21360295? ago

In the video that got Trump elected he flashes Fox News up there with all the rest of them

21360270? ago

Idk why people keep mentioning fox as if they ever mattered!!! They are the placating flouride of the conservative side, they only exist to keep you in an endless loop of Republican/conservative frustration! They are gatekeepers and idk why anyone here thinks anything different!

21360074? ago

Doocey is a POS.

21358081? ago

Steve Douchey is a scumbag working for the cabal. Controlled and compromised. Hang him.

21356482? ago

Their controlled opposition is showing.

21356125? ago

quit watching Fox. Tucker, Pirro, cough Hannity could do the right thing, or continue to take the hush money.

21353145? ago


21352181? ago

Stopped watching FOX in 2008....I saw their true colors back then...

21351884? ago

"Those you have been taught to trust.."

21351484? ago

Hannity and Lou Dobbs are the only two not corrupt or influenced by Robert Murdoch. The rest are good but let biased and obviously flipped/blackmailed people like Judge Joe Napolitano. I’ll watch replays of Hannity but take the rest with a grain of salt.

21351389? ago

Stop relying on the fucking mainstream media. Damnit you people need to stop watching TV.

21351046? ago

Who Owns Media?

The Key - Israel is Last.

Related, Trump's public support for Bibi?

Jarrad's ties Rothchilds, Murdoch, Soros Money.

Khasarian Mafia?

How does this all play out?

Trusting the Plan, no hard conclusions yet, but we are nearing a super cell storm. Up is Down, Down is Up. Good vs Evil. Those we trust. Expand your thinking. Dark to Light (Cabal Lite?)...Eyes Wide Open! These all have new meaning the deeper one goes down the rabbit hole!

Stumbled over this video ref on VOAT - Profound.

My level of red pill awakening just expanded several layers. The way she connected the dots!. My brain is about to explode. So much to aggregate and Interpret. She is on another plain, Should we be as well or is it BS? Takeaway, review current events in the context of revelations and without it. Talk about expand your thinking.

Prepare to have your mind blown - youtube dot com/watch?v=62Hok9BkYcY&feature=youtu.be

21350931? ago

anyone can post a clip of this?

21350887? ago

If not corrupt, just highlights how dumb a lot of these show personalities are. A lot don’t care to really have in-depth knowledge of important topics. They just read headlines like a lot of people.

21350872? ago

Doocey said this?????????

21351333? ago

He did!

21350743? ago


21350560? ago

Douchey bag does it every time..he is a scum bag! he is using psychology and steering peoples thoughts..very subtle but if you watch closely you will see it every time.

21350425? ago

You cunts are annoying me now. Disney bought fox. With shitloads of fiat. And so the fiat fox was born.



21350368? ago

Good eye bro. Disney fuckers stain all they touch

21350341? ago

I have a feeling the OIG report is coming any day now... to combat these lies

21350295? ago

Other than about three people at Fox, its just controlled opposition.

21350289? ago

MSM lies

qtard: shocked pikachu face

Lol fucking retard

21350401? ago

You're the faggot bringing up pikachu.

21351563? ago

Ok boomer

21352448? ago

OMG you are such an incel.

21354987? ago

Ooh, grandpa learned a new word

21350264? ago

Patriot soap box on YT is one of my sources and RT, Tass and southfront.org (although it is likely controlled at least there are videos from the ground)

21350222? ago

Only 6 media companies makes it easy to become complacent. Did obumber make propaganda legal? Think about it, you cannot even trust the answers you find due to the question. I lost all trust in fox election night 2018 when they called races early.

21350144? ago

Shame on him!!!

21350065? ago

just like the chris Walrus another trump detractor.

21349894? ago

Steve Douchey

21349822? ago

It’s pathetic that many of you still look at this as Republican vs Democrat and Conservative vs Liberal. This is Deep State vs the people. It’s good vs evil. The media isn’t your friend.

21349737? ago

Attempted take-down of a president.

