

21447381? ago

Thank you for this reminder.

21447338? ago

There is a nine part series called The Men Who Killed Kennedy that is truly worth the watch. The parallels of what took place then vs what the DS is attempting today is startling. The DS goes down this round, however. BTW, parts 7 - 9 were shuttered but the History Channel back in the 1990s. Be sure to watch those.

21447849? ago

eyes in the sky see the flash https://voat.co/v/QRV/3496236

21447027? ago

Kikes killed him

21446826? ago

kikes kille him

21447830? ago

Sirhan, is there a connection between a group and the Jewish Occult? Who are the Rosicrucian https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=FhTtc1dRvzY Shriner all over USA inside the clown groups.... why did Oswald show up in the FBI Finders drop?

21446784? ago

Kikes blew his head off

21446604? ago

Everyone has doubles. Even the dirty-ass Iraqi Saddam and his sons had doubles. This is very well documented. JFK is probably waiting somewhere. I know Epstein isn't dead and that wasn't his picture everyone saw on the ground.

21446503? ago

It was a hoax.

21448125? ago

Tell the truth here, get downvoted.