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21324543? ago

Bigger than this. The Democrats were, without a doubt, profiting wholeheartedly off the decline in America by shorting the dollar and moving the strength and bulk of their assets to foreign investments. They wanted America to decline and they knew that they were causing it. Obama "those jobs aren't coming back" speech was a damn eye opener for a lot of people who missed his dumb "you didn't build that" speech when he was running. They had an agenda that was going to cripple America and that was one of the goals to put in the system in place for total destruction. Don't forget, America has created the Chinese prison camps through the bank funding of their surveillance systems and quite a few other companies that help install the machines that run the camps. We're the world's largest source of funding for nearly everything that we despise completely.

21325530? ago

The movie awards, political symbols, mtv videos .... Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous? QRV runs Voat now.