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21321685? ago

Ban porn.

The European people do not have to tolerant any of these fuck including and especially fellow Europeans profiting from making every vice so readily accessable.

We all have days where we are weaker than others, many people on the boarder line of having enough willpower to make the right choice doesn't need the enemies satanic horde constantly tempting him.

The enemy studies psychology for the express purpose of exploiting Americans moments of weakness in order to corrupt and destroy us.

The disgusting rat faced vermin say rape porn is free speech, but people who advocate the teachings of the holy Bible are doing hate speech. They want to jail us for it.

(((They))) want to silence us while showing instructional gay porn to our school children.

21321933? ago NoFap is being sued by the porn industry Anonymous ...They (Jewish porn industry profiteers) are accusing the founder and I guess owner-operator of of... antisemitism

21322926? ago

Fucking kikes