21346886? ago

More evilness from the DS NWO cabal. They want to separate you from God and godliness.

My advice is to:

  1. Repent of your sins

  2. Say a prayer accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour

  3. Read your Bible and pray to God

  4. Lead a life that is pleasing to God by following His Word and His Direction

  5. Have no other gods before Him

I pray that God will use Trump and the patriots to eliminate the evil cabal in the world. We shall see how things unfold. My faith is in God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit only. The Bible is the only Truth. False prophets, satanists, anti-Christ(ian)s and evil-doers abound in the world today and some are brought to deceive the faithful and the patriotic. Be very careful who you follow and who you put your trust in. In God I trust. We need to get back to being one nation under God.

21346868? ago

We need to stop this carp NOW!!!

21346673? ago


My mind can't wrap itself around the magnitude of psychological damage this imposes

21346180? ago

DrainTheSwamp #SaveTheChildren

21345264? ago

I feel weird upvoting this, so I won't. But WTF.

21342300? ago

Remember people will do anything. The children are never considered. And we all know 3rd graders should get active in anal sex. I’m sure this will help their school grades. This is appeasement for the q crowd. The lgbtqpbe what we call the less than 1% of the population have no confidence. But be afraid satan trains them well. Austin and aisd get their way and the children pay!

21341380? ago

Good to know, now I know where to send my wife to school.

21339959? ago

This is so beyond sick, what the hell is happening? I don't even recognize this country anymore!

21339825? ago

Parents need fight this! This is so wrong on every level!

21339461? ago

This only happens if those living in Austin will allow it to.

21339431? ago

This is sick and vile.

21339317? ago

I hate (((Austin))) so much. It used to be so great man. Austin even just 20 years ago would never have let this happen.

21338235? ago

Amazing how Texans have been turned into a bunch of pussies and are COWtowing to the communist and letting them take over their state. They are just giving away their children and their future to these subversives, shaking their fists at their computer screens while they let them take over their cities and state and turn it into a libtard cesspool. Goodbye Texas, you let it happen, you have nobody to blame but yourselves.

21339399? ago

Like many states, it's the large urban areas that are fucked. The rural areas are still sane (my county voted 80% red last election) and fortunately we outnumber the cityfolk about 2:1. You're right though, the cities are dirty and dangerous shitholes and they have their own actions to blame

21338129? ago

3rd graders.... 8 and 9 years old. Absolutely vile.

21342223? ago


Scroll down to just past halfway. Download all the third grade lesson plans and worksheets (a couple sheets here, one worksheet there) and tell me where I missed the absolutely vile stuff.

I didn't look further than third grade due because I didn't want to spend more time on it, and the K-2nd grade material isn't online.

21343861? ago

So, you're condoning or defending teaching 8 and 9 year olds about anal sex?

21345293? ago

No, that would be absolutely vile; but I'd appreciate it you were able to show me where they will in the lesson plans and worksheets, so I can prove to my brother-in-law and sister who's a teacher there that I had a valid concern raised by these articles about what my nephew will be learning next year.

21338068? ago

What with the US and butt-sex in general?

21337923? ago

We can't compete on the world stage in math, science, and english, and this is what they add to the curriculum?

Lets stick to the basics, and let parents handle the sex education at home when they deem the time is right for "their" child.

I for one will take ownership of teaching my grand kids how to kick the shit out of anyone who goes near their ass or anything else.

Hasn't epstein taught society anything.

21337837? ago

This is what California immigrants bring with them.

What the fuck is wrong with those in leadership?

This isn't fit for dissemination in public schools, let alone grade schools.

May they burn in the hottest corners of hell, compounded by each and every child who is affected.

21337731? ago

Help organize the parents and fight back.

21337546? ago

Another defeat for white people at the Alamo.

21337331? ago

It isn't just Austin. They are doing this nation wide. It just isn't being reported. Find some way to get your kids out of public school, or they will be converted to sodomites to be struck down by God.

21337305? ago

LGBTHIV+ strikes again, question is are we going to let this happen?

21337109? ago

Let the round up and purge begin, our children are our most precious asset.

21336999? ago

Fuck public education. I send my child to private Christian school (single dad so homeschooling is not an option). Its not cheap and I live paycheck to paycheck because of the $15000+/year I spend for it but I refuse to give in and send my child to be indoctrinated in what are really Prisons for children.

I make 45k a year too, self employed. When I see faggots crying about their student loans and how they should get them paid off at taxpayer expense because they refuse to live by their means and didn't work through college I want to strangle someone.

21336732? ago

Yes, teach about how it destroys the rectum and may who frequently engage in it have to wear adult diapers to hide their anal leakage. Talk about the diseases that you can get too. If you want to teach than teach the disgusting truth.

21338096? ago

Not only that, it's an ancient form of "introducing satanic witchcraft" into a person's body. I kid you not. That may or may not be what actually happens, but it's why [[they]] push it so hard. (no pun intended.) And people are getting indoctrinated to try it because of pornhub and all those channels. Women, who in the past would have told you to go sit on a pipe yourself, are now acquiescing, even though the only people who get off on it are males -- especially guys with tiny dicks. And the men who are 'bottoms' get off because of the prostate gland. The whole thing is a sickness and indicative of a much larger cultural problem.

