21403620? ago

You burn the coal..............you pay the toll!

21398892? ago

Toll paid

21398095? ago

Diversity is (((our))) strength.

21398210? ago

That's right "fellow white person".

21397334? ago

Who cares?

She got what she deserved.

21397372? ago

The point is to wake people up and prevent race mixing.

21396711? ago

Well. This I do know. The pics are fake. Whoever attempted to do this made some very huge mistakes. First and foremost in the top and bottom pics the body is positioned in a way that the right arm and hand is under the rocks. In pic 2 the hand is holding up the leg after pulling the body out from those rocks. That isn't possible as rigorousness would of set in.

Secondly the skin. The skin has color throughout. With-in an hour of death the blood settles to the lowest part of the body. Artery and vein ex-poser begins and the skin tone turns grey. You would also notice blackish like bruising and the wound on the head would be as well blackened.

Conclusion: Sex Doll prank after the fact.

21396360? ago

OP - You're no better than the other side, whoever you are. Cold and callous.

What, you want to be cute, and think you're funny, showing that woman's body? You PoS punk. I'd lay you out if you were here.

That's a woman, who died a brutal death. Show some respect. Yea, she was stupid and naive, out of her league. But she didn't deserve that. And she damn sure doesn't deserve you spitting on her in a forum, using this for your own political reasons.

You disgust me little boy. GTFO.

21403704? ago

She was spitting on her heritage and country by defacing the national anthem of her country while fucking a nigger.

So you can take your concern and fuck off.

21396481? ago

If I can save a few lives by using the death of this propaganda spreading bitch I will.

21396312? ago

Krantz? Was she a tribe member? Certainly sounds like she was acting like one.

21395838? ago

If that was my wife I think I'd thank the dindu for freeing me from marriage to a coal-burning whore.

21395811? ago

haha good! Burn in hell, nigger fucker

21395674? ago

Be careful what you wish for.

21396091? ago

Thinking something will happen does not mean I wish for it.

I fully support ethnic states for all people.

21395611? ago

This coalburning subversive Jezebel deserves no RIP. Stop giving quarter to these whores, it promotes thss behavior cause they know weak men will forgive them.

21395653? ago

I didn't make it

21400903? ago

"You" as in the audience.

21395509? ago

The trolls and shill are out in force screaming fake. They are practicing for when Huma, Hillary, and Schiff's videos are released to the public.

21397412? ago

Goats, spread it far and wide, they are trying to jump the narrative. If someone can, please create a separate topic for this video

Deepfake video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_6Tumd8EQI

21395663? ago

I'm shocked this one did so well.

21395132? ago

I live a couple of hundred meter from where she was found but not at that time (10y ago) but I remember the news. The area Länsmansgården (which actually translates to Sheriff's Yard) in Gothenburg is known for gang related shoot outs, hand grenades, car bombs and is considered as one of Sweden's most violent districts.

21395221? ago

Is it called that because of the rising punt of violence, or has it always been called that?

21394984? ago

Voat is gone

21394875? ago

"Rest in peace"... no. She got exactly what she deserved for openly trying to destroy her own people. There is a limit to tolerance. There is a limit to excusing womens emotional behavior. Rest in hell whore.

21394874? ago

Women are legit retarded. Giving them the right to vote is one of the Jews more insidious tricks.

21394826? ago

This is clearly fake (you can see that in the right column, bottom pic kek), but you fucking retards believe this shit

An American black man moving to Sweden, gimme a break

21395858? ago

Found the nigger.

21395201? ago

They are Troglodytes. If a rusty nail was found on the steps of the White House they would say the DS was attempting an assassination by way of tetanus. lol

21395866? ago

Found the nigger dick sucker.

21394868? ago

Is the statement "she promoted promiscuity with niggers and was killed by a nigger" right or wrong?

"Elin Krantz was a Swedish 27-year-old woman who was murdered in the Biskopsgården district of Gothenburg on 26 September 2010.[1] Krantz was killed by Ephrem Yohannes, a 23-year-old Ethiopian immigrant, after an extremely painful rape and murder in Biskopsgården where her body was found."


21394801? ago

The Quran is right about women.

21395229? ago

Close, but they take it to an extreme.

21395679? ago

Hah fucking wrong. Men fuck around as much as women. It’s just easier for a woman to open her legs to all the thirsty fags any day of the week. Most men don’t know how to get pussy.

21396138? ago

Which is it? That men do it as much, or that it's harder for men to get pussy?

21397000? ago

Point is both have the same amount of intent to cheat. One can just get it easier

21397278? ago

Thinking about doing something does not equal doing it.

21394787? ago

Not to be unkind but what the fuck did she think would happen?!

