Dutch politician Willie Dille gang-raped by Muslims for speaking out against Islam. Threatened with execution. Commits suicide. Her farewell video. (catbox.moe)
submitted 5.3 years ago by 3516311?
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22227425? 5.1 years ago
The Dutch are clown world, it died hundreds of years ago, their S.Africa brothers into concentration camps one of their cults burned London to the ground in 1666 they say https://voat.co/v/whatever/3618996/22204443 this has been going on a while now @midnightblue1335 @Smallest_Skil @Planetoftheclown Holland Netherlands a waste of a country? @Whitening @moirai11
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22227425? ago
The Dutch are clown world, it died hundreds of years ago, their S.Africa brothers into concentration camps one of their cults burned London to the ground in 1666 they say https://voat.co/v/whatever/3618996/22204443 this has been going on a while now @midnightblue1335 @Smallest_Skil @Planetoftheclown Holland Netherlands a waste of a country? @Whitening @moirai11