21358852? ago

if by "took down" OP means "walking around free, unmolested, mucking about in US politics, and even still earning $$$", then, yes. We totally took their asses down.

21354650? ago

You know how some Q people have said everything is already done, Bush Sr executed, same with No Name, Hitlery arrested (the time when she collapsed by the car was supposedly when she was arrested), tribunals already occurred, Q says we're watching a movie and everyone is acting. Personally, I don't think everything could be over with and resolved but several popular Q people believe it.

This statement from our president could be viewed as proof of that. I'm just saying it's possible thats all.

21352723? ago

Project Looking Glass

21351948? ago

Could be speaking of future events

21351340? ago

Hahahaah, be doesn't call Obama a dynasty because it is two dudes.

21351225? ago

Dan Quayle is Q

21350866? ago

Lol, all of that to show: Why would he need Ukraine to take down Biden? LOL

21350768? ago

Not from where we’re standing.

21350646? ago

I don't know about that. Clinton may have lost the election to our President but they are all still making tons of money from their traitors activities and living the high life. They're just keeping a low profile right now, waiting for 2024 to reclaim the power and the satanic agenda.

21350479? ago

That better include Soros.

21350008? ago

I like the fact that he does not consider them a family. Just a couple of but fuckers.

21350004? ago

he's talking about winning the elections against the bushes and the clintons. The obama group comment though does strike me as strange.

21349671? ago

Hardly taken down. I could say something cynical now but I won’t.

21349662? ago

One thing is for sure, Trump doesn't speak unless it is a done deal. Trust the plan.

21349655? ago


21349536? ago

My pres.

21349348? ago

It's a quote from a campaign rally. If you listen to it, he's clearly talking about winning the election. He beat Jeb, easily. He beat Hillary. He has indeed dismantled Obama's network in DC.

21350073? ago

That’s not what he said. He said he beat their dynasties.

21349308? ago

After his last minute meeting with Barr yesterday that he cancelled an M1 flight for, this could be getting really good!

21349269? ago

This post touched a nerve with the shills their going Bazerk.

21350062? ago

Or touched a nerve with the true caring worrying thinking patriots

21351382? ago


21349787? ago

“Everyone who is upset at the lack of results, constant delays, and the destruction of our rights and government is a shill.” Celibate when you actually win.

21352565? ago

We won 3 years ago. Tally Ho.

21351394? ago


21352384? ago

Make sure you validate their reason to panic

21352459? ago

We can smell your fear. You reek big time.

21349226? ago

I really wish someone would “take down” me so I could go buy a 15 million dollar home on Martha’s Vineyard or retire on my 200 acre ranch in Texas or travel the world using the billions in my family charity. Oh please, please, please!

21350047? ago


21349291? ago

This made me LOL

21349214? ago

Hey shills, he’s planting seeds into normie consciences. There will be tens of thousands of rally attendees who heard the term “crooked Obama group.” He’s a master at branding. He drips these phrases that eventually force people to do some digging.

Trump and Q team are tacticians!

21354498? ago

Military precision.

21349077? ago


21349059? ago

When was this? I don't see anyone being held responsible.

21348994? ago

They are all walking free, define "took down" ?

21356216? ago

they lost the power to through government. all they have is FF, Lies, and REEEEEEE

21356231? ago


define "lost the power to through government"

21357283? ago

haha, right. should have said "legitimate" government.

Q said don't ever think for a second they have more power than POTUS. that's what counts.

21354453? ago

Optics you fuckin retard. Trust the plan or GTFO. The number of coincidences thus far make it Mathematically improbable for you to be as stupid as you are.

21354619? ago

Be gone shills. Patriots have seen through your "muh optics" disinfo deceptions. We are thinking for ourselves and you are now PANIC

21354151? ago

Watch the clip. President Trump is talking about the last election.