21394865? ago

That's why I don't like (((diversity))). There are bad whites, yes, but non whites are prone to this shit.

21395002? ago

Our worst whites aren't as vile as any Muslims that, even if never violent before, suddenly chimp out. Maybe our top 1% worst, absolute psychopaths are close, but that's it.

We simply do not hack people to pieces in the middle of a crowded street with a machete. We just don't.

21395119? ago

We are masters of violence. That does not make us violent.

21394757? ago

Fucking kikes.

21394596? ago

FAKE. Boy you folks are gullible, Can;t you people tell the difference between a human body and a sex doll? Damn man you people are unbearably STUPID.

Look at the hands and arms. A dead person isn't going to hold her leg up after dying dip weeds. Top and bottom pics idiots. Her arms and hands are stuffed under. DUH ....

21395891? ago

Found the nigger who didn’t pass remedial biology.

21398284? ago

21396711? 1.9 hours ago

Well. This I do know. The pics are fake. Whoever attempted to do this made some very huge mistakes. First and foremost in the top and bottom pics the body is positioned in a way that the right arm and hand is under the rocks. In pic 2 the hand is holding up the leg after pulling the body out from those rocks. That isn't possible as rigorousness would of set in.

Secondly the skin. The skin has color throughout. With-in an hour of death the blood settles to the lowest part of the body. Artery and vein ex-poser begins and the skin tone turns grey. You would also notice blackish like bruising and the wound on the head would be as well blackened.

Conclusion: Sex Doll prank after the fact.

21398781? ago

OK, “doctor” educate me about lividity. You fucking POS fraud, fuck you. Where’d you train in medicine? Me? Penn & Yale. Kiss my dual boarded ass, you LARPing nigger sodomite.

21398877? ago

Can't handle the truth eh? Your problem not mine. It is FAKE. Get over it already and move on. Boo hoo hoo ...

21398989? ago

Why so shy about your clinical education, “doctor”?

21398760? ago

Yeah. No White women (even if mud sharks) have ever been murdered by niggers.

Useless fucking nigger lover Jew.

21395314? ago

There is no fucking way that is a sex doll.

21395587? ago

Agreed. Blood and bruises.

21394922? ago

You're retarded. This is real. Here's a Swedish TV clip (I've positioned it to show you the rocks where her body was found).


21394969? ago

FAKE. It is a Sex Doll Troglodyte.

21395029? ago

Bullshit. You're retarded.

21395091? ago

I told you what the flaws are bud. The arms and hands stuffed under the rock are in a different position. You do know what different position means right? lol

You're losing the debate bud. Everyone is watching.

21395103? ago

And I told you why your "flaws" were nonsense. You're claiming Swedish TV is wrong. You're a moron.

21395159? ago

Those pics were not on Swedish TV. Buwahahahaha

21395328? ago

God you're an idiot. I gave you a link to Swedish media where they show the rock.

21394856? ago

I've seen plenty of dead people and they do look like dolls. Their spark is gone.

She would hold her leg. It's called rigor dipshit.

21395175? ago

Right. Rigor means you cannot reposition the arms after digging her out from under the rocks in which her hands and arms are in a TOTALLY different position DIP SHIT.

21395566? ago

Are you always this arrogant when you're wrong?

Once the contracting of all the body's muscles has taken place this state of Rigor - technically referred to as the Rigid Stage - normally lasts anything from eight to twelve hours after which time the body is completely stiff; this fixed state lasts for up to another eighteen hours.

Contrary to common perception the process of Rigor Mortis actually does reverse and the body returns to a flaccid state; the muscles losing their tightness in the reverse of how they gained it: i.e.: those larger muscles that contracted last will lose their stiffness first and return to their pre-Rigor condition.


21394416? ago

It appears there is disinformation in the post but a nigger killed her nonetheless. https://hecatemaroon.blogspot.com/2017/12/the-ruthless-murder-of-elin-krantz.html

Why would anyone invite these monsters into their country. Wake up.

21394391? ago

Fuck. Can not unsee that now.

Some people don’t deserve to live, period.

21394636? ago

This is what (((they))) want for us.

21394310? ago

most dangerous weapon in history ? dicks. just sayin

21394299? ago

That's what happens when you don't have Christian values.

21394954? ago

This is racial behavior, not religious teachings. If he was a nigger in America, he was probably a Christian.

21395046? ago

Fuck (((you)))

21396002? ago

Oh? You think it's a semitic religion that makes ethnically European nations great? Then why are non ethnically European Christian nations third world shitholes?

Was Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef born in Paris, traveled to Berlin, London, Moscow, etc? Do we get our values from Sandniggers, or ancient Pagan Rome, do you think?

