21459318? ago

Epstein didn't kill himself.

21448466? ago

Let a nigger guard the most valuable prisoner of the 21st century .... that worked out well.

21446725? ago

There’s no indication she’s suicidal, right?!

21445656? ago

They're trying to shill that Epstein killed himself? Wow, they're way behind on shit now.

21445080? ago

Tova Noel? Sounds fake

Test of Variables of Attention


21444811? ago

[They] want this to disappear just like the story of Epstein claiming he didn't attempt suicide but instead was attacked by his cellmate!

[They] want nothing more than for reports like this to go down the memory hole.

21444026? ago

Has anyone added this guy to the Clinton Body Count yet?

21444108? ago

It's a lady, but she's got potential.

21447546? ago

Yeah I tried to correct that but any time 4 people get on this shitty site at the same time the whole fucking thing goes down.

21443577? ago

APB - be on the lookout for two red scarf doorknob suicides

21444129? ago

You get brownie points for creativity.

21443166? ago

They're sacrificing a couple of groid guards. How could they do such a thing?

21442989? ago

well, if she doesn't have some real intel to offer as to what really happened, no need to be making any deals with her - just convict and send her away to stay in the place as an inmate that she used to guard

she says she wants a deal, but is she offering any actual sauce?

21443056? ago

Great question. If not, I completely agree, no deals.

21442922? ago

Jeffery Epsteins prison guard didn’t kill herself

21442973? ago

This seems to be a VERY popular reply lol

21442699? ago

This guard did not kill herself

21442743? ago

Yeah, hopefully she locked herself in a vault with a time lock on it.

21442322? ago

Epstein’s guards didn’t kill themselves.

21442002? ago

Tova Noel didn’t commit suicide

21442927? ago

not yet

21441755? ago

This explains "The Shiff show". Its all a distraction from this story about finding the truth about Epstein.

21440805? ago

One has to wonder how long these two, soon to be sipping child's blood from gauntlets in Israel, prison guards were working at the prison. My guess, about a month. Sure, cameras fucking everywhere, but they'll falsify more records and we'll never be allowed to see any footage because, just like Vegas, "they don't answer to us, we answer to them." Great government we have here.

21440482? ago

Whitey Bulger didn't kill himself.

21439692? ago

He best stay in the sunlight. Dont drive a hackable car. Stay off of airplanes.

21439619? ago

Arkancide incoming in 3...2...1...

21439615? ago

A major aerospace company I used to work for used to clean the septic system once a month. You could fill a small pail with condoms. Forget cameras on convicts. Point them at the guards.

21439434? ago

F for noel

21439366? ago

"FBI and DOJ may be considering the possibility that a “criminal enterprise” was involved in the incident." Really? You think that maybe Epstein didn't kill himself!

21456512? ago

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21439210? ago

its proven in court that police have no duty to protect citizens. what's different here? I'm glad there is an investigation and hopefully things get ratted out.

21439164? ago

OY GEVALT! TOVA NOEL! As Jewish as a a Rabbi eating gefilte fish!

21439087? ago

Here come a car crash.

21439178? ago

Michael Hastings style.. Hopefully she has an old hoopty.

21438984? ago

I heard through the grapevine that she thinks Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

21438915? ago

The beautiful thing is.. we bumped it to the top so now the shill is just screaming in a vacuum.

21438997? ago


21445371? ago

Do you people actually believe in the "shill" meme? I'd suggest reading the definition of the word...

21438892? ago

Similarities between Epstein's & these guards' suicides;

All orchestrated by Epstein & his owners.

One of the differences;

Unlike Epstein, they won't survive theirs.

21438843? ago

Pity they committed suicide next week.

21451417? ago

Nothing would surprise me at this point.

21438880? ago

Hopefully she's in PC already.

21439003? ago

Wasn't Jeffrey Epstein in PC?

21439073? ago

Reasonable point. I guess at this point they don't care how obvious they are, look at this impeachment charade.

21438715? ago

JE is alive in military custody. Barr brought back his trusted old friend Kathleen Hawk Sawyer as head of BOP shortly after JE's 'death'--a position he appointed her to (1st female in this position btw) in 1992 when he was 1st AG. She served until 2003 before retiring. She was brought back temporarily to run the cover for Epstein's 'death' until the truth can come out fully. Logical thinking. Watch what happens.

