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21335819? ago

You shouldn't fall into the left and MSM's use of slanted language. Claiming? Alledgedly? Supposed?

I seriously doubt she killed herself because she wanted to framed some fucking ragheads. She was active in trying to stop them, and this kind of shit is what they have always been known for when someone opposes them.

I only wish if she felt she had to die that she had strapped on one of their bombs and taken a few hundred of those fuckers out with her.

One day we will have to hunt down every last one of the ME shitskins and eliminate them. I hope we have enough sense to at that time also eliminate the bastards that set them upon on our people.

21338766? ago

Hopefully it can be done through justice and as peaceful as possible it won't take much to destroy the cowards. Three Hundred once stood against many at the Battle of Thermopylae