If you celebrate Christmas, Easter, Halloween, New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, etc but don't even find the time to go to church, then congratulations you're more pagan than Christian.

No one with a lick of sense thinks any deities actually exist. Think of it as ethnospiritualism. The Boy Who Cried Wolf doesn't have to have been a true story for it to carry an important lesson; religion is much the same way. With that in mind, but will you honor the values of your ancestors who built the foundation the civilized world is built on, or will you honor the values of some sandniggers lmfao?

I'll leave you with one last thought. Consider the following hypothetical: if you could choose for America to slowly become 100% non-white but 100% Christian OR to become 100% white but 0% religious, what woiuld you pick?

And if you picked Christian shitskin America, congratulations, some Jew somewhere is running his hands and calling you a good Goy.

21396503? ago

No one with a lick of sense thinks any deities actually exist.

Wow, I'm talking to a retard who can type.

21396651? ago

Okay, so you believe the Earth is flat?

21399456? ago


21394287? ago

Could we slap a NSFW or something on this one?! Jesus, that's hard to look at (but important...)

21396212? ago

The whole forum is NSFW! Why re-label a single post inside a whole forum?

21395403? ago

It's already on there faggot, do you have poor reading comprehension? Or you just dumb?

21394342? ago

This is voat.

21394786? ago

Still.... NSFW that.

21394949? ago

You shouldn't be on Voat at work.

21394935? ago

I think he means nothing on voat is sfw. If it is safe in your workplace to read comments of niggers and faggots, most certainly a little gore isn't going to make the boss man suddenly angry.

21394930? ago

QRV already does automatically.

21395417? ago

Could put Gore warning in the title.

Some of us like to browse while drinking coffee or eating food.

21395550? ago

I could yes, but you will not be afforded such luxuries very soon I fear.

21395567? ago

Great. Then indulge me until the great boogaloo is upon us

21395646? ago

Nah get used to it now, not when the world has gone to hell in a hand basket.

21395683? ago

Nah, knowing the world end is coming I'd like to enjoy my last few months of pastries, coffee and morning news from an internet connected device.

21396111? ago


21394076? ago

Much of this is just flat out wrong.

Elin Krantz was a Swedish 27-year-old woman who was murdered in the Biskopsgården district of Gothenburg on 26 September 2010. Krantz was killed by Ephrem Yohannes, a 23-year-old Ethiopian immigrant, after an extremely painful rape and murder in Biskopsgården where her body was found.

21394847? ago

She promoted race mixing and was killed by a nigger. Where's the "flat out" wrongness in the pic?

21394515? ago

Ephrem Yohannes, a 23-year-old Ethiopian immigrant

Who came from America because of criminal activity he was getting caught doing.

What exactly is "flat out wrong" about OP?

21394349? ago

Ok what about the pic is wrong?

21396411? ago

The video is a comedy video and she wasnt in it:


21394958? ago

Pubic area is not female. Even blurred and partially buried. Not female. IMHO.

21395128? ago

Clearly female, and heaven forbid they show her some decency. She paid for her crime.

21395125? ago

Sex Doll. They have been fooled yet again.

21394028? ago

There's a reason why woman required constant adult supervision from living with their father to loving with their husband.

I don't know very many women who look back at their first time with any fondness. They didn't share that beautiful moment with the men who cared for them, they lost it to some guy who preyed on her low self-esteem.

Here's a story that I still struggle with. A friend goes to a party, gets shit faced and wakes up in bed with two naked guys. So naturally she goes drinking with them again, but doesn't feel safe so she brings a friend. So while she goes off to make out with the guy she actually liked, she leaves her friend with the two guys that fucked/raped her. You'll never guess what they did to her friend. Then after years of getting date raped at parties, they start bringing their little sisters to parties with them...

I don't know how to deal with that, certainly didn't at the time. How to you protect women from rape when they seem to demand it happen to them?

21401983? ago

LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful?

@ 3523163? :) Do not be afraid I will NOT try to put irrational fear into you. How about you, are you going to try to put irrational fear into others? Are you going to let others put irrational fear into you?

You wrote:

This could be your wife, your gf, or your daughter. Stop (((diversity propaganda))).

Sounds like you are FEARFUL of irrational fear? Are you? I suggest to not let irrational fear creep in you. Otherwise you would expose yourself to be first USE by others, then CONTROL by others, next ABUSE by others, after that LIE by others into you repeating all of this cycle with others, and so on. This is how irrational fear spreads.

Evil's Strategy?

For those not familiar with the EVIL's strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, hatred, psychological trauma, expediency, selfishness, ignorance, destruction or neglect." Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil

With infinite love ♥

Love ♥'s Strategy?

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love is "a virtue representing human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

RATIONAL FEAR or Irrational Fear?

