21421371? ago

I must say, being dutch , my grandparents lived under nazi occupation. Grandparents from my friends lived under nazi occ. they've all witnessed the deportation of entire jewish families. I do hardly know any jewish family that had not lost beloved ones in the holocaust. Many jewish children who were send out of the cities to farmers that hid them, never saw their parents back after the war. Jewish kids were taken out of schoolclass and never returned to the school, to their homes..The stories i've heard first hand .This is what was happening. These are not made-up stories. With this in mind i reject the jew hate fully. Europeans hate nazi's. We do not forget. This is so crazy confusing. Please address them as elite jews or whatever...

21418671? ago

Loxism is a word that must be learned by all.

21416944? ago

I have been to Auschwitz and Birkenau. I spent a few hours all alone at the end of the railroad tracks, saw all the barracks, the gas chambers.....those buildings are real, but I honestly don't know WHAT I saw there anymore.

21417266? ago

i built a shed a few years back, and that was also a real gaschamber used to gas jews 60 years ago.

i can show you a picture of the shed, it has a nice wooden door also.

just because you see something doesnt mean it cant be LIED about.

21416870? ago

Saved thread that explains pretty much everything.

21416778? ago

It's not all about race.. Its about the cabal against humanity. This could easily be a post to distract and lure people into national socialism..

21416755? ago

It's always nice and brings smile to my face and warm feeling my heart when they realize what's going on.

Welcome to reality, Patriot.

21416530? ago

The worst part about the Nazifaggots is how they systematically divert attention away from evil people who don't happen to be Jews.

Prince Andrew: not Jewish.

21417271? ago

cool anecdote bro

21417350? ago

Clintons, Bushs, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Strzok, Page

Not Jewish.

21419018? ago

nice anecdotes

21417094? ago

It's jews and associates, idiot.

21417236? ago

Prince Andrew of the monarchy of England is an associate? Obama, Bush, Clintons, all associates* eh? They're not evil. They're just associates of evil.

Sounds to me like the cabal sent you here to deflect their culpability to the entire Jewish population.

Hillary Clinton is laughing her ass off at you.

21419869? ago

I'd recommend you look for a way to increase your understanding of the English language.

21418818? ago

No one is buying the idea that Obama is a mastermind of evil. That's so comically stupid that I'm dying laughing that this is what you're reduced to. Same for Bush and Clinton. Clinton got his start because HW Bush (whose dad worked for Tesla, and Tesla called him "Curious George" because he got into all of Tesla's papers) used Mena Arkansas airfield to run drugs into this country thus starting the drug war.

They're but pawns, doing the bidding of higher masters. The pharaonic Royal Family (look up what percentage of Brits are related to King Tut) are pawns of the Rothschilds as well. There's a reason that the Nazi Jew George Soros was able to steal $1 Billion from the Bank of England and still be allowed in the country. It's because the Royal Family is subservient to those Jewish influences due to money lending.

The day of the noose is coming. I can't wait.

21424517? ago

No one is buying the idea that Obama is a mastermind of evil.

Paraphrase: It's not Obama's fault. He's a good guy except for what the Jews made him do.

are pawns of the Rothschilds as well

Rothschilds? It's the Rothschilds, you say? Not (((every living Jew in existence)))? You've moved the goalpost so far, you're on the other side of the world now.

There's a reason that the Nazi Jew George Soros

Oh, this is good. Soooo good. You've named 2 people responsible, and as you did so you called one of them a Nazi. Did you know 99% of the people on your side worship Hitler? They're going to be pretty pissed at you now.

The day of the noose is coming. I can't wait.

Yes, it is. And when it happens, it won't be to (((every living Jew in existence))). Some will be Jewish, and some won't be. The common denominators are child rape, human trafficking, launching unnecessary wars, etc. Whether or not they are Jewish will neither be a defense nor considered a crime.

21424741? ago

Paraphrase: It's not Obama's fault. He's a good guy except for what the Jews made him do.

Paraphrase: You're fucking retarded.

The rest is just trash.

Your day will come.

21424786? ago

^^ When a troll gives up trying.

21416522? ago

Uh, fucking duh

21415717? ago

Lol this post is so fake and gay. Downvote me SBBH faggots

21415551? ago

Ask Mel Gibson, buy him a few drinks first.

21421198? ago

Also ask his dad about stem cells.

21415119? ago

youtube.com/watch?v=68ugkg9RePc&list=RD68ugkg9RePc&start_radio=1 Just blast this in the background while you revisit this post... Welcome to the war my friend.

21415039? ago

The jews are the enemy of all people. They have been kicked out of 109 countries. Evil satanic fucks. They are the chosen we are their cattle. That's what they think.

21417262? ago

the number is closer to over 1000

21416804? ago

109? No, man, they have been either removed, banished, or terminated for the same fuckery they're doing now over 1,000 times in their entire history as "Jews". No other "race" even comes fractionally close. Buncha evil cunts bent on exterminating all that oppose them....much like Muslims

21414612? ago

Blue the Jew!