21439219? ago

if they have all the data, JE was not worth much, unless for optics on testimony, but you cannot guarantee what he'd actually say even if he says he'd cooperate.

21439245? ago

in fact, JE could have been used as bait to nail deep state, if they have comms covered, they'd know who is involved from the deep state on making the decision to go after JE to silence him

21438866? ago

With everything that's happened, I wouldn't be shocked if this theory is true. I also wouldn't be shocked if they let the cabal murder him to rack up another charge and save taxpayers some money. Dude was a POS. All I know is.. "Epstein didn't kill himself."

21446121? ago

imo it is a vicious tactic to "kill Epstein", let the "didn't kill himself" meme go viral. HRC is innocent of killing JE, but no one would believe, any media defense of HRC only makes them all look guilty. Just the opposite of sweeping it under the rug, this fake "Arkancide" actually makes Epstein even louder.

When the inevitable controversy over the satanic network occurs, Epstein will be wheeled out like Hannibal lecter to testify.

21440023? ago

Yes THIS👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

21439052? ago

EXCLUSIVE: Inside Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico ranch: Jaw-dropping pictures show pedophile's eight person party shower, life-sized installation of a crucified Jesus and 'underground strip club where teens would entertain VIP guests'


Prince Andrew didn't kill himself

21439363? ago

Prince Andrew didn't kill himself

Not yet... But I can't tell you how shocked I am going to be very soon about his suicide.

21439443? ago

Being fed to the.... To avoid self prosecution.did younknownthe wueen rushed through a law stating they can't be included in any investigation to do with.... I wonder if us / international law breaks this pact?

21446653? ago


You misspelt that: nothing too loose. (And nothing too tight, either.)

21449233? ago

"No-Time Toulouse!" -- Monty Python

21439156? ago

But he was eating Cheese Pizza and didn't sweat because he had an adrenaline overdose. LOL

21438589? ago

I also checked out the link. It's legit. Do not pay attention to the sliding shill

21438681? ago

The funny thing is I copied the whole article into the post body so nobody had/has to go off site. The link is just there for reference.

21443656? ago

Better to Archive the link. Just in case it gets shoad.

21440535? ago


21438556? ago


Jew. Moving on.

21439013? ago

She doesn't look bluish. BTW, who were the villains in the old Beatles animated classic, "Yellow Submarine," anyone? BLUE MEANIES! And who was the "Nowhere Man," another interesting choice. The nowhere man was an establishment academic with many degrees but no clues. And how were the bad guys defeated? By love, all you need is love. You have more than you know.

21439089? ago

Love is the answer.

21445433? ago

It stops any rape. Just love and accept them as they are... Now the rape is consentual sex. Murder becomes assisted suicide. Invasion becomes diversity. Genocide becomes demographic change. Love is very powerful. ❤️

21445469? ago

You're right, you should preach hate. That's been working out good so far.

21445695? ago


21438698? ago

I’ve been going to the msm forums and pointing them out as “blues” so as not to get banned from the sites but possibly getting through to the normies. I’ve also been doing this to get them ready for our more creative patriots to start with the operation “blue the Jew” memes that I’m sure are on their way.

21449185? ago

kek, new meaning to "Blues Clues" eh?

21445442? ago

Be the memer.

21438577? ago

<yawn> Don't you guys do any other tricks?

21438672? ago

Naming the jew is important, op.

You know that right?

21438767? ago

Naming globalists involved with this mess is important, no matter what race/religion they are. There's far more non Jews involved than Jews. Your ROLCON tactics don't work here, you'll never make us all look like nazis.

21445465? ago

Here's the jew.

21438779? ago

Annnnd the JIDF rat exposes himself. Thank you for playing, gas chambers around the corner and to the left.

21438933? ago

<yawn> I'm Irish/German. You fags are a bunch of one trick ROLCON ponies.

21438605? ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Tova is a jew name.

21438744? ago

It's short for BenTova bitch.

21438735? ago

And that makes this irrelevant to you? LOL

21438789? ago

Uhhh yea... It's the only relevant thing. Jew guard let's jew prisoner escape. Let's listen with earnest at what she will say, I'm sure as a jew she will tell nothing but the truth.

21438704? ago

It means “pleasing”

21438727? ago

In Hebrew, indeed.