Irrational fear is NOT to confuse with a rational fear.

A rational fear is GOOD for you. For example, wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle is a GOOD fear. Because the fear is motivated by a safety prevention to reduce risk of a potential serious head injury in the unlikely event of an accident.

An irrational fear is BAD for you. For example, using name-calling, ad hominem, bullying, or death threat to target ALL motorcyclists. Because a MINORITY of motorcyclists had proven unethical or illegal behaviors. This would be a BAD fear. An IRRATIONAL fear. In other words, the IMMATURE behaviors of a minority of motorcyclists is not to confuse with the MATURE behaviors of a the majority of motorcyclists.


Here is a challenge for you if you are interested. If people post comments below. Are you able to detect which comments do NOT try to put fear in you? Compare to comments that DO try to put fear in you?

In other words, LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful? And which one are you going to let in?

With infinite love ♥

21403682? ago

There is nothing "irrational" about despising third world trash for acting like third world trash.

Your concernfaggery is noted, now fuck off.

21398365? ago

How to you protect women from rape when they seem to demand it happen to them?

By punishing them for being "raped". Islam is right about women.

21394768? ago

I was with the mother of my son for 13 years .

She left me 2 years ago.

2 years ago I was diagnosed with M.S.

I never cheated and I was never violent yet she deserved an 'upgrade'.

With my (our) son growing up; soon I will have to warn him against choosing the wrong woman (his mum).

She is yet to Awaken. When she does; things will be very awkward.

21403651? ago

She won't awaken. Cheaters are selfish cunts, and their entire mantra is "It's all about me". Especially heinous when they leave someone with an illness.

These cunts don't change.

21403479? ago

As a woman im sorry to hear this, i could never leave my hubby, especially if he became unwell, i took my vows through sickness & in health! And i meant it! People do not honour one another these days! Throw away society, not good. Good Luck to you.

21403859? ago

Thank you.

I must state, I was not perfect. I did not Marry her but I did commit the same and we 'out-lasted' every 'marriage' in our peer group.

Thanks for talking with me, Im only 'brave enough' to share this anonymously.

21405556? ago

I hope you find happiness and security with a good woman, we're not all the same, as men aren't, nobody is perfect, its hard to find someone on the same page these days, i wish you well, and dont stress its not good for someone with your condition! Look after yourself. God Bless you..

21405759? ago

Thanks and God Bless you too.

21395332? ago

She'll never awaken, you should have married a virgin. Sorry.

21395074? ago

Good luck, sincerely.

21395151? ago

and to you.

21394828? ago

Men do this too, to be fair.

21395512? ago

Yep. When you start to get new options you hadn’t before via becoming more successful your wife could notice this and get insecure and annoying, this alone would cause you to become less attracted to her.

It’s not always about the other woman you can get but how your current wife behaves.

I don’t know the solution to this other than to always be working on bettering yourself if you’re going to marry someone attractive.

Or marry an ugly/fat chick and you won’t have to worry about her leaving kek

21403660? ago

Or you could end the relationship or marriage honestly after exhausting all options, rather than being a cunt and fucking two people at the same time. There is no excuse for cheating.

Fat/ugly chicks are the ones most likely to cheat, because they will fuck anything.

21404785? ago

Fat ugly chicks arent getting hit on or pursued

21417179? ago

You know that's bullshit.

21398145? ago

Haha! "Behaves.." Whatever dude. What about how you are behaving, just by considering your options while married.

21399958? ago

Zip it, cunt.

21394929? ago

Lmfao who does this? Jewish executives? Movie stars? I bet you don't even know someone who knows of someone this happened to in your personal life.

21396596? ago

Not the person you're responding to, but I know ME. I didn't have MS but other health issues. Husband decided he'd rather fuck a 20 year old meth user. Your statement is ridiculous. You can't really believe that men don't do this.

21403963? ago

M.E. is just a single 'phase' of M.S. (hence the 'Multiple' distinguisher in the M.S. title) The conditions are very very similar.

21396678? ago

Were your health issues just getting fat amd/or losing your sex drive? Majority of men who cheat do it because their partner decided the both of them were going to be celibate.

21403675? ago

Cheating is 100% on the cheater being a selfish cunt. If there were issues in the relationship they could have had a conversation with the other party and ended things honestly, rather than fucking someone else behind their back.

I knew of someone who was giving their partner sex almost every day, did all her womanly duties looking after the kids and the house, and was beautiful to boot. Still didn't stop her fuckwit husband fucking an obese hag and then leaving the wife.

21404348? ago

Sounds made up, to tell you the truth. Young men might cheat on their high school girlfriends or something (and let's be honest, that's something both genders do) but when it comes to a middle class husband who provides for his whole family, the majority of the time he'll cheat are when his needs aren't being met.