21414177? ago

Welcome, another Q fanatic sees what cannot be unseen.

21414080? ago

Welcome to the Great Awakening

21413368? ago

I also thought that.... then realized they were ALWAYS jews. Big mistake you fucking faggot kikes. I used to believe schindlers list and even cried. now i cant watch it without bursting into laughter.

you deserve it all. it all will be deserved.

21415985? ago

Except the Holocaust was one big fucking lie too. I majored in history. I have purchased old books memorializing WW2 from the end of the 1940s and early 1950s. They don't even mention a fucking Holocaust. The whole thing was injected into pop culture with Hollywood and the media starting with a big campaign in the 1970s. It's all so fucking ridiculous that it makes me pity the past generations who actually believed this horse shit.

21420292? ago

Notice how QVR and the Q people in general used to downvoat all the posts about the Jews, but after being on voat for a short time period nearly 100% learned the truth.

21420784? ago

They mean well. There are just a lot of things they still need to learn about.

21416767? ago

Ahhh, a man of culture that actually does REAL historical investigation. Well done hat tip

21416061? ago

wish it was real tho hahaha. nice post.

Holodomor was the real holocaust

21416059? ago

Interesting. I have thought about how little info there was right after the war about the "holocaust." Do you have any more info on this?

21416294? ago

Sure, look up old books and buy them and read them for yourself. They have lots more detail about the Nazis in general, since these were contemporary political figures basically, and they hadn't yet demonized them into the cartoon characters they have all become by today.

I have one set of 3 books here, World War II in Pictures, published by The Greystone Press between 1942 and 1946, basically as the war was still going on. The third volume, which was published in 1946, covers up to the war crimes trials, and soldiers returning home, and rebuilding the USSR. The war crimes accusations against the Nazis are barely mentioned in the book, and are generally vague and not specific (such as "murders" and "discrimination," the latter being an especially interesting accusation from 1940s America, where segregation was still a thing), but it does make make a reference to "gas experiments" being performed at a concentration camp in Belsen.

The most specific crimes mentioned to justify the war crimes trials are basically starting the war to begin with (and they are again blamed for WW1 as well) and "defiance of international law, racial or political discrimination, deportation of slave labor, mistreatment of prisoners of war, etc."

Nowhere anywhere does it say anything about a mass murder of Jews. Only "discrimination" and "mistreatment of prisoners of war." Some number of Jews were in fact rounded up and put in the same camps as Soviet prisoners of war, and were made to do labor, and the Germans meticulously documented this themselves. The Germans also recorded a lot of deaths from typhoid, and they cremated those bodies to prevent the spread of the disease as was medical procedure. The editors of these old books were probably drawing all of their information and photographs straight from news reports, and the records and legal documents coming out about the Nuremberg cases back then, which were of course show trials that even this book calls "farcical."

It also says this: "Recognizing that future prevention of murders, discrimination and concentration camps was as important as retribution, the Allies carefully screened millions of Germans, distinguished between the harmless and the evil..." Along with the book burnings the Allies did in Germany, and considering that we had allied with the Soviet Union, this is all pretty chilling. It doesn't say how these Germans were "distinguished" or to what ends. Eisenhower starved a million POWs to death, so who knows what in the hell else was going on over there.

21414027? ago

But I seen the piles of shoes, and the glasses, at the Smithsonian, I also seen films and stuff.

21416034? ago

The Smithsonian has been fucked since the Reconstruction period. The only reason it wasn't corrupt earlier in the 1800s is because Congressmen basically stole the money set aside to establish it, and more had to be allocated later.

21416439? ago

I see. Some of it was okay.

21416492? ago

Yeah, when it didn't exist except as an idea, it was alright I guess.

21418725? ago

Thanks, yes, none of that surprises me and I'm sure it's just the tip. Actually I spent almost all my time at the Vietnam display (not the wall) and who knows how much of that was real tho it did seem legit (buddies were killed over there).

21419506? ago

Oh no that was real. It was really a bunch of kikes who were trying to siphon off US military strength and morale in a 3rd world shithole while using it to foment civil unrest and communism at home. I bet more people died than were actually reported too.

21419583? ago

Yes, I meant that possibly some of the display might have been fake.

21419642? ago

It wouldn’t surprise me.

21415314? ago

Well yes, but have you seen all 36 holocaust museums in the US? Number 4 will SHOCK and ASTOUND you!

Out of curiosity, there are over 293 in the world. Seems... excessive.


21415720? ago


21414043? ago

i saw shindlers lis!!!!!!! people starved must have been gas chambers! no evidence but must have!

21414119? ago

Plus I once saw a film of a survivor talking and stuff.

21414304? ago

i did too!!!!! he was white, but actuslly jewish so it made me connect with him and I wanted to kill it less because it identifiied somewhat racially with me. I was hooked on the semi jew white ashkenazi narrative until I realized I should just kill the hook nosed curly haired abominations to save my own race

21414345? ago

sucks don't it?

21414416? ago

only until you realize the jew bleeds. and if it bleeds...


