21342482? ago

Meanwhile, Simpsons had Marge basically become a diesel dyke this week.

21339060? ago

Never trust a jewish cartoon, on a jewish network, even if they tell you what you want to hear.

21339415? ago

Right? Did you see the last episode where they smeared Juliani as insane?

21339493? ago

They also made fun of 9/11 truthers at a critical time.

21339335? ago

Are either of the creators Jewish?

21339499? ago

Youre going to need to use the internet and be a big boy

21339633? ago

In other words they aren't Jewish.

21339710? ago

Matt Stone is

21339644? ago

Gas yourself. Israel is doomed.

21339682? ago

Wignats like you don't help the movement.

21340066? ago

The only movement is the one where the entire earth turns on the jew parasite. Enjoy.

21338295? ago

We older folks fought tooth and nail to get parity for women's sports back in the 70's. It was Liberals who were fighting alongside conservatives for this. And here we are. 40 years later and those asshats are allowing this to happen. This should redpill a lot of older moderate libs

21339561? ago

Absolutely!! It is soooo upside down today!

21339316? ago

Old school feminists are getting a quick lesson in how easily women can be manipulated into supporting anything, even men being able to access and dominate women's spaces by simply claiming they're a woman.

21351000? ago

If only they would actually learn! Old school feminist right here. But I figured it out while I was in college. Helped out a bunch of feminist friends on a project and got shafted once they got what they wanted. Have had a jaundiced view of them ever since. Early lesson in "Socialism and Feminazis Suck!" I keep hoping these young millennials and zoomers have the same experience as me and are smart enough to see it when it happens. It's the betrayal of the pie in the sky fantasies that will wake people up. Unfortunately a lot of old hippies don't want to see it. I just presented a series of hard cold facts to an old college friend. She said, "Thank you for sharing your opinion." MY OPINION. FUCK! I just shook my head and walked away.

21341944? ago

They even have an acronym for feminists who won't go along with the transgender program : TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists)

21338617? ago

now an arrest of filth Dr. Bruce M. Hensel, a former longtime medical correspondent for KNBC in Los Angeles https://voat.co/v/QRV/3516311/21334572

Thanks soros thanks deep state

Thanks EU and thanks Dutch politics

21340955? ago

Thanks Israel for exclusively manufacturing trans chemo shit

21338203? ago

The only people suppressing women today is the left. They are literally letting men beat the shit out of them in mixed martial arts. Leftists have taken control of the feminist movement and convinced them that the other side is the ones suppressing them.

21337918? ago


21337660? ago

ā€œIā€™m not here to talk about my transition, Iā€™m here to kick some fuckin ass!ā€


21341583? ago

Luck is for dudes...

21340464? ago

Yup, that was proper belly laugh material.

21337360? ago

We should support this 100%, until women come out and say we are not equal.

21339696? ago

Im a woman. I agree we are not equal, we differ in so many ways! I'm sure you mean not equal, but also not one is better than the other. We each have our strengths and weaknesses

21339804? ago

One IS better than the other at things, it depends what the thing is.

21339196? ago

I somewhat agree, but liberals are in thought prison to their feelings. They will not take a stand to anything that might cause them to be called a bigot. The easy simple solution is to have anyone who is taking hormones to "transition" play in boys sports. Nobody should be allowed to "transition" to play with women.