Really? Have a talk and end the relationship? Because she can't be bothered to have sex, an intimate and mutually enjoyable experience? That's a fantastic idea! "Hi honey, I know you don't wanna bang anymore, but I do, so let's get divorced. The divorce attornies said you get the house and I've gotta move into an apartment. Hm. You also get like 70% of my income because you've gotta keep up with the house...and now you've got a boyfriend that you're fucking?"

Seriously. If a man faces divorce and losing half his income because his wife doesn't want to have sex anymore, why wouldn't he cheat? At least cheating gives you a shot to get laid and NOT lose all your stuff.

I'm not saying there are no selfish cheaters - I'm saying that among married, middle class families when a husband cheats it's probably the wife's fault more often than not.

21417176? ago

Or you could do things honestly and not be a selfish cunt.

21417953? ago

Wife doesn't want sex and won't let the husband find a girlfriend, and he's the selfish cunt?

21431142? ago

He's the selfish cunt because he could end the relationship honestly, but chooses to cake-eat via a meal ticket and sex on the side. There is no excuse for cheating. Period.

Anyone who will fuck a married man is someone who isn't worth being with.

21432039? ago

How about the wife's osrh before God to provide sex, eh? What do you think, "To have and to hold" means?

If he leaves over that, he's going to be the one paying alimony, child support, etc, when she's the one who ruined the relationship.

21401658? ago

Fuckin spot on!

21398322? ago

No and no. You're still going to stick with this fantasy huh? Men never cheat or lie or bail on their families. And no he wasn't black or a jew either.

21404620? ago

Tits or gtfo

21394864? ago

I agree.

Sex pests.

21394106? ago

Women must be controlled. Not to the extent Muslims take it though.

21397320? ago

The world you're looking for is mentored.

21397403? ago

No, I meant controlled. Not to be confused with slavery.

21397460? ago

You're not wrong, they say so themselves. Stuff like "A man who takes charge" or "a man who knows what he wants" or "a man who will make me his" It's just woman talk for "a dominant male who will make the hard decisions for me"

This is why most marriages fall apart when the man starts listening to his immature wife too much

21398084? ago

Yep. They want to be lead.

21400323? ago

Saw an old movie on TV long ago. A scene in a court room had a lawyer asking a woman on the stand: "Why did you think your husband didn't love you anymore?" Woman on stand answers: "Because he stopped hittin' me." The people in the courtroom, judge and jury included, all laughed.

21400561? ago

I'd never hit a white woman unless she meant me bodily harm with a weapon. That said spanking is a good reminder for them.

21395020? ago

Humans need to be taught. Then let free

21393874? ago

Some would call this poetic justice but not me , the kind of justice i'd like to see is the son of a bitch castrated and left to bleed! The girls beliefs were stupid but the animal that did this was a pure evil shit bag!

21394936? ago

No, this is good. Her actions were inviting this same thing to happen to innocent women.

21404453? ago

She was a young, naive child who believed the lies her society told her. Cut her some slack.

21404533? ago

No. She was actively inviting a similar fate for other women who DIDN'T believe the lies their society told them. Imagine if such a thing happened to YOUR daughter because that bimbo campaigned to throw open the border.

21395711? ago

I just see her piled up and jammed into those rocks and just feel like I want to kill the animal that did it! Could any of us do this to a girl, big mouth on not? I hope the fuck not.

21398400? ago

Could any of us do this to a girl, big mouth on not?

You're weak. Its why you're being conquered. I'd have fun raping and killing her.

21400125? ago

Nobody's conquered me but i'll leave the murder and rape up to you! I'll concentrate on the shitbag college professors who create these stupid girls in the first place. I wonder what her parents think about all of this wonderful diversity now, she probably got allot of this bull shit from them.

21410086? ago

I wonder what her parents think about all of this wonderful diversity now, she probably got allot of this bull shit from them.

Her parents were probably just like you; afraid to kill. That's why she was unprepared to deal with killers; she never had anyone to learn from about them.

21410933? ago

Afraid to kill? Fuck what a world, in 1970 we were called baby killers and now i'm afraid to kill? Oh well.

21411119? ago

Afraid to kill?

Could any of us do this to a girl, big mouth on not?

The Chinese know how to execute their enemies. Muslims know how to execute their enemies. White people get sick at the thought. It reminds me of some ancient Chinese warlord who was lamenting that the weak men in his villages couldn't perform an execution with a single stroke.

21414435? ago

Killing is one thing but those pictures tell a different story. Violently raping someone then beating her to death is beyond the call of duty, it's barbarous! If I saw someone raping a woman I would kill them stone fucking dead. You must have some french blood in ya. Sounds like you would have loved the french revolution.

