21384943? ago

funny, he can't even understand Q drop. saving taxpayers money = SUICIDE or Suicided. has nothing to do with us.

21384650? ago

He's right about me. If "the plan" fails or something happens to POTUS, I've "got a list" and those fucktards are toast. "We the People" are the insurance policy!!!!! CHECKMATE cabal bitches! KEK

21380595? ago

If history is any indication, he should be scared.

21377360? ago

Interesting he saw save taxpayers money as murder and not suicide. If you follow Q you know it is suicide.

21376142? ago

Q was talking about YOUR suicide, dumbshit.

21375968? ago

Not scared, just setting up the right as responsible for some manufactured massacre, cuing in 3, 2, 1.........

The emotional currency of false flag attacks, like some radical political drug, requires increasingly horrific acts to maintain the same terrorizing effect.

21375960? ago

Ignore this cunt Rothschild.

His day will come.

21375826? ago

Lol, Kathy Griffin holding Trumps chopped off head isn't violent at all. What a fucking hypocrite. Somebody with twitter acct. should re-post that image to remind him.

21375725? ago

What an idiot.

Q is telling them to go kill THEMSELVES, not for us to murder them... SMH.

These NPCs like Mike cant think for themselves.

21375693? ago

Nearly every single person who posted in this thread needs heavy psychiatric treatment and to be on an FBI watch list.


That's what QAnon does. It drops followers in a fake war between good and evil, and waits for one of them to open fire.

21375661? ago

What a whining dickless little cum slurping faggot. I don't know and have never personally heard a man talk like that. He's obviously on the verge of transition to the highest level of faggotry.

21375375? ago

The dammed up anger is off the charts. The self-discipline holding it back is unreal.

21375143? ago

They only know fear, which is why they instill it in others. Fear is the opposite of love.

21375039? ago

It's important to keep in mind that Michael Rothschild has a very small penis.

21383292? ago

Not only that, small brain too :LOL

21383314? ago

ans a satanic, posessed soul = no soul !

God have mercy on him!

21374884? ago

The Familys from the Serpent Seed fruit from the poisonous Tree. Inbreeding = THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!!!!

21374154? ago

He's not even a Rothschild, just a suckup.

21374101? ago

It doesn't save the taxpayer if a vigilante kills an offender before their tribunal. That opens another can of worms, a murder investigation and then yet another trial of the murderer.

Clearly Q is referring to the guilty simply committing suicide before it happens.

You know that Mikey. I know you're reading this thread.

21373984? ago

We are getting warmed up, cause when we flip, there will be a real war on us soil.

21373841? ago

He’s not even a real Rothschild

21373525? ago

something seems worried....

and it should be...

21373445? ago


21373144? ago

We're the most non violent group of "revolutionaries" I've ever seen.

21373120? ago

Mikey's not a genuine rothschilds.

He is a fraud, and a pawn.

21373044? ago

All the bullshitting in the world wont save you from whats coming mike.

21373728? ago

We sure get the same vibe, only in a more dark way, brought forward by the relative anonymity.

21372762? ago

WOW! That sure triggered his sorry ass! Maybe?... Just maybe??? He should think about getting on the "right side" of the history which is about to unfold. He is the one that should be looking for some psychological help.

21373497? ago

You forgot, he can't get on the right side. He is not fully human. Part Lucifer..........grand papa, hundreds of times removed but the seed is still in him....13 bloodlines. There is no redemption for these sub-people (no conscience) which is why they will be banished from the planet come ascension day.

21372754? ago

Bauer = Bush

21372706? ago

I love that the wealthy and powerful Mike Fuckschild is so bothered by us. Those that are the loudest will burn the fuck in hell. Eat a dick and burn in hell Mikey.

21379919? ago

Yeah, eat a bag o' dicks, Mikey.

21374282? ago

He's not a real Rothschild. Just larping as one.

21375175? ago

and why not, he could be one of them ..

21372610? ago

Actually that is exactly how most psyops operate, whether related to q or not. But then again, who binge watches the entire SAW series and then argues about characters and storylines? Average hollywood movie goers do.

He'll be bending a knee once he figures out what side he is actually on and what his own team is actively hiding from even him.

21372561? ago

Good, he SHOULD be afraid. VERY afraid.

21372353? ago

Unfortunately I am awaiting an appeal on a post I made on twitter for over a month now calling for the trial and hanging if found guilty of treason of Schiff.

21379787? ago

imagine his eyes popping out even further when the noose tightens.

21382406? ago


21372336? ago

Please, Qtards are the biggest pussies on the planet.

21375048? ago

Your mom took that award already sorry if the truth hurts.

21378784? ago

Ok boomer.

21372152? ago

They know what is store for them, they know their fate, they never thought she would lose. and oh btw....EPSTEIN DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF

21383356? ago

Amen to that brother / sister!