21413319? ago


OP is a Larp, Larp Larp, Larp

Larp, Larp, Larp, Larp


21413379? ago

triggered that kike omfg kek

21413331? ago

A larp by discussing an hypothesis?

21413349? ago

This shit, didn't happen. --> " Holy shit! This whole time ive been getting to wrap my head around these white people speaking out against white people, they're fucking Jews!!!"

21413407? ago

Says the person who didn't post this?

21421769? ago

It did ... Not ... Happen. OP is playing "make believe" like he does every day. Because he's a fucking faggot

21413343? ago

What is your definition of larp?

21413247? ago

No one is that naive

21413217? ago

It gets easier, been awake since 1970

21415239? ago

What makes it easier.

What's the big revelations guru?

21420687? ago

Mine was the F I moving gold via port calls of USSR bulk carriers.

21415162? ago

Mannn... The hottes women ever were in the 70s. You lucky fucker. Sandra Locke in Gauntlet with Clint Eastwood... fffuuuccckkk...

21414070? ago

Gimme Shelter.

21416060? ago

Their Satanic majesties.

21413124? ago

waking up is hard to do

21414517? ago

Skeksis? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525603/21414333 A witness who was one door down saw everything that happened. This witness saw the crew, who was sent to clean everything up.

Months later, JohnHereToHelp said Schiff had that well known witness killed.

JohnHereToHelp said the room was wired. Consequently everything that happened in that hotel room was video recorded. Schiff knows he was video recorded. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a copy of the video, which is why she’s letting Schiff take the forefront on the impeachment.

“The video is out there,” said JohnHereToHelp. “I have not seen it. I have been told by people who have seen it, what’s on it, and that’s what I’ve described, but of course, much more graphic.

“And then they’ve cleaned it up and they have since cleaned up that room,” he said. “[They’ve] taken everything out because they panicked and they thought this was going to be it; and they didn’t want to have any problems in the middle of the Mueller Report, because he [House Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff] was one of the loudest, you know, loud mouths.

“The person who was one door away, or one bungalow away, was Anthony Bourdain,” JohnHereToHelp shockingly revealed. He added that Bourdain saw everything and knows the Chateau Marmont staff.

Bourdain, a celebrity chef, author and travel documentarian, wanted to expose what happened that night. He reportedly contacted the LAPD. The LAPD knew who Schiff was.

On June 8, 2018, Bourdain reportedly committed suicide, in Kaysersberg-Vignoble, Haut-Rhin, France. He was 61.

But according to a French intelligence contact who has known JohnHereTo Help for about 30 years the French police identified “two Asian men” seen on the video leaving Bourdain’s apartment an hour before Bourdain’s body was discovered. The two men on that video were Muslims. French law enforcement officials didn’t want to offend the Muslim community, so they identified the men as Asian.

“I believe Bourdain actually said that he was stalked or something, harassed by Hillary Clinton’s people,” JohnHereToHelp said. “It wasn’t Clinton’s, it was Schiff’s [people].”

JohnHereToHelp said he has a background in the sciences. He served in the military. He later infiltrated the Islamic terrorist network post 9/11. He was passing information to Justice Department officials

21415561? ago

Skeksis! Kek!

21413111? ago

and fucking butt hurt too, hurtin butt because white boners matter, white boners are supreme

21413389? ago

as if jewish faggot limp dicks can do shit about it. bow before your masters you stupid jew kike fucking morons

21413075? ago

Have fun not being able to unsee it ever again!

21413060? ago

Back to ban hammer, faggot shill.

21416076? ago


21413399? ago

u are in the wrong place you leftist jew loving faggot

21413496? ago

Fuck you, racist

21413963? ago

racism was a made up by communists for this very reason. go ahead prove me wrong. you are using the attacks of the enemy. jesse

lee peterson says racism doesnt exist. reconcile.

21413523? ago

Fuck you for denying your racism you fake faggot jew

21413227? ago

You're a fucking faggot shill you inbred jew piece of shit

21413503? ago

Fuck you, racist.

21413537? ago

Fuck you for denying your racism you fake faggot jew.

21413222? ago

Yes, OP is most likely a shill, but he’s still speaking the truth.

21413329? ago

Not truth, complete idiocy

21413366? ago

So..... why again are white people hating their own race?

21413278? ago

Im not a shill, if anything I identify as a troll, old school troll, but this right here is my actual sudden realization.

21413425? ago

u are not wrong. keep posting

21413346? ago

Nothing is purely organic, it's all by design. It is satanic and spiritual in nature.

21413377? ago

It's all fucking Jewish, bet money on it.

21413413? ago

someone explain the difference between kikery and satanism

21413454? ago

Good point, my apologies.

21413483? ago

dont apologize,, im a new nigger, that faggot before my post still thinks theres a difference between satanic shit and jewery (theres not)

21413549? ago

Take my upvoat goat!

21413513? ago

No, what I was saying is that the spiritual entity in the scriptures, Satan (whom I believe is very real), is the animator (for lack of better word) of the Jews. They "are of their father the devil."

21413954? ago

i dont disagree withh anything you wrote. shalom kek