21422792? ago

Violently raping someone then beating her to death is beyond the call of duty, it's barbarous!

You only think that because you're weak. The people who rape reproduce, the people who pee their pants don't, and the next generation is full of strong rapists.

If I saw someone raping a woman I would kill them stone fucking dead.

Doubt it.

You must have some french blood in ya. Sounds like you would have loved the french revolution.

I would have survived them.

21394908? ago

This girl was a bit more than stupid. I can feel bad for a regular coalburner. This national anthem nigger humping whore? No.

21393955? ago

No , fuck that. Do you kill a lion cause some dumb cunt ignored every warning sign out there and jumped in its cage ? He just did as niggers do.

21394145? ago

Are the kids fed constant pro lion propoganda, and raised in a culture in which the lion is the epitome of cool?

21394925? ago

Good comeback. This whore still went to far in subverting her own people and i dont forgive her. But if all she had done was hump a nigger i would. Your argument is sound. Women are easily led.

21394002? ago

We typically kill man eaters. Lion, tiger whatever.

21393968? ago

I'd still kill the lion!

21393864? ago

If you still question the (((propaganda))), go read Q142 again.

"The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. "

21396081? ago

Let 99% of people end up in the hospital. Doubtful many would die and then we can start actually fixing our problems. It'd be better than continuing on the path we're on currently.

21394837? ago

I will tell Q : Expose, or GTFO

21394953? ago

Takes time to wake enough of the populace up. Those that have invited the lie into their identity will have to deal with so much more once truth is revealed.

I do agree that it feels like it is taking too long. Use the time to get fit physically and mentally. Prepare yourself for the tumultuous time ahead.

21395202? ago

Muh take time to wake up populace = worst excuse ever.

Public justice will take NO time to wake people up. Hang them in public and see who's still sleeping.

On the other hand, (((their))) plan DOES TAKE TIME to : change demographic, replace whites and mid class voters, steal their power back from 2016 election, kill off witness / NYPD offices / whistleblowers and hide key figures (no name, Epstein).

I am starting to wonder the whole thing is an excuse to buy time for them to recover. Once they recover, we will lose EVERYTHING.

21395487? ago

I am warming to this as well, specifically because of how enmeshed (((they))) are with Trump's administration.

But then, keep friends close and your enemies closer. Same is why there are so many shills here.

21396379? ago

"keep enemies closer" is also a pseudo intellectual excuses that is likely invented by shills to spin the situation. Most leaders who did it were forced to keep enemies close not out of their own will. Had they a chance to choose, they probably will stay away from them,

Ask JFK, if keeping LBJ close was a good idea.

21397656? ago

is also a pseudo intellectual excuses that is likely invented by shills to spin the situation

it was Sun Tzu that said:

Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.

LBJ was crooked to the core. Not sure JFK had a choice, but do know that his considerable personal defects exposed him. They likely expected JFK to be more controllable and kept having to up the ante before deciding that it would be better to just off him as a warning to others that would oppose them.

They have also studied Sun Tzu. The events of the last 100 or more years cannot be fully understood by what shows on the surface.

21394634? ago

so what do you think it means??

I've thought about this many times, and don't know what could be worse than realizing the JQ and all things pizzagate.

obvious we're living with demons...

21395313? ago

Children grown underground...

21397151? ago

Yeah. Something along these lines. I went down a rabbit hole once and can't seem to find it again. I posted it back on the peak of r/CBTS_Stream and it was the top post of the day, double the amount of comments then it had upvotes.

It basically eluded that there are adrenochrome farming factories where children are either kidnapped into, possibly farmed from women, but huge operations, hundreds of kids all for the purpose of scaring, torturing and extracting their blood. Farmed like crops, as Q eluded to in those Bill Clinton in North Korea photos. Probably a big part of why the deep state loves North Korea, they can get away with shit like that there. Monsters "Inc". It's a literal business, corporate sized.

21402845? ago

I remember that shit. Weren't there also kids hung on walls, torsos with no limbs for fucking?

21404315? ago

I think that was in the comments, yeah. Someone was recalling something someone had wrote on the Chan’s. Could be someone’s imagination though but still sickening none the less.

21396744? ago


and to think, we would have never known without DJT and Q...

21397362? ago

This is why I laugh every time says that Q is psyop for the deepstate to pacify the masses. IF any anything, the reverse is true.

The goats on this site are getting antsy and can't wait for justice to be served.

If Q is a DS operation, why the hell would you bring awareness around secretive issues to millions of people?

21397989? ago

exactly, the DS has no understanding of how 'real' people operate.

