21385895? ago

They aren’t laughing. It was a treat. Andrew is saying they better cover his ass or he’ll squeal. He’ll probably hang “himself” on a doorknob with a red scarf.

21384454? ago

can't sweat because of adrenochrome overdose. there Andrew, fixed it for ya.

21383538? ago


21383429? ago

He needs a better a name. Doesn't deserve the name Prince. Let's call him something more appropriate.

21386149? ago

Sexual Predator.

21385326? ago

wanna be Prince of Darkness

21383741? ago


21381881? ago

An anon on 4Chan noted, “Pizza Express in Woking” is an anagram for “Exposes Pizza Ring, (Wink).”

21381588? ago

These cunts love to take the piss out of us - lets pray we have the last laugh

21381584? ago

If he can make pedo jokes, he is confident in his position and isn't afraid.

21381549? ago

I couldn't believe it. "It wasn't me because I was taking my daughter to a pizza express party." ???!!!!????!!!!!!!???!!!!!!

21380439? ago

I still don't understand what is going on with this Prince Andrew. He is so OBVIOUSLY lying. I mean, body language folks must be having a field day with this interview. It's unbelievable.... was he forced to do this interview? Is he purposefully throwing himself under the bus? So bizarre. The whole time watching him, it's like someone has him hooked up to a lie detector and the needles are going wild the whole time and he's just uncomfortably sitting there.

Are they just putting in our faces "look at how BLATANTLY we can just sit here and LIE to you."

I'm thinking it is most likely THAT.

21382496? ago

He doesn't regret because he met so many people .... so many at that island, the House people coming and going like a bus station .... https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=JmMto02139M Lady Gaga connecting to those people in the wikileaks?

21380331? ago

I'm going out on a limb and say 'laugh' isn't the proper word for what is being exposed. I would rather use the word 'panic'. They never thought she would lose, never even considered being out in the light. dark > light

21380268? ago

When cabalists refer to pizza it means child sexual abuse. When normal people talk about pizza they are talking about a delicious food that is topped by mushrooms, bacon and tomato (at our house). Nobody believes anything Prince Andrew says. Hang him with the rest of the pedos.

21380137? ago

I understand all of you guys' sentiments, but I do hope that if someone tweets that they want go out and get a pizza because they're hungry, you all don't rush to judgement. Not all guys wanting a pizza are pedos. Pizza is good food. Meat Lovers or pepparoni and mushrooms are my faves.

21385342? ago

Fuck off Matt Rothschild

21379346? ago

Pizzagate was proved to be a hoax. Comet Pizza doesn't have a basement. Then some whacko Q-tard showd up with a AR and got his ass handed to him.

21389962? ago

Plenty of us know the truth about Comet....... the basement thing is irrelevant, at the least there is a basement somewhere (Bucks?) where Jimmy "canned his tomato sauce"

The shooter was an actor, his dad a film maker, and their IMDB pages are somewhat eye opening.

Add in the fact that some of us had been watching a street webcam that had comet in the background, that mysteriously pointed another direction on the day of the false flag shooting

I could go on, we know there is something fishy about Comet, and your MSM talking points aren't going to change our minds, and I'd like to see you try and "debunk" anything I've said

21381313? ago

wow it's like you just walked in from 2017...

21379925? ago

This is a banana 🍌 !

Be gone, shill !

21378999? ago

Shows the sheer arrogance of the elite believing they will not be held accountable.

21381551? ago

21378953? ago

of all the lies he could have concocted and he comes up with 'went for pizza'. there are no coincidences.

21378886? ago

maybe he means to say he is gay...so he couldn't have sexually abuse women? Could that be???

21379420? ago

? swings both ways ...also people talked of criminality and abuse https://twitter.com/creativeincomms/status/1195840327942385664

21380039? ago

He may have stopped swinging both ways when he separated in 1992, perhaps he was interested sexually in Epstein.

21378619? ago

So are you either going to quote or link to it??

21378466? ago

They are all toast.

