Dutch politician Willie Dille gang-raped by Muslims for speaking out against Islam. Threatened with execution. Commits suicide. Her farewell video. (catbox.moe)
submitted 5.3 years ago by 3516311?
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21335093? 5.3 years ago
With watching this, today a piece of each of us died.
She is in God's loving arms now... HE will do what is best. 😢
21859826? 5.2 years ago
? and Finally THE DOLLAR, lost Gold ...its symbolism A. A. O. N. M. S.... the first London Amsterdam Royal Dutch Shell global Bank...Why US addicted to Black Satanic Arab Oil like heroin meth junkie https://voat.co/v/QRV/3477207 ?
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21335093? ago
With watching this, today a piece of each of us died.
She is in God's loving arms now... HE will do what is best. 😢
21859826? ago
? and Finally THE DOLLAR, lost Gold ...its symbolism A. A. O. N. M. S.... the first London Amsterdam Royal Dutch Shell global Bank...Why US addicted to Black Satanic Arab Oil like heroin meth junkie https://voat.co/v/QRV/3477207 ?