21377867? ago

I get you now! You’re trying to take Charlie Kirk out because he’s effective. You’re old shill ways aren’t working so you try reverse psychology. You don’t realize, for people here, our brains aren’t like the normies. We research and think things through. It’s never going to work...You will lose!

21369888? ago

Groypers on the rise..

21367904? ago

Why can’t we use him for now. He has done some good pushing pro Trump and conservative issues at college campuses. I feel as if certain people are trying to take him out to stop his successes. I’m very skeptical of your agenda and not buying it for now. No one is a perfect purist.

21375423? ago

This is why "conservatives" are fucking pathetic and are doomed to failure (and deserve it).

21366345? ago

Cofagulation is not marriage.

21364374? ago

Is this the controlled op spin talke on this?

Kirk is Israel first and in favor of "legal"Mass immigration into the West.

He is a ZOG puppet that is why we dispise him.

21367085? ago

All these ZOG puppets are trying to nudge conservatism away from Christianity. It's great to see them being called out.

21363930? ago

Why is everyone against Charlie Kirk?

21367217? ago

Because he's a shill for Israel. He made a speech in Jerusalem and said, basically, that Israel is a legitimate ethnostate, but that America is just an idea, not really a nation. He's tried to stop people from asking difficult questions, he gives bullshit answers to difficult questions, and his job, in general, is to nudge conservatism towards liberalism.

21363644? ago

from: doglegwarrior

if you believe the jew lies.. white men are the criminals and black men are the smartest protectors of women ever. socialism and communism are good while captalism is evil. single mothers are just fine and two faggots can raise a kid better then strong married family and white women should date black men almost exclusivly...

the facts and reality speak for themselves

21363283? ago

You mean the public school indoctrination isn't taking with them? That would be good news.

21363059? ago

Do Zoomers see themselves as holocaust survivors? Half their generation has already been murdered. Who is behind this genocide?

21362724? ago

The Dems must be desperate to expose their plants like that to create more disruption.

21362556? ago

I read the twitter comments - so many many people saying how Christians should be "tolerant". Christians don't make the rules. Christians are not the ones who have declared homosexuality an abomination. That would be God. You can either accept what the Word of God says, or you can reject it. But you cannot claim that the Bible condones accepting the gay lifestyle. God hates sin, and homosexuality is a sin, just like murder and theft. God will forgive the sins of those who accept Jesus as Lord. But it is a disservice to tell people that they don't have to confess homosexuality as a sin because "being gay is not a choice".

21365942? ago

In past ages, the law governing the survival of the fittest roughly weeded out the less desirable strains. Then man's new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. As a result, we continue to keep alive and to breed the unfit. <> Nikola Tesla

21363268? ago

I am a Christian male and for the life of me cannot imagine how one male could be physically attracted to another male? To me it's absolutely disgusting. However, I had a male friend who I honestly believe fell in love with another male. Can't understand it, but for him it happened and he was in real pain when the other guy didn't feel the same way. In any case...my take on this is that having feelings for another dude may boarder on not being a choice at some level...however...having anal sex with that person is damn sure a choice at any level and under any circumstance (unless of course one is raped in prison for example). We all struggle with temptations and feelings we know we shouldn't act on. For instance...at this point all I have to do is look at liddle adam schifft for brains and I just want to be the one to pull the trigger, lever or whatever else it would be to end his pedo loving life (after due process of course). But instead, Jesus tells me that I need to pray for the likes of him and hillary. Hard to do...yes! But do we do it...yes! It's called living in the spirit and not in the flesh!

21362406? ago

over here in AUS one of the first gay couples to be allowed to adopt a child and was championed by leftist media got sprung a few years later for pimping the child out to their friends. They are degenerate sexual predators akin to pedophiles until proven otherwise.


21362344? ago

One who would rather see homeless children taken care of then end up in the government run system. What kind of Christian would rather have children in an institution instead of in a caring home? I think Jesus would find your thinking fucked up!