21382560? ago

Frank Bruno meets the Yorkshire Ripper ... Masonic Negroe Franklin Roy Bruno, Knighted by the Queen MBE as Champion of the British Empire, a former professional boxer https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=sY_Fk1py1dk

21379893? ago

Nice pun.

21378960? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3516723/21374088 So many parallels with today.

21378402? ago

I think it was a warning and a reminder that there were (are) lots of other important people in the pizza ”party”. Like ”If you make me take the fall on this thing, it’ll blow YOUR pizza party wide open.”

21384644? ago

In that case, it's interesting he invoked the name of his daughter Beatrice, whom he has been rumoured to traffic himself......Wonder what the deal is there? Personally, I believe the entire family is involved....

21385256? ago

Of course all the way back to the beginning of merry olde England.

21390177? ago

Well back until Cromwell, who, funded by the Dutch jews, who were banned from England since 1257, overthrew our King, King Charles, and murdered him by beheading. The banking system being installed within the next few decades. We had a big war about it.

21382521? ago

Frank Bruno meets the Yorkshire Ripper...Masonic Negroe Franklin Roy Bruno, Knighted by the Queen MBE as Champion of the British Empire, a former professional boxer https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=sY_Fk1py1dk

21380356? ago

Royalty can be a dangerous life - history shows that, above all else. I do hope he knows what he is doing, but somehow, - not so sure...

21378934? ago

Sabbateans Are The Illuminati - Cabalist Jews assume the identity of target populations and subvert them from within, described as "demonically possessed" Satanists behind terror, Communism & the NWO https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3515273

21378150? ago

How often does royalty or top politicians eat pizza? How often is it pictured in the news?

Never. I would hope that people would wake up and say, really? A Prince, who could afford anything, likes pizza? Pizza is a poor mans meal. Why is this not more obvious to people that royalty does not live on pizza?

21384722? ago

The claim was that he was bringing his daughter to a "birthday party".

Yeah, like royals go to parties at places like Chuck E. Cheese. Right

Whose party was it? How old was your daughter, whom you've been rumoured to traffic yourself) at the time?

Would they not have cleared the place security wise before two members of the royal family showed up?

Surely they would have had security there, because kidnapping royal children happen.

What did he really mean? Because "pizza"? Yeah sure.

21384760? ago


21384980? ago

Good talk, son.

21379287? ago

Rich folks eat average food too, but I still think it was code

21379741? ago

Sure, I get the exception but the amount of pizza that they tout is unreal.

Like, imagine how often the queen eats pizza. Would it be in line with how frequent our #pizzagate pizza eaters eat pizza?

21378802? ago

POTUS eats McDonalds and KFC.

21379752? ago

How often does he eat pizza and hot dogs?

21379052? ago

With a fork

21377777? ago

He knew what he was saying.

21379634? ago

It seems like a message to us: "whatcha gonna do about it?"

21379408? ago

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21378309? ago

Quint 7's, gotta be true

Digits confirm

21378018? ago

If this is a conspiracy .... Option 1 Here's a guess ...as to what his brain is doing... he's rich but a fucking dumb ass who doesnt who how to click an interweb page and thinks nobody will get his 'code words' he only reads posh newspapers handed to him by is butler is so arrogant he thinks nobody knows his special speak .... Option 2 It's also a message, much like Kevin Spacey did that weird horror HouseofCards weinstein vid with the queens special cup, Spacey was threatening the higher ups .... now Andrew is threating those who might be up the ladder again, the Clown spooks? the higher levels of Masonry ...maybe Mossad, the French, Sorros, Rothschild, Eastern Europe Goldman Sachs

21384608? ago


21382852? ago

imo just a trapped guy trying to act like he isn't scared

21380520? ago

Bloomberg effectively used option 2 to kill an investigation into his illegal fundraising. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/de-blasio-reads-book-kids-mirrors-fund-raising-probe-article-1.2620104

21379405? ago

I don't think he's above Rothschilds and Soros, but I agree that it was a vieled threat or warning.

21391936? ago

Exactly... that was my read on it. Basically a message that if he goes down he’s taking others with him.

21382179? ago


21378462? ago

I have a feeling it’s option 2.