21323193? ago

...but goyim consume it. Just say'n. Man up and take some personal responsibility here. The whole Jew = Porn meme was created by self hating Jews and their puppet masters to induce Jews to flee the Diaspora and flock to Israel in fear.

21322675? ago

Dont watch jewish owned western porn. Japanese porn much better.

21322468? ago

Two words: Ron Jeremy

21343659? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3514752/21321855 It's one of many intentionally insidious way Jews colonize the Western mind for the Synagogue of Satan. They also broadcast it into Palestinian homes during times when young boys are most likely to be sitting in front of the screen. Fucking evil beyond just the lust aspect.

21322077? ago

I mean, you can be a red blooded male and just want to view porn regardless of jews but....

21321754? ago

Believe it or not gang, this is not conspiracy theory stuff. The Jewish Quarterly did an article on the subject. It is a very good read, especially the part after the heading "Sexual Revolutionaries."


22345588? ago

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21321968? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3481629 Anonymous - What's the deal with this Hollywood actor? Why is he raising his son to look like a girl?

21321685? ago

Ban porn.

The European people do not have to tolerant any of these fuck including and especially fellow Europeans profiting from making every vice so readily accessable.

We all have days where we are weaker than others, many people on the boarder line of having enough willpower to make the right choice doesn't need the enemies satanic horde constantly tempting him.

The enemy studies psychology for the express purpose of exploiting Americans moments of weakness in order to corrupt and destroy us.

The disgusting rat faced vermin say rape porn is free speech, but people who advocate the teachings of the holy Bible are doing hate speech. They want to jail us for it.

(((They))) want to silence us while showing instructional gay porn to our school children.

21323476? ago

Ban porn = Muslim. Go enjoy yourself in the middle east.

21323821? ago

die in a fire kike

21321933? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3513019 NoFap is being sued by the porn industry Anonymous ...They (Jewish porn industry profiteers) are accusing the founder and I guess owner-operator of NoFap.com of... antisemitism

21322926? ago

Fucking kikes

21321345? ago

Maybe one out of twenty porn creators, and watchers, are Jewish.

The OP, and most commenters here who agree with them, are "Jew haters".

They are angry, very low IQ individuals, who always have to blame someone else for their own crappy lives, and unfortunately, Jewish folks are way too frequently one of their favorite targets.

It makes them feel "superior" to blame Jews, for their own stupidity and other inadequacies.

21321878? ago

I suggest you read this article from the Jewish Quarterly where they basically admit that the pornography industry was dominated by Jews.


21321829? ago

It Could be more blatant?...Nothing is done by a person or group unless they benefit, millions have been spent on this Propaganda.......... "who do you think it benefits"? https://voat.co/v/NiggersAnonymous/3496565

21321164? ago

Did you just get online for the first time?

21363289? ago

Remember when Rolling Stone put the Boston jihad bomber on the cover?

21364725? ago

Yes. That was jaw dropping to me at the time. I get it better now though.

21363266? ago

usually the zio kike and islamist kebab work together, i guess the filth and flesh is too much for the jihadi so its too taboo for them to work with this smut dealer ... are the porn merchants from judea coming to an end? https://voat.co/v/news/3519595/21362204 Porn is a weapon. We all know who is behind it. Poisoning the minds of the majority.

21364761? ago

Good question. I think of them like rats getting into the house: You have to stay vigilant because they're never really eradicated. I also recall that when the Zios moved into the Levant, one of the first things they did was to start pumping free porn onto the local airwaves.

21363279? ago

crazy? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3502692/21221223 Heterosexual porn is 100% gay because you are watching another man fuck a woman. Two guys fucking is 200% gay, the same with two women. The only way to watch porn that is less gay is with a woman and a chick with a dick, it is still 50% gay though.

21321005? ago

Jews both brag and lie at the same time. Hopefully jack can get dropped off in another country when this is over. Mexico, africa, saudi arabia...give him a backpack and leave his ass. Lets see how racist he thinks we are after he gets butchered like a south african farmer

21321352? ago

That is very true, same goes with the MSM, if you point out that all the US media is full under Jewish Cabal control they call you an antisemite. Then immediately they talk about how they are proud to be in control and how they deserve to be.

And think about the collective hate the MSM has toward Christians, if they do talk about Christians they either call them fundamentalists or they put on some false sodomite "christian".

21320918? ago

Friendly reminder to all my patriots out there to STOP watching any and all pornography, especially if you're male. I won't go into the details here but watching porn is one of the worst things you can do for your mind. Give it up and go out and meet real people, make real connections fueled by genuine love, don't indulge in our sinful desires of lust. We're strong, spiritual, enlightened, creatures above all else. Not sex-obsessed, sin-filled, mindless robots, like how the deep state wanted us to be.

21545567? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3541088/21541527 Porn also distorts young people's expectations about sex. Porn sex is not real natural sex between people who care for each other. I can imagine this causing quite a bit of conflict in many relationships.

21321227? ago


21320914? ago

There is good porn. Instructive, how-tos, etc.

Most of it is repetitive bullshit.

There's a limited number of sexual positions, a limited number of holes, and a limited number of things to stuff in those holes.

The rest is aerobic and acrobatic performance art.

21321130? ago

No, there is no good porn. Instruction is not needed ffs. Stop trying to rationalize porn, faggot.

21320803? ago

They didn’t create it.

But yes, they control it.

21321899? ago

Pornography has been around for a very long time, so I don't know if they created it or not. But they did create the American pornography industry and they admit it. This is an excellent article on the subject and it comes from the Jewish Quarterly.


21320719? ago

Yet the fact remains that not every single individual Jew is responsible for the porn industry. And the industry should be allowed to exist anyways.

21321013? ago

Gas them.

21320747? ago

Jews have evil blood in them from their father Satan

21320672? ago

Old news.