21375446? ago

a caring home

Sodomites don't reproduce, they recruit. A sodomite home is not a "loving home;" don't let Hollywood fool you.

What kind of Christian would rather have children in an institution instead of in a caring home?

That's a strawman, and you should feel bad for using it.

I think Jesus would find your thinking...

I very much doubt you have any clue what Jesus thinks.

21363366? ago

There are plenty of Straight Couples adopting you fucking moron, the small tiny percentage of gay couples who want to adopt do not effect that. The fucked up children they raise will be avoided too. Being raised by same-gender couples fucks with a child's mind, and that's without the higher abuse chance of those children.

21363114? ago

A carei g home where they can be abused by sick degenerates?

Homosexuals reproduce by molesting children you fuck knob.

21362874? ago

You know, if we had our shit together as a society and could put an end to most of the government fuckery, we could probably have wonderful institutions for raising children with family issues.

But to address your point, i think that most Christians would prefer for children to stay with their birth families. Unfortunately, that has more to do with irresponsible adults than the kids. Perhaps instead of demonizing Christians for realizing that both institutions, as they currently are, and homo homes are horrible choices. By being angry with Christians for their stance, you do not address the root of the problem, which is generally parental drug use, abusive households, or poor sexual choices. Instead of demanding that society becomes more responsible, you expect Christians to change centuries old values to suit your need. I think that Jesus would see the root causes as far more fucked up.

And the cherry on top is why would you place children in the homes of mentally defective individuals? Studies have demonstrated time and again that same sex couples have higher rates of violence and divorce and a host of other issues and that they generally do not make stable homes. Facts dont lie, but your television and they way that they are presented does.

21375872? ago

I dont expect any one to do anything. Agreed about parenting. But let me ask you this, abortion or adoption?

21399256? ago

Not sure what, exactly, you mean. Let me say this in hope of answering your question.

Abortion is the single greatest travesty of the modern age.

Adoption is an inherently good thing that is abused by adult making horrible life decisions. Again, the root of the problem is irresponsible and selfish adults.

21363432? ago

But to address your point, i think that most Christians would prefer for children to stay with their birth families. Unfortunately, that has more to do with irresponsible adults than the kids. Perhaps instead of demonizing Christians for realizing that both institutions, as they currently are, and homo homes are horrible choices. By being angry with Christians for their stance, you do not address the root of the problem, which is generally parental drug use, abusive households, or poor sexual choices. Instead of demanding that society becomes more responsible, you expect Christians to change centuries old values to suit your need. I think that Jesus would see the root causes as far more fucked up.

This is really on point. It seems people are not able to think this deeply and troubleshoot issues to their root cause, jist like you did here.

I totally agree that that's the way we need to go as a society. Once we get these evil fuckwads in jail and executed, we can go back to making this world a great place to be again.

21367126? ago

Might want to rethink that bit about execution.

Jesus was about redemption. I am not saying that homocide isnt sometimes necessary, like to immediately protect someone, but once you have someone incarcerated, you should not. It is a tough pill to swallow, but if we are aspiring to follow Christ's example...

It is tough, but we don't get to pick and choose (otherwise we end up like the homosexual "Christians") the parts we want to tweak. If you are going to follow Christ's teachings, you have to go all in.

Just my read on things and something to chew on.

21375459? ago

Incarceration is found nowhere in God's law.

The death penalty is, however.

Jesus was about redemption

Yes, He is. That doesn't mean sin goes unpunished.

21398355? ago

That is Old Testament, before Jesus came with new laws (jewish "bible"). Are you seriously trying to use talmudic rationale to explain Christ? Good luck.

Society can punish for transgressions against law, but not capital punishment. The decision to revoke a person's opportunity for redemtion is severe and final and full of chances to get it wrong.

I welcome you citing for me any time that Jesus expresses your POV.

