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21412710? ago

"The prince also claimed that he wasn’t with Giuffre that night because he amazingly remembers that he was with his daughter, Princess Beatrice, at a London pizzeria around 4 or 5 p.m. on the day 18 years ago."

This guy is pretty good. I can't remember what I had to eat last week.

21415251? ago

anyone check the pizzagate conspiracy?

The CGI goat vid

I've seen it many times. I just spent about 4 hours rewatching and reviewing meanings and different writer's analysis this week.

A few new ones for me: 1) snowflakes under map of US: =snowflake/pc culture NOW

2) IMQU appears next to classroom chalkboard near teacher- last week(?), this series of letters were {decoded} from President Trump's Louisianna rally recently after he used a series of numbers 9,13,17.21 and the letters I, M, Q, U, were addressed on the boards after the rally.

3) GS face appears on the hag in the phallic tower. also, "Invisible Hand" economic theory comes to mind as hand from the sky withdraws= control of society by individual's unconscious actions.

4) When the star of David is shining from the Lady of Liberty onto the water, the clouds above seem to close like a camera lens= control of America by ((())) and MSM.

5) The double heart on the (antichrist) chest is double hearted/ possible pedophilia reference(?) based on FBI file on symbols of pedophilia.

6) The African robots are given the guns as gifts - unwrapping the ribbon= invasion, open immigration being handed by tptb

There are sooo many.