21342516? ago

Not at all. This live journal virtue signaling for votes is a lot of what is wrong with this place. It has nothing to do with q research. Inb4 somebody mentions the constitution then suddenly his fags random story rallies the boomers to post bible quotes.

21340632? ago

We had some interns from Norway at a consulting firm I worked for years ago. Some sort of exchange program or something. We had long conversations about the Bill of Rights and 2nd amendment. They thought I was crazy. Frankly I feel sorry for them now. They've been brainwashed since birth and will die because of it.

21340554? ago

How did your guns slow the number of illegals crossing the border for the last 20 years?

21340432? ago

Greek people may seem friendly, ineffectual "foreigners" but try taking our guns. We don't often parade them but believe me we have plenty. We use them at weddings instead of fireworks. And knife-making is still a popular profession. We have streets full of shops selling nothing but knives. Don't push a Greek too far.

21348650? ago

That island Temple for elites and hollywood celebrity, what do they believe in? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3516723

21340196? ago

Dont laugh. That is the US in 10-15 if this is not stopped. Muslim invasion, no guns. I believe Q and Team will prevail. But I shudder to think how close we came.

21339443? ago

I feel bad for Hong Kong though. They truly believe in western democracy and have nothing to fight the onslaught of Chinese. I saw them getting creative rhe other day - uni students had bow and arrow and javelins.

21339222? ago

Fuck you. We’re in this together, do you laugh at your friend while they’re down?

21339548? ago

they are not our friends and they love being ruled. The good ones left over 200 years ago.

21339572? ago

that is an interesting point, their lineage comes from nothing but serfdom all the genetic lineage that was brave left for a better life

21339140? ago

I don't laugh at anyone's brainwashing. I think many people have had the just the right amount of brainwashing to effectively install cognitive dissonance at any opposing or external thought that doesn't line up with "theirs". I put quotes around "theirs" because they're not actually their thoughts.

21338960? ago

Europe doesn't want to be saved. It's sad.

21338438? ago

France, UK, Germany, Sweden and others would constantly condemn racism in the US whenever a story about niggers or spics being "mistreated" would be force-fed via the kike media worldwide. Europeans called us uncivilized, intolerant and backwards because niggers would get arrested for doing nigger things. Then their kike overlords opened their borders. Now their countries are flooded with the same savage niggers and shit tier people that we've been dealing with for 200 years.

Have you noticed the silence? The European people don't condemn us any more.

21338455? ago

Deafening SILENCE

21338338? ago

Meanwhile Europeans were pointing out the deep state and defending Americans for years while you slept. Eat shit you fucking retard. Here I was thinking we were in this together. Guess not.

21338324? ago

You are right but you need to understand that we europeans, especially the german speaking ones, have been brutalised in two world wars and massively brainwashed on top. We never had the "room" to think for ourselves since then. Our grandfathers returned from war or more often kriegsgefangenschaft (beeing held as a war prisoner for years under horrible conditions). And MANY if not ALL refused to talk about what happened. Probably to the young souls from unimmaginable horror. This not only killed them, but us younger ones later too. We humans really really need to connect to the things our ancestors experienced. The powers to be and their media lackeys made sure we did not understand the unconcionable betrayal on our parents and our generation and proceded to distract the survivors with degeneration, filth and disgusting "culture".

21348627? ago

Hopefully their will not be another war. Go for the stars when you rise again like that old guy von Braun dreamed.

21346161? ago

If you look around you will notice most of us are not laughing.

The US gave Germany no right to free speech, we gave Iraq no freedom of religion, and we also have been lied to from youth. Our media makes you the bad guys when Britain was the one mass murdering German civilians and the USA was doing the same to Japan. I'd like to see a Nuremberg trial for Truman but I'm not holding my breath - his birthplace is across town from me.

21338873? ago

You will rise brother.

21338322? ago

Yep. I work for a multinational. I point out what is happening in Europe in particular and ma told it’s not really that way in U.K., Holland, Germany, etc. news says otherwise

21338190? ago

The 2A is our citizens' nuclear weapons treaty.

Just because we have them doesn't mean we will use them,

but don't you think for a second we won't.

21338114? ago

Shouldn't laugh but a few well placed i told you so emails would be fun.

21338064? ago

Oh no. Mocked by foreigners for a law they can't comprehend.

Best stew about it for two fucking decades then blog post about it online. Grow up.

21338872? ago


21337987? ago

It does not make me laugh. If more people were armed across the globe, things wouldn’t be so tenuous at the moment. As it is, America looks to be the last and only thing in the way of muslim domination bringing in the new world order. An unwelcome place to hold in the big scheme of things.

21337986? ago

They’re all fucking french Nancys

21337949? ago

I've had a few of those conversation with my European friends as well. Course some have now moved here where it's safer but that darn 2A is still a problem. Reminds me of the Libs that leave California only to recreate their hell on earth somewhere else.. and I say this as a NorCal conservative so don't come at me bullets blazing.

21337781? ago

Does it, because you're next.

21338290? ago

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz choke on a dick faggot

21340158? ago

That's what they're going to do to you. lol

21336934? ago

keks in schadenfreude

21336921? ago

Nice...but when do WE get to fight back?

21339645? ago

Free will. So, yes.

21336990? ago

go for it

21336913? ago

Europe is a piece of shit

21338216? ago

That's why our forefathers left, and accepted Divine guidance when they formed our constitutional republic.

21336864? ago

Even took their screwdrivers away!


21338356? ago

Other countries have guns and yet they are terrible shitholes, Yemen, Serbia, Bosnia, Lebanon, Venezuela, Pakistan, Iraq all have lots of fire arms and they are backward war torn shitholes. Dont get me wrong Your 2nd is very important but I've aruged its the American people that make the country of the United States and the First Amendment is the perhaps most important thing the USA has. It allows you to call the prophet of islam a terrorist and a pedophile, as an America you can question the porn industry ask why Jews are involved in trafficking or why they want to used predator loans on families and you can ask why Jews want to mutilate the genitals of children, you can ask what happened to your own Americans who got ill the atomic bomb veterans, you can say Prince Andrew Duke of York is Satanic, you can question any law, any corporation, ask why weird tranny perverted shit is now being broadcast at your kids, you can ask about the motive for any war ... lots of other countries can kind of ask question and kind of have guns, some don't have many guns, some do have many guns... but most have corrupt traitor governments that can raid and arrest you for wrong think or even typing the wrong thing on the interwebs, America at least in theory still has freedom of speech, the people of America the rest of them out there have thought-cops, they forgot the wars that people died for and forgot about the corrupt tyrants over thrown.

21341241? ago

Yes the First Amendment is the most important, but without the 2nd we wouldn't be able to keep the first. They go hand-in-hand.