And you just read my mind on the 'antsy' part, want to get this finale started!

feel like a kid who's being released from a horrible boarding school, can't wait to be free!🇺🇸

21395108? ago

I've thought about that a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that deep state fuckers have fed us human baby meat slipped into other meats or restaurant entrees. Or that we've worn items of clothing or accessories made from the skin of babies and children without knowing it.

Most everyone would be horrified and many would freak out.

21395089? ago

Bestgore.com see the true side of non whites.

21402874? ago

The tag of "Holohoax" was mildly interesting in debunking WW2 propaganda

21396679? ago

wow, I could only make it through a few pictures...

pretty sure we're in hell:(

21394445? ago

So be it.

As long as their is hidden truth the people will seek it.

And the enemy will twist all lies to their advantage.

The only way we evolve is in space which we will never colonial while the enemy remains. The enemy just wants all power here and to live in perpetual luxury.

21394432? ago

How do I find it?

21395904? ago


21394625? ago

Bestgore.com it sucks but you will see the true nature of non whites.

21394278? ago

That one has really stuck with me. But I still hope the truth comes out.

21393846? ago

This is the sort of filth that was posted on 8ch/qresearch before it got zapped. Are the shills tipping their hand again? Are "they" expecting some bad news to come their way?

We see you lowlife. Keep this garbage out of here.

21394080? ago

If gore is why 8ch was shutdown, why is bestgore still up?

21394216? ago

It wasn't the gore that took it down, it was the gore (the sickest stuff I've ever laid eyes on) that let me know something big was coming down the pike. It's a tell. We see you.

21394071? ago

What about this is shilling bucko?

21393925? ago

It's a naive white girl violently raped and killed by non whites. The non whites are the garbage.

21394014? ago

If somebody can't make a point without posting nude photos of a murder scene there is something seriously wrong with them. I'm calling b.s. on it anyway. It's paint-by-numbers shills trying to discredit the Q movement. We see you!

21394312? ago


Barely went positive no nudity. What do I care?

21394091? ago

This could have been our sister or daughter.

21394075? ago

How does this discredit anything but the false propaganda?

21394316? ago

Nude photos of a murder scene on qrv? That's a real subtle tactic. We see you.

21393834? ago

Pics are fake. Someone who dies does not hold up their leg. Notice second pic. Now look at the other two. Nice try anyway.

21394371? ago

Cannot be sure. True, they don't look like they were taken by a forensics team, but if they were taken by her killer(s) shortly after death before the blood cools and rigor mortis sets in.... in such a situation they could be posed and rocks moved.

21394453? ago

Allegedly ONE killer. They are fake. Trust me. I know.

21394719? ago

One killer; fine, but since when do black boys go out alone? 1 killer, 2-3 witnesses/helpers. Unless you did it?

21394799? ago

It is a SEX DOLL bud. This is a hoax. It isn't a REAL Woman. lol Look at the top and bottom pics. Now look at the one in the center. A body that is dead doesn't hold up another body part. I know. I worked forensics as a Master-at-Arms. K?

21403712? ago

And you'd know so much about sex dolls because of personal experience of fucking one, right?

21405862? ago

It is all about paying attention to the details as a investigator bud. 1. After an hour of death the blood flows to the lowest point of the body and is blackened 2. The skin turns grey. 3. The veins and arteries are apparent and dominant. 4. The eye sockets sink and all wounds turn black. 5. After 24 hrs. the body begins to bloat. 6. There is damage to the skin and soft tissue by worms and bugs. 7. The vaginal area sinks.

Anymore questions?

21417181? ago

implying there's a timestamp on the photo

21405790? ago

Others on this thread agree with me as well. It seems as though a Forensics Expert weighed in below somewhere. Completely blowing out the FAKE Pics.

It would do you well to dig through the comments. lol FAKE

21394272? ago

It clearly shows her leg propped up in two of the three. And in the middle one you can still see it.

21394437? ago

Observe the hands and arms. FOOL

21395145? ago

I call you fool, I win!!

21394261? ago

You are an idiot. Apparently, you've not seen a lot of death.

21394444? ago

...Observe the hands and arms. FOOL

21398177? ago

She was converted in slabs of stone that have been moved. You can't tell the slope of the earth in the photos which would cause the body to rest in a certain way. The body relaxes for a while after rigor but begins to stiffen again after that. These photos are all over the internet. Why would anyone need to fake photos of a body. Millions of people die a s many in awful ways; obtaining photos would be simple enough. Why am I trying to convince an idiot?

21398264? ago

21396711? 1.9 hours ago

Well. This I do know. The pics are fake. Whoever attempted to do this made some very huge mistakes. First and foremost in the top and bottom pics the body is positioned in a way that the right arm and hand is under the rocks. In pic 2 the hand is holding up the leg after pulling the body out from those rocks. That isn't possible as rigorousness would of set in.

