21348487? ago

What was Nixon really going for at the Watergate?

21347581? ago

Nixon was corrupt. This is a diversionary shill post

21346471? ago

Bush = Bauer

Who did the Bauers become?

21345344? ago

WTF does Nixon need to be avenged for? He was a shitbag. Also, Carter, GWB, GHWB, Clinton, LBJ, BHO, FDR, WW, among others but I'm keeping it to modern history bastards who need to burn in hell.

21347672? ago

I agree Nixon was a shitbag but two things he did correct, he split China and Russia most other US Presidents since have allowed Ruskies and Chinese to ally closer as one force. Also he called out the elite and their perversions, the Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove https://voat.co/v/QRV/3506148/21248995

I grew up being taught to hate nixon but that shit makes me chuckle

Poor bastard...having to attend those demonic buttfucking parties must have been awful.

...' a book to read is “Mary’s Monkey” '

Extreme Left, Extreme Right all confusion? They don't care which ideology is used. They only care that they hold the reigns of power? ...a lot of stuff might be going mainstream again, Joe Rogan, another comedian is named Tim Dillon. ...Notice the FBI calling out the Finders, lots of names out there, Jack "Ruby" Rubenstein, you have Deep State stuff, Oswald, Guest lists? Anita Patience Guiness married Amschel Rothschild also Lady Caroline Blackwood, a Guiness, married to Lucian Freud, Rachel Chandler, marriage tied to Rothschilds Freud... Flight logs prove alleged Epstein victim linked to Prince Andrew ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3401218 Epstein plane logs Anonymous

21346122? ago

The Nixon set up

That was a c_a coup..

21350490? ago

Point is, if you are a shit president then they should be removed. That being said, the CIA motives are no longer altruistic. They do not have America's best interest at heart. I imagine this nefarious streak began just after the Vietnam War and got completely out of control under GWB. That is why what the deep state is doing to Trump is unacceptable, he is a good man.

21352033? ago

The c_a was never good just ask JFK.

It's been down hill from 1948

21344787? ago

It's blatant because the two people controlling this impeachment coup are (((Adam Schiff))) and (((Jerry Nadler))).

21344761? ago

This is a great teaching lesson for all the criminal politicians to come in the future.

How Not To Perpetrate A Coup d’Etat.

21344726? ago

jew coup

21346280? ago

Jew Coup Clan?

21344759? ago

So we should kill ALL Jews then?

21344837? ago

No, Just Talmudic Rabbi's, Freemasons. World Jewish Congress and all their alliances, Jewish Central Bankers, Jewish Supremist..etc. Ordinary everyday Jew who are struggling to get by everyday like the rest of society are acceptable. Any Jew promoting the NEw World Order as well as Goyim must be executed

21346063? ago

Any jew who doesn’t name the Jew will be eradicated.

21344984? ago

So kill all jews. Got it.

21344831? ago

Muh joo fag talking to himself


21344829? ago

That is certainly one guaranteed, low-risk (final) solution.

21344800? ago

Unfortunately it's the only way to make sure they won't come back. The jew and the cockroach have many similarities.