21400493? ago

Are you high? The talmud and the Old Testament have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Society can punish for transgressions against law, but not capital punishment

Why? Even the Bible says that some people are beyond redemption. How about some New Testament?

Romans 1, first of all. Keep in mind the following: "reprobate" means "rejected" and the very last verse says people are worthy of something. What does it say they are worthy of?

Next we have Matthew 12:31-31:

31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Then we have the curse at the very end of Revelation, in Rev. 22:18-19:

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Looks like plenty of chances to lose the gift of salvation before one dies physically.

And anyway, Jesus Himself said in Matthew 5:17:

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil

Yes, we are not subject to the old law. We are part of the new covenant established by Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. We're also not beholden to the "carnal ordinances" (the washings, the feast days, the sacrifices, etc.). The carnal ordinances and the law are separate. That doesn't mean that we completely disregard God's law as established in Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers. We can, and should, use the law as a guide to how God wants us to live.

21362674? ago

Id rather see kids go to an institution than be pawned off onto a couple of faggots who will only molest and kill them. Kids who were raised by faggots will be the first to tell you how horrible it is.

21362211? ago

Can a gay couple live with Christian values and create a loving and safe environment for adopted kids?

Can a hetero couple live with Satanic values and create a hostile, negligent, and dangerous environment for adopted kids?

21375410? ago

Can a gay couple live with Christian values

Nope! Read Leviticus 20:13 and Romans chapter 1, and tell me what God thinks of sodomites.

21379105? ago

What if they dont practice sodomy? Or dont act on their homosexuality through acts?

What if a kid was raised by 2 hetero uncles because their parents died? Is this un christian?

21381335? ago

what if!

what if this too!

The "uncles" thing is a silly comparison. Yes, I would agree that living with two uncles would be preferable to an institution. It's still not as good as a man and his wife, and it's nowhere near the same thing as two homos.

You can come up with all the silly scenarios you like. None of that will change the fact that faggots should not be around children. Ever.

21382384? ago

What if the 2 uncles were homos, but not together?

Preferable to 2 homos in relatuonship?

I cant think for myself on issues of values and morals. I need to chexk in with wxperts like the people on this board to k ow ehat is right.

Or i would refer to a

21382812? ago

So you started out asking if faggot couples csn live with Christian values, but you don't even believe in Christian values?

You're a liar and a hypocrite.

You don't actually have any values or morals. You want everyone to be allowed to do whatever they will because you want the same for yourself. You want no absolute right and wrong because then you would have to apply those same rules to yourself.

Go waste someone else's time.

21363473? ago

Satanism runs very deep. I wish more people would read the Satanic Bible just to realize they're living that way. Out of curiosity, I looked into satanism and was horrified to learn society is mostly satanic.

"Do as thou wilt" is the core of it, and that is dangerous to society because everyone is out for themselves.

21379167? ago

I agree and yet all the backlash to my query means all these literalists would rather take the specific rules of who someone loves and shoehorn it as unhealthy. While denying the rest of the relationship or family unit.

And they all ignored the opposite situation of harmful, disfunctional, abusive, neglectful hetero "families".

No one answered me. Which is better?

21362876? ago

you can't be gay and still claim to be following Christian values. It's your internal being that gets you through this experience, and 'gay' people can't make that connection because they deny their procreative ability.

21379025? ago

So are people who dont want kids also not christian?

21362653? ago

No faggot, a couple of aids riddled shitdicks can not create a loving a safe environment for children.

21362287? ago

Your hypothetical has a false assumption. Men do not love other men as husbands love their wives. Homosexuals are notoriously unfaithful because homosexual sex is purely selfish masturbation with another man. Mark is right, it is further child abuse.

Let us suppose your hypothetical has the exception. It continues to be child abuse because the child is deprived of loving heterosexual role models and is more likely to follow in the path of it's homosexual foster parents.

21379080? ago

You are saying an otherwise loving, supportive, monogamous partner relationship is child abuse just because it is man man or woman woman? Lol.

