21381849? ago

not 'sweat' he perspires https://voat.co/v/Elpis/3521835

21383021? ago

Q is fake gay

21381090? ago

he looked so guilty he may as well just confessed. "i didn't sweat, i didn't go upstairs, i was eating pizza"

fucking hell. this is what you get for being being a bunch of inbred white trash, "elites".

Elites. There was never such a misnomer as this.

These People Are Stupid.

21380510? ago

Killary was in London last week flogging the new bullshit book she has out with Horseface. Killary met privately with Randy Andy while there. It was a private meeting so no press were allowed.

Killary has world class lying skills. She got that from Slick Willie. The bigger the lie, the more believable it is. Is it any wonder Randy Andy is coming out in all these media interviews after meeting Killary and telling all these lies about Epstein?

Here is the deal. Killary is running. We all know it. She just hasn’t announced yet. If Prince Andrew comes out and admits some culpability with Epstein, two things happen immediately: his goose is royally cooked; and the focus moves right away to the Clintons. Killary definitely does not want that to happen as it kills her shot to run again before she even announces.

So Killary muzzled Randy Andy, and gave him pointers on telling the best lies possible.