Nobody can stop what is coming!

GOD wins!

21385426? ago

and its not like he kept it a secret, he told us he was going to win, all we had to do was believe.

21372150? ago

Inmates will love to fuck him.

21372124? ago

That isn't what that second qpost likely meant.

He is saying don't kill them because God will judge you.

Some Christian sects still don't understand the difference between bad translation thou shalt not kill and the better translation thou shalt not murder.

Killing is okay if it is animals for food, self defense, a just war, to protect children etc. There are a wide variety of reasons to kill that aren't evil. Killing for profit or petty revenge is murder and evil. Killing someone who had a human hunting range and got away with it b/c so called authorities were corrupt, would be avenging the fallen and showing the enemy and future enemies you can't get away with it. Avenging the innocent is a moral good.

Only Satan and his followers are against killing pedo rapists and murderers.

21372014? ago

Got a pink noose with glitter for him

21371944? ago

He is likely here also calling for violence. Ever READ " I AM ROFSCHILD AXE ME A QUESTION". It is a long set of shit likely written by these guys. Towards the end he talks about allodial title and. Such. It's pretty Interesting.

21379809? ago

BTW, here's an archived link for those who would like to read it or finish reading it ;)

I Am a ROFSCHILD, Axe me a Question

21373675? ago

Read halfway through it.

I don't know if LARP or not, but it gives a very good insight into (((their))) psychic. Whether by direct experience or by artistic license.

The thing that stuck with me was when asked why they keep this evil going or something like that and he responded (paraphrase):

"When you grow up in a pack of wolves, and knowing that they would eat their own to survive, do you care if a sheep has to suffer ?"

21375789? ago

Finish it when you cna. It took me. A. Few days but it's an important read.

21371893? ago

21371827? ago

I ran his name through an anagram generator, and it spelled "wot a dumb pussy, all your golds can't save you"

21371772? ago

I'm always shocked at their virtuosity at lying.

The balls to claim that a post talking about suicide is calling for violence is just so comically evil. I want to watch this rat get justice, personally.

21374148? ago

Sorry, no luck with Bitchute today.

What was the title of the video in order to search for it ?

21371694? ago

I've been arguing with some libtard on one of his posts for an hour now. LOL https://mobile.twitter.com/Benjiedover/status/1195855470822428672

21372840? ago

I had a player in a dumb game using that fake name. Ben Dover. Bend over. Tell him to go lube himself

21377876? ago

Was his wife I-Lean there too?

21374157? ago

Any relation to Phil McCavity?

21377280? ago

No, Justin Sidebottom

21373562? ago

dont forget hanover fist from the 1970s Heavy-metaL

21372252? ago

Both of you are pathetic

21372333? ago

Hi Mike Rothschild.

21371628? ago

He isn't scared. He's involved in an operation to create a story that the Q movement is violent, which will culminate in a false flag of some sort, probably a shooter.

21383253? ago

Let's make a new poll: "Do you think the parasites (evil pervert psycho elites like Rothshills, etc.) will SURVIVE the Great Awakening of HUMANITY?"


21376299? ago

And anyone who openly supported even just a fraction of the Q stuff will look like a dangerous nut... ive already experienced that

21376230? ago

He's involved in an operation to create a story that the Q movement is violent, which will culminate in a false flag of some sort, probably a shooter.

... to take out the "whistleblower" and others on their own side they need to silence.

21374071? ago

Like comet ping pong fake shooter bs

21372024? ago

pain, and evil Garthim ... Skeksis pokes royal family tells them .... https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/7e6c85504c/172255.png a mystic post

21375270? ago

The good news is if things go really bad in the US, Trump said he could become the prime minister of Israel. Not fucking kidding: https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/at-private-orthodox-event-trump-says-he-could-become-israels-prime-minister

What the actual fuck?? Why does he find this funny?? Waiting for Q+ to explain this one.

21376169? ago

Agreed. Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth.

21371580? ago

And imagine that, a scriptwriter who isn't involved in the most sensational and crime ridden, sex filled, TV shows and movies.

21371568? ago

Typical rat jew wallowing in his own feces.

Save the taxpayers some money and gas yourself.

21371508? ago

Ooooo...reckon he's worried about his 6 o'clock position?

21372778? ago

Is he family Y? Q142, Q195 etc... There is a lot of early stuff about Family Y.

21373140? ago

21373386? ago

Looks like Comey is definitely Y related. My guess is he has a fake name. You know like Clinton is actually a Rockefeller and Pelosi is D'Alesandro, a family of Baltimore gangsters. Shit like that.

21373586? ago

That may explain his smugness.

Indeed, they sometimes make their subordinates raise their children under a borrowed name so as to keep the evil seed going in case the real parents win the karma prize.

21373646? ago

That is some medieval shit right there and I don’t doubt it for a second.

21373105? ago

Yep. He is a red shield POS.