"So last election, we took down the Bush Dynasty (Jeb), we took down the Clinton dynasty (Hillary), then we took down the very crooked Obama group (Obama)." Again, he is talking about the last election. If you watch the extended clip, he is highlighting how utterly ridiculous the brainwashed left are for believing he would need Ukraine's help to beat Quid Pro Joe. He beat Jeb, Hillary, and Obama without help, so why would he need help to beat a loser like Quid Pro Joe?

Again, POTUSVSG is talking specifically about the last election.

21354355? ago

Doesn‘t affect we patriots talk about today.

21351018? ago

First things first.

You: "these people are in jail but the world is burning. That's good. "

Sane people: "we continue to claw back liberty and rule of law. We all in know what happens once rule of law is finally restored. "

You: "that's all bad. Don't support that. "

Low iq or shill didn't matter.

21350393? ago

All of you clueless, baby beta cucks: stfu Before I tell your mom

There are men at work here. Watch in awe.

21354408? ago

U don't even know my mom u stupid idiot

21355485? ago

EVERYONE knows your mom.

21350523? ago

Sorry but no. Internet fairy tale, is a fairy tale.

21349586? ago

I don't know what it means, but I'm going to bank on President Trump -- He doesn't usually say things he doesn't mean.

21350032? ago

"cuz you'd be in jail " to Hillary ? or "I will start a special council to look into your case ?"

21349379? ago

Sauce ? Grunt? Scratch balls, grunt again... Trying out for shill ;>) May need to get a lobotomy to reach their low IQ

21349061? ago

Not only walking free, but raking in the cash.

21352958? ago

Wait and see.

21356275? ago

wait and lose our last chance and die ? no thanks

21349085? ago

Still not "took down"

and they can easily take their power back 2020 or even before that.


21349251? ago

And just had 2 practice runs (2018midterms)(2019 election)to work out the kinks. 2020 're-election will not be allowed to happen. Releasing phone transcripts is not helping. Sheriff's clown show is moving forward. Senate I's not a lock.

21349872? ago

lol concern fags = fake news

21348988? ago


21348906? ago

By taking them down, does he mean they all served 8 year terms and are now almost billionaires and doing whatever they please out in the world including wriitng books, getting paid millions for speeches, and getting high six figure netflix deals?

Wow, he really took them down.

21349049? ago

Politically, he's destroyed the narrative each one of them previously held.

Bush before - great patriots and good for the country.

Bush now - WTF did they ever do for Americans? Fucking CIA goons

Clinton (Bill) before - women loved him even though he used one as a cigar holder.

Clinton (Hambeast) before - woo! I'm with her! Women!!!

Clinton now - fuck them and their corrupt pay-to-play global extortion

Obama before - scandal free and y'all love me!

Obama now - fuck O, and Mike, and their hypocrisy. It wasn't scandal free, it was all hidden by lawsuits.

30 years of presidential glory has been reduced to 30 years of bullshit.

I know it. You know it. The whole world knows it.

Their legacy is gone.

21351263? ago

Not to mention, executive orders wiping out their money train baby and sex trade business

clearing their hacks out of the swamp, installing hundreds of law loving judges, crumbling the world banking systems edges ...

21349330? ago

Great response about trump destroying their legacy. I hear co-workers talking about corruption over decades now. It’s working. Their narrative is changing. He’s a master at branding.

21349444? ago

Good way to put it, I wd have to agree. Trumps not the doctrinaire right-wing savior we were hoping for, but I guess hes achieving on the psyops front

21349248? ago

What? 11 months ago we had a state funeral and they glorified poppy. What r u talking about? Nobody but us are calling the bush family cia.

21349066? ago

LOL, yeah sure. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean the world agrees. I'm a forever Trumper, but that is delusional.

21348833? ago

Wow! He is claiming victory. He never speculates. This made me happy.

21348914? ago

Well let's see, everyone he names is living out in the open freely and making millions a month on sweetheart book and TV deals while Trump is under investigation by every agency there is. Hmm. Good victory!

21348768? ago

https://tweetsave.com/jham2020djt/status/1195334076246478849 :

2020DJT🇺🇸4USA on Twitter: "And the best is yet to come...👇🏼… "

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