Secondly the skin. The skin has color throughout. With-in an hour of death the blood settles to the lowest part of the body. Artery and vein ex-poser begins and the skin tone turns grey. You would also notice blackish like bruising and the wound on the head would be as well blackened.

Conclusion: Sex Doll prank after the fact.

Others agree.

21400946? ago


Actual police report. Page 281. Body has been blanked out in this version but you can otherwise match the pictures up.

Feel free to thank me and apologize for your folly.

21393828? ago


21393785? ago

Holy shit. Talk about karma. Terrible thing to happen to anyone, and I wouldn't wish what happened to her on my worst enemies, but stuff like this really does fall into the group of "evidence of more to reality than the material".

21393801? ago

Yeah I wish this wouldn't have happened. But ((( diversity))).

21393620? ago

Quit your Jew shit. Stop being such a lameass faggot. Get your own sub

21393847? ago

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Q sent everyone to voat precisely to start digesting this. Go read Q142 again.

"The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. "

And then "Saving Israel for last"

21394870? ago

Q 142

12 Nov 2017 - 12:16:24 PM

How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

Who is family ‘y’?

Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?

What age was GS?

What is the Soros family history?

What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?

Who is A. Merkel?

What is A. Merkel’s family history?

Follow the bloodline.

Who died on the Titanic?

What year did the Titanic sink?

Why is this relevant?

What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?

What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?

Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?

Why is this relevant?

How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?

How were names and bodies recorded back then?

When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?

Who was ‘specifically’ invited?

Less than 10.

What is the FED?

What does the FED control?

Who controls the FED?

Who approved the formation of the FED?

Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?

Who lived in the movie (what man)?

Why is this relevant?

Opposite is true.

What is brainwashing?

What is a PSYOP?

What happened to the Hindenburg?

What really happened to the Hindenburg?

Who died during the ‘accident’?

Why is this relevant?

What are sheep?

Who controls the narrative?

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

It must be controlled.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).


21394454? ago

"Saving Israel for last" means taking out corruption within Mossad, not killing off the jews and making a Palestinian state.

Get over it.

21394739? ago

Your assertion is false equivalency.

The corrupt must hang for their crimes. "Saving Israel for last" means striking at the root of the corruption. Everyone else reading this comment, go read q post 142 again.

Only the (((shills))) on voat call for "killing off the Jews".

21393876? ago


You "want" that to be true. But that's not at all what it means. At all.

21394032? ago

I want many things. I do not want this to be true. I wrestled with these inconvenient facts for over 8 months.

If you want truth, grow a pair and actually look into the issue instead of burying your head in the sand.

If you oppose others looking for and finding truth, fuck off (((shill)))

21394187? ago

I've looked into this issue fora very long time. That's how I know you are either COMPLETELY full of shit, or hopelessly fucking stupid.

21394303? ago

Really? Share some facts that prove Jews are responsible for this shit.

Show a document that the Nazis had a plan for the systematic destruction of the Jews.

21395090? ago

I'm not inviting a debate, you fuck twat. I'm telling you to shut the fuck up and leave this fucking sub.

21394292? ago

Oy vey!!!

21393991? ago

It is. jews are behind white genocide. White people were 25% of the world population before the 2 jew lead world wars. Now only 7%

21394173? ago

No they are not. You are just as dumb as the FE faggots believing that.

21394198? ago

They are and the Earth can't be a spinning ball. You would know this if you were smart enough to understand science and do research. jews are the leaders of satanism.

21394233? ago

***Claims to believe in science

Also claims to believe in two things science has proven wrong.***

21394309? ago

He's a distractor. Controlled opposition. Ignore him. The Jews are the news.

21394252? ago

jew "science" is satanic fairy tales. only jews and atheists faggots believe that.

21395100? ago

You literally believe the earth is flat. You've lost any hope for high ground, here.

21395121? ago

I know it is. It's not a belief. It's a scientific fact.

21395697? ago

You can't prove it with science. Not now. Not ever.

21395802? ago

I have. You can do it too. Anyone willing to look for proof will find it. That's the thing about atheism. You are lying to yourself. So only you can stop doing that.

21393639? ago



21393674? ago

You couldn't understand justice if it was spelled out for you in slow, rhythmic tones and visual aids.

21393750? ago

I know it, stop projecting.

21393629? ago

I see somebody wants white women raped, thanks rabbi.

21393659? ago

You could not be stupider. Like, not at all. Please kill off your gene pool so you don't reproduce. (No, I don't mean "white" gene pool. I mean you, your bloodline. Fucking end it now.)

21393742? ago