21438481? ago

Jails have cameras both inside and out. Video can contain timestamp. Guards phone records and text can be extracted for data collection, records and tracking. Bank transactions record can be reviewed. Match time location, records and testimony and you will have a singing bird. Be glad you're not in a rock and a hard place. No escape.

21442463? ago

I doubt they would find much with bank records. If those gurads were being paid i'd be much safer to just hand them a flash drive with a bitcoin wallet on it and tell them not to cash it out for 10 years. I could be wrong though. After all, these people are stupid.

21449165? ago

If you're smart enough to cover your tracks effectively -- then you're smart enough to earn an honest living.

In other words -- most criminals aren't smart enough.

21443910? ago

flash drive with a Bitcoin wallet... not to cash it out for 10 years.

Yes stupid they are indeed! Compensation can be in many forms ie. debt payoff(car, mortgage, student, medical, insurance, personal loans, rent and hell even via prepaid gift cards.) Let's not over think this they are prison guards not espionage agents!

21443539? ago

Jussie Smollet paid with a cheque dont forget. These people are stupid

21440866? ago

Jails have cameras both inside and out.

Correction: Jails usually have cameras inside and out. Funny how this particular section of this particular jail, as well as this particular cell in this particular jail, did not have functioning cameras on that particular night.

21438243? ago

Keep digging, keep up the pressure!

21438202? ago

jews using niggers... nuthin new.

21438104? ago

Boy, does this story bring out the panicked shills. Directly over the target, OP.

21456484? ago

more Prince Andrew criminal connections in the above post, the anons know chander, @WolfmanBill @LakotaPride @Conspirologist @kobold check the old pizzagate posts

21445249? ago

I downvote morons on voat, and in real life.

21439077? ago


21441140? ago

What do you even disagree with? Are you saying JE did kill himself? Are you retarded?

21445264? ago

Dunno about them, but my downvote of the parent comment is because of its stupidity.

21440273? ago

That's a common shill saying. We can all disagree with each other, but you trolls stand out like a sore thumb.

21439250? ago

Shill say what ?

21441618? ago

What?...ah rats

21437967? ago

OP here, I copied and pasted the entire article so you don't have to visit the site. The shill below doesn't want people seeing this for some reason, that's what the forum sliding is about.

21445039? ago

You are the shill pretending to be shilled so people will think this bs article claiming Epstein killed himself is hot.

21445094? ago

Epstein didn't kill himself. I'm OP and I endorse this message.

You could be right though, she might be a trap. But, she's facing charges so she likely rolled. If she has real information, the question is... Will she survive?

21445109? ago

I'm Killary, and I'm betting she says what I want or no.

21445132? ago

LOL or... body count

21437932? ago


21437889? ago


What is going on here is OP signed up to a website that lets

him profit from getting people to do their surveys.

He tricks you into doing them by luring you with the promise

of a video but heres the thing...


He will use proxies to spam the pages with comments saying the video

is legit

You can tell because the comments are inane

Have a read and you will notice the same IDs repeated

What will happen if you follow his link is you will download a file

that says you don't get the video yet but if you do this survey

first then you will receive it

If you don't want to take my word, ask for screenshots


There might even be a virus that will fuck your computer

OP will say things like qtards are just trying to stop newfags

from getting porn, yeah right like qanon cares about porn.

This is the sad thing

OP only makes a few cents to a dollar a night


He raged one night because qtards stopped his scam repeatedly

and he begged and pleaded for them to stop by proving he

only made a few cents anyway

How can you kill that who has no life?

Well you can't but you can have fun letting him know what he is

he is always here, except for a few hours for sleep you are sure

to find him here trying to get a few cents for a bite to eat

He has no life, girlfriend or job

His parents (if they know) will be ashamed to have this as a son

So report this, let OP know what he is and move on

21438552? ago

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21438392? ago

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21437920? ago

There's no download, lying shill. You really don't want people to see this.

21438001? ago

Yeah, I checked out link, seems pretty legit. The asshole bashing OP is the same troll who is convinced everyone in here is a shill, not really sure what his problem is but I can assure you that he was a hall monitor in school and got his ass kicked on a regular basis. Perhaps the psychological scars remain, and fucking with people on this board is his simple-minded way of getting even.

Carry on OP...good post.

21437939? ago

it's a jewbot