I sincerely hope all these assholes hang from ropes, and spend the rest of eternity burning in the seventh circle of hell!

Yes I'm drunk, but God damnit, Trump is trying to help, and these assholes, like termites, are eating away the foundation!

21350002? ago

Starting early or still going from yesterday?

21349708? ago

Oh did Brian K say anything he said that?

21354813? ago

Brian has off today

21349683? ago

FOX can never be controlled oppo unless they hired DNC stealth agent provocateurs.

Like a senior DNC vote rigging whore like Donna Brazile or the greatest Deep State asset double agent like Paul Ryan.

Even CNN would not hire a DNC cheat like Donna, so I feel confident that FOX is still legitimate.

After all, they fired MeAgain Kelly so they must be on the up and up. (dramatic eye roll)

21349672? ago

Until proven otherwise: FOX = MSM = C_A = TRAITORS.

There are obviously a few among their ranks who are not TRAITORS, but they are obviously very few.

21349666? ago

How many times do you fucking people have to be bit to see they are all rabid dogs? ALLLLLLLLLLLL OF THEM

21349633? ago

FOX is the worst of them all; they've been reporting approx. 85% accuracy to keep the public's trust while using the other 15% to fear porn and brainwash them against POTUS and his supporters.

21349593? ago

Stupid Boomers. You fuckers think Fox News and Alex Jones are legit.

If a news source is allowed to reach an audience of millions, it's controlled opposition.

No exceptions.

21349499? ago

I know Trump has said he likes Fox and Friends, but why?

Steve D comes across as a moron. I think he is too stupid to understand what he said. And what he said is the result of thousands of misstatements all across media (TV, podcasts, blogs, radio, internet) all making this same exact misstatement. And THAT'S the power of the MSM to change the "facts" with sheer repetition.

21357636? ago

Agreed that he probably misspoke and is kind of a blubbering idiot type

21350436? ago

Prior to Disney purchase.


21349462? ago

How's that red pill taste?

21349439? ago

There were multiple, as in more than one, phone calls between Trump and the Ukraine. The first phone call, as Trump has stated, was a congratulatory phone call. The demoncrats have never been talking about the first phone call.

Please do keep up.

21349531? ago

He said no such thing.

21349610? ago

He said it no less than seven times. It was a shakedown to propel his political ambitions. Pay attention.

21349579? ago

He did. He also said he would release the transcripts one at a time. This is the first of the transcripts.

There's so much disinfo flying around that no one on either side can make sense of it anymore. Remove yourself from it and the picture becomes more clear.

21349412? ago

FCC complaint?

21349398? ago

Fox is no better than CNN, it's controlled opposition, not true news

21349354? ago

ALL MSM are liars. Turn that shit off.

21349843? ago

^^^^ Best advice!

21349257? ago

Steve Doocey is a goofy fuck that shouldn't do more than the weather...in Iowa. I can't stand him.

21349200? ago

Fox is fake news

21349130? ago

Hmm, so some people still own a TV?

21349102? ago

(((FXN))) is just controlled opposition. They represent the Right Side of the "Overton Window.' (((Who))) owns FXN?! Don't Trust FXN!

21349098? ago


21349075? ago

Fox News has never been on our side.

21349047? ago

It’s fox, dummies.

21349525? ago

agreed, FOX MSM lied, can you believe it?

What stupid faggots.

21349030? ago

Why would you think Fox is on Trump's side? They are part of the legacy media. Their entire reason to exist is to spread propaganda and lie for the people who sign the checks.

21349009? ago

Isn't this referring to accountability for the billions that went missing? much is out of context now.

21348977? ago

Fox news and it's pharma drug pushing commercials is as fake as fake can be. If it's not Tucker or Hannity it can't be trusted. Fox and friends should focus on the BIdens. ANERICAN WANTS TO KNOW

21348958? ago

America isn't for sale, but Fox News is SOLD (out)!

21348927? ago

Fox is lying? Was it a day ending in "y"? There you go.