How about people raised by a grandparent because parents are dead. Is that child abuse?

21383755? ago

I am saying that homosexuals are not "loving, supportive, monogamous partner relationships".

21362339? ago

Yeah because no man/woman has ever been unfaithful to their spouse, especially Christians. LMFAO. There are also never any hetero couples where one of them isn't selfish in sex. Also you need to learn about gay sex. It's not pretty but it's not remotely classified as "selfish masterbation".

21375402? ago

some people did something so you can't say other people doing this other thing is wrong!

You are such a child.

21401048? ago

Easily a Child. One who talks about people doing "things", and deciding which "things" are right and which "things" are wrong. A "thing" loving child for sure!

21401087? ago

Ok faggot

21372103? ago

What I mean by "selfish masturbation" is that the focus is on one's own gratification, not the other's. With homosexuals it is either anal sex or fellatio (cunnilingus for lesbians). Yes, one is satisfying another, but none of it expresses genuine love and affection. I know the homosexual world. I grew up in San Francisco. There is no faithfulness to partners. Lesbians might do better with expressing love with their oral sex, or dildos, than men.

Heterosexuals have their dismal track record today, but not historically. Marriage meant until death do us part in the past. Two men or two women raising a child is screws up that child than two heterosexuals with a bad marriage and even divorced. Common sense has been buried under hardened hearts.

21363103? ago

Well... They have no chance of procreating on their own, so the very purpose of sex is moot. Therefore, it IS only about getting off. They know that their relationship CANNOT produce children- they essentially have to buy them.

Homos prioritize achieving orgam above the importance of having a family. If they were values driven, they would understand the importance of family, and the benefits of traditional families (let alone the fabric of our nation) when compared to getting their rocks off. You cannot honestly say that carrying a baby for 9 months, birthing it, and undergoing all of the biochemical changes parents go through during a pregnancy provides the same level of inherent care and love that coming home from an adoption agency does.

Minor apologies to couples that have dealt with fertility issues thay were forced ro adopt. I KNOW that is tough, but the science is there to support my statement.

Are you by chance either gay or Jewish? You seem pretty in favor of immoral lifestyles that weaken white society and the US of A.

21364651? ago

No, neither gay, nor Jewish. I'm simply looking at it from the perspective of the small percentage of the population that is more interested in their partners enjoyment, rather than their own. Which leads to a better experience for both people in the relationship. I agree with the whole sex to reproduce argument, but personally I do not only have sex to try and get my wife pregnant. I know most people don't. I'm more pointing out the ALL _________ do this, or are like that. All people do things for different reasons, and when we start saying things like all gay people practice sexual acts for only selfish reasons all the time, its simply not true. That's all. I agree with basically everything you are saying, just not a fan of sweeping generalizations and hypocrisy. I also thing forcing homosexuality on us, and our children is super fucked up, and its clear people are being brainwashed into being gay, pan sexual, and all the other fucked up mental disorders people have decided to make up and embrace. Either way I'm not going to hate someone just because they are gay

21367239? ago

I understand your point, but my point, said differently, is that sex is for procreation. Sure, it is fun, but so is eating food. Both are necessary for the continuation of human life and society. They have chosen not to participate in that because their sex life is their priority.

21379260? ago

There could be other reasons people don't procreate. They want independence, are focuses on their job, are germ a phobes, can't get laid...

Being sexually 'selfish' is probably the smallest reason.

21399274? ago

Why else would you choose a same sex partner if not for sexual reasons?

21368797? ago

I've never looked at it from the perspective of their sex life being their priority over procreation...I was missing your point. Very interesting way to view it, and anyone who has kids knows that choosing not to have kids is about as selfish a decision as anyone can consciously make. Especially if you understand how important parenting is for humanity in general. If you look at it like that I'm on board.

21362900? ago

you still not getting it if you think sex is 'recreational'.

Sounds like you watch too much (((porn)))...

