21359651? ago

Rothschild get the Trump tax.

Returning all their usury gold very soon

Winning bigly

21350265? ago

The assassin who killed archduke Ferdinand was a kike

21350366? ago

deleted? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3507370 Freemasonry is alive and well. It infects the US government, hides behind Jesus, and trafficks children and drugs. It's hard to recognize it because it has shapeshifted.

21350496? ago

Freemasonry doesn't hide behind Jesus, they worship Satan but have some crazy name that is the combination of the names for Satan, it starts with a J is I remember right.

They have Facebook ads recruiting, I had one pop up at me. They blatenty exist. The black lodges are the evil ones. They are the ones trafficking children and dealing drugs. The gang stalk and gang rape each other for whistle blowing, and many cooks and judges are in their cult.

21350468? ago

I'm the op from that noticed you linked

It was censored

21349937? ago

"Anastasia escaped this attack" this is stated as if it is udisputed fact. Ok...

21348772? ago

Not entirely.

Cecile Rhodes and the Rhodes Roundtable were the guys that really came up w the plan. Then they shopped it to the Rothschilds for additional funding and logistics.


21348936? ago

The BBC news is going to interview Prince Andrew about the Epstein shit ... BBC iplayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctwo You’ll need a VPN if you’re outside britbongistan

21348253? ago

Ah, so it was the Jews. I thought so.

21348552? ago

Scifi fantasy movie about Skeksis ? http://magaimg.net/img/8jlf.png Was Henson woke,

'Labyrinth a goblin king lures innocent girls to bring other younger children to him so he can turn them? That’s Epstein

Dark Crystal was all about an aging decrepit cabal siphoning off an innocent and naive population while propping up their decay.

Hardly mindless and delivered in a way that appeal to masses.

Sesame Street, Muppets etc which helped inner city kids immensely specifically blacks, thought them not to be Niggaz?'

21348828? ago

Henson reportedly died of pneumonia.

21348596? ago

Jews, jews, and more jews, all jewing all the time.

21348222? ago

New Movie Release >> "1917"

Hollywood just in time with the REAL STORY of WW1 /s

21348025? ago

No secret

21354015? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3491104 FBI Releases MAJOR Vault on 'Finders' CIA Organization

21354003? ago

message from NCMEC when you click on it. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3488468/21105256 The big question we should be asking is “Why Now?”.

21347925? ago

A family from Belgium , Germany, Bulgaria, the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha https://voat.co/v/QRV/3517881/21347889 the walls of the Buttfuckingham Palace.

21348508? ago

Frodo and the Eye of flame .... She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature? https://files.catbox.moe/hlyz1x.jpg That is the Pyramid of the all seeing eye. Look around. It is everywhere today in all shapes and sizes...there is no logical or rational outcome that could explain why this royal lady makes sure to always wear this.