21338301? ago

Sex that goes outside what God deemed good opens doors to demons. Demons can pass from one person to the other.

21351093? ago

yep, I've heard them called 'hitchhikers." And if you don't pay attention and notice a marked difference in your thoughts and behavior, you could carry them around for a long time. That's why we need to focus on our moral high ground, and keep our faith. And if we have any kind of surgery or blood transfusion or transplant, take the time to pray about the person and for the person who donated the blood or other cells to your body. I know some people think that sounds goofy, but truthfully, there's just so much we don't know or understand about energy and the transfer thereof. I'd rather be seen as goofy and pray for a cleansing for the person who donated blood so I could have surgery than to risk transfer of hitchhikers who could wreak havoc on me while I recover. Sound crazy?

21352085? ago

Not at all crazy, that's good advice, thanks.

21337507? ago

That will not be taught. Instead they will lie to the children.

21337575? ago

I know...

21336540? ago

Texas should block it at the state level.

Fucking faggots

Nothing in Texas but steers and queers, I hope you all prove me wrong.

21336435? ago

The big A always meant abstinence.... guess it has a new meaning.

21336165? ago

List the School board members, Principles, superintendents, and any teacher involved.

Save the list for the right time.

21337955? ago

The government manpower can't action their lists anymore.

The people can though.

21337886? ago

This. I'm not even American, but I'd keep an eye on this.

21336124? ago

Nothing good comes out of anal sex. No offspring, spreads disease, long term and permanent damage to one's anus. Not to mention the involvement of feces.

What's next, "then they eat the poo poo."


21336098? ago

Fucking disgusting criminal perverts.

21336095? ago

This must not be tolerated any more.

21336062? ago

I guess the "Texans", are going to just bend over and take it.


There should be a law that says if you vote commie blue in your state, you can't migrate from that state to another state. Texans should round up all those blue voters and deport them back to wherever they came from. Looking at you Californians and New Yorkers....

21336027? ago

Teach these ‘educators’ about anal sex with a rifle butt!

21337307? ago

The teachers don't anticipate teaching anything unacceptable. My sister is one of them. The original article that started this fuss exaggerated.

21340813? ago

I know snope isn't trustworthy

proceeds to use it as a source

Fuck off.

21341097? ago

Nope, and shame on you. If a person points out that a source normally cannot be trusted, but reviews it and says the information there in this case is valuable, then you are in the wrong and misleading others when you attempt to dismiss that worthy information, effectively defending the lies that in this case Snopes reveals.

21343067? ago

Your concernfaggery is noted, now fuck off.

21345448? ago

Why don't you link to us your definition of concernfagging.

21345830? ago

muh shit sources to supposedly debunk a point

"shame on you" for calling out said bullshit

concernfaggery 101.

21345367? ago

You didn't say please stop pointing out your low IQ responses.

21338868? ago

The district’s new curriculum includes role-playing scenarios for children that involve anal and oral sex and features a situation where an underage girl has a sexual relationship with a 17-year old that she hides from her parents.

The curriculum also teaches about numerous sexual orientations; children are told that their gender is based on their feelings rather than their biological sex, and they are encouraged to “challenge homophobia” by attending LGBT pride parades. Lesson plans also instruct teachers to use gender-neutral pronouns and avoid only using “binaries” such as “mom” and “dad.”

21339786? ago

Will send to my brother-in-law, but he's confident there's nothing to worry about because his wife clearly isn't worried.

That second link's picture at the top. Not a single white kid in it.

21336022? ago

Call it what it is – grooming.

21343494? ago

They these islamic criminals from N.Africa, Pakistan and Arabia give a child in Europe a soda flavored beer pack it full of drugs, probably assault the child and molest the kid. Another soon addicted in the making, drugs come in from Asscrackistan or whatever place. One week maybe one month later its probably full on rape and murder, the tratitor Euro press calls the whole thing 'grooming' as if you are combing a dog fluffing and doing some hair treatment on a pet cat, they also call the attackers 'Asian' implying Taiwan or Korea...adding more censorship and confusing to the islamist rape invasion.

21336885? ago

Child rape training

21335971? ago

The shit we tolerate today.. They do not fear us.

21335897? ago

I’ll teach YOU anal sex if you try this with my kid.

21345051? ago

This is insane....those kids are way too young!

21340440? ago

I'd be more inclined to just put them in a bathtub full of milk.

21337940? ago

right- with the barrel of a 10 gauge shotgun.

21335910? ago

Wow lol

21335795? ago

Beyond comprehension.

21335776? ago

Oh my God. WHAT?! This is CHILD ABUSE! Parents, for the love of God, SUE!!

21338648? ago

and now an arrest of filth Dr. Bruce M. Hensel, a former longtime medical correspondent for KNBC in Los Angeles ... and Europe...? ... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3516311/21335848 Deus Vult!

21336002? ago

You think the justice system is bent towards actually providing justice?

It's about time WE apprehend them and put them under OUR trial.

21335712? ago

If every parent does not pull their children out of these schools where this is happening, the parents should be locked up for sexual crimes. WHERE IS THE USELESS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION??? WHERE IS THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE???

21336010? ago

*useless DOJ

21335706? ago

Why not in Kindergarten?