21364770? ago

read above response, should cover most of it for you...Most people don't have a clue what sex really is is what it can be. They either get off because they got someone else off, are trying to have children, or have daddy/mommy issues. If people could learn to connect through love first, using sex as a perk of love, it would be better for everyone. Our society teaches us that love is sexual, it is not. Sex can be part of the experience of love, but it is not required in the least.

21365972? ago

I agree. it's really sad what the brainwashing has done to all of us.

it's like a virus of depravity has swept across the land and sex disfunction is everywhere.

21362745? ago

Why is there so much tolerance of pedo criminality within the gay community, why do so many LGBT support open borders for the islamists, do they not see the jihadi moslem stoning some dyke to death with rocks or see the liveleak and twitter vids of islamics chucking the gays off tall buildings?

21364723? ago

It is because many of them partake in pedo activities regularly, and they figure if they're fucked up, everyone should be, so they won't feel so bad about what they are doing. Many gay couples will find teenage boys, who are blatantly underage and have all day ass raping sessions... To them pedo is part of their every day experience. its a mental disorder.

21362667? ago

No one here wants to learn about how you and your boyfriend plow eachothers corn and peanuts, you poo stained degenerate.

21364502? ago

Just because I am secure with my sexuality and can talk about other peoples gross habits doesn't mean I enjoy it. IF you aren't sure about where you stand with yours, you could start by watching one of the Zionist porn websites. If that does it for you I'm pretty sure there is a gay version of tinder that you can take it to the next level with. Good Luck

21362082? ago

Traditional Christian values have proven to be the best foundation for any modern nation.

21364355? ago

False. Pagan Rome established the values Western Civilization is built on. Actually, Rome just spread them farther; they were ancient long before Rome.

Christian values are what is destroying the West. Because they're fucking Semitic values which are incompatible with ethnic Europeans. Even the most "devout" Christian will get most of their enjoyment from celebrating pagan holidays, like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc.

21363223? ago

Traditional Christian values being that children should be born and raised by a Father and a Mother.

Who knew? Every study that has ever been done about children has repeatedly shown that children born into a family do better than those who are not. Nothing else has a bigger impact.

Did you know that in the 50s in that 74% of black Children were born into Black families with a married Mother and Father.

Then the Dems helped black people and the numbers are now reversed, Black families are as rare as hens teeth now.

21380683? ago

>Traditional Christian values being that children should be born and raised by a Father and a Mother.

So what did natural human relationships look like before that?

21363372? ago

Then the Dems helped black people

I agreed with you right up until this point... because adult Negroes aren't retards or infants or your pets.

Adult Negroes have the same agency and you and I and are as responsible for their poor life choices.

Perhaps you need to treat niggers with more equality?

Have you considered that unapologetic, strong white Christian culture is what forced the Congoids to behave and it's racial equality which allowed the pavement apes to behave like niggers?

Can you name ONE successful Negro nation or community, anywhere in the world?

No. No you can't... and it's not because of North American Democratic policy.

21364367? ago

It's race that matters, not spirituality. Name one successful black Christian nation. Go on, I'll wait.

21364621? ago

I agree with you 100%

You can use the threat of lynching to force Congoids to somewhat have like real humans, however that deception is no different than training a bear to wear a skirt and ride a bicycle... that bear would still kill everyone in the room if it thought it could.

Our forefathers were generous when they declared in the Constitution that Negroes are worth 3/5 of a real person.

21362732? ago

Have you noticed the Masonic hats, the symbomat an event or at a shooting? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3518676/21355088 The picture near the bottom shows a classic Masonic handshake being done right in front of Jimmy Savile. I know ground-level Freemasons don't think they're part of an evil organization but on the next floor up it's a living hell.

21362056? ago

https://tweetsave.com/markdice/status/1192190784168058880 :

Mark Dice on Twitter: "No wonder the Zoomers (generation Z kids) are rising up and denouncing Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA.

What kind of a Christian supports same sex couples adopting children?


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