Hint: look up the concept "controlled opposition".

21348923? ago

You didn't read the transcript, did you?

21349509? ago

Sure did.

21348910? ago

The president did say that in the parody version read in congress by little Schitt.

21348928? ago

Actually, the real one too.

21349548? ago

Uh, no - he did not.

Are you mental?

21349764? ago

Can you read?

21348866? ago

Bu...t But ....its Fox , they don't lie

21348861? ago

Heard the same kind of thing yesterday from another on air personality, don't recall who though.

21348807? ago


21348767? ago

FOX and Washington Examiner intentionally gaslighting but why?

21349236? ago

All owned by Sinclair media . When will people realize this is one big show for real? It’s calked compartmentalization

21348751? ago

You cant trust anything said before 8pm

21348732? ago

Not the first time ,relax. Quit watching them after Rosen rolled over.

21348702? ago

Fox is MSM. All MSM lies.

21349157? ago

So why doesn't POTUS go after them as well then?

21349597? ago

He has. Said OANN is his favorite news channel now.

21350974? ago

Your still have to be careful who you follow (I.e. Jack Psobiac)

21349723? ago

That’s true - he has!

21349190? ago

Exactly! Why? Because it’s a freaking clown show and we’ve all been lied to. Fox is msm and ALL TV news is fake news .

21349039? ago

Fox is Disney.

21351809? ago

You do know that it's not though right. Fox sold everything but Fox news and it's broadcast network. In a way Fox is more independent than ever but now have to worry about buying content since they sold there studios.

21349752? ago

Specializing in make believe. Ah, I get it.

21349739? ago

Fox News is majority owned by the Murdoch family and controlled and run by the liberal sons of lukewarm DS chairman emeritus Rupert Murdoch. Not ABC/Disney/ESPN/Marvel

21350427? ago

Murdoch Sons sold Fox to Disney

21360102? ago

Well, kind of. Murdoch sold off 21st Century Fox to Disney, of which Fox News was a part, but the news is being spun off into a separate entity. But that doesn't mean it is not controlled by Disney.

21350998? ago

21st Century Fox, not Fox News.


21351215? ago

Shell corps, follow the web.

21349498? ago

Fox News isn't Disney.

21349668? ago

Yes they are. Disney now owns FOX. Merger completed a few months ago.

21350928? ago

fox news and fox entertainment are two separate entities....correct me if I am wrong on this.

21351194? ago

you are not wrong. Some people are just stupid and won't bother to see if they are wrong when called out.

21349801? ago

21350591? ago

I've read this too. They still seem controlled. To a degree anyway.

21350412? ago

They set up shell companies and set off assets for purchase separate from the primary deal. There is no reason to believe Disney doesn't own FOX as they do ABC. Disney is C_A. This stuff happens all the time. Corporations owning corporations and hiding the true 'member' or 'officers' names.

21349765? ago

No they aren't. Fox News is owned by Fox Corporation. Disney acquired other 21st Century Fox assets.


[Fox Corporation] was formed from the 2019 acquisition of 21st Century Fox (itself formed from the 2013 split of News Corporation) by The Walt Disney Company. Fox Corp. was spun off from 21st Century Fox and its stock began trading on March 19, 2019.[6][7][8] It is owned by the Murdoch family via a family trust with 39% interest;

Fox Corp. deals primarily in the television broadcast, news, and sports broadcasting industries by way of the remaining 21st Century Fox assets that were not acquired by Disney.

21349383? ago

Disney is owned by jews

21349506? ago

Chris Wallce the Communist Jew is FOX's chief News reporter.

21355830? ago

Chris Wallace - gatekeeper of the swamp.

21349011? ago

Fox News is the strawman for CNN to knock down.

21348687? ago

the news is fake

21351692? ago

red light camera conspiracy?


A lot of these scams are set up for the private company doing the red light cameras to keep the fines for themselves.

The politicians get personal donations from the company in return.