21316086? ago

ITs all covered in depth here....https://vigilantcitizen.com/

21315017? ago

Left eye = Oculus Sinister.

21314834? ago

Look on your dollar bill... It is the all seei g eye of the illuminati. It also is related to everyone having a black eye. I think it is a brain Implant that let's them be controlled.

21314801? ago

Goes back to ancient Egypt. Horus goes to avenge his father Osiris, who had been slain and cut up by Sin (like Abel and Cain) they hated each other. When Horus goes to fight Sin, the evil one, Sin popped Horus's eyeball out. The one eye evil symbol is TAUNTING good Horus, about his evil rival Sin. It means: We stand for Sin, Lucifer, baal, Satan,Lies, dark, anything bad. We do not believe in anything benevolent/ good, truth, light. This is a hail Satan sign. Just like the "hail hitler" hand sign. That poor child Greta is so psychologically destroyed.

21314000? ago

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21313627? ago

If your that stupid you need to just go AWAY.

21314238? ago

Not stupid just asleep

21313574? ago

Interestingly enough, I stumbled upon someone comparing this to damaged consciousness. after a quick search, I found that Jordan Peterson in "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" makes the parallel between Christ VS Satan and Horus VS Set and how in the battle against his uncle, though he won, Horus's consciousness is damaged.


Yeah, right, there are several interpretations and theories out there. Like stars covering their eye to show their allegiance to the cabal, that they are part of the club, or that they are subservient.

At the same time, after reading that bit from Mr. Peterson, I can't help but think that MK Ultra sure does damage the consciousness of all these people. And whether they are fully conscious or not of what they lose, most of them are just too happy to obey their handlers for what they perceive having won in the process, that so called internal vision and new understanding. From their point of view, certainly, they must feel special, part of the "elite" above the sheeple. From their handlers point of view, probably they snicker at the celeb slaves who only reinforce the system of control onto the public, while thinking they'll get more freedom and control the higher they climb in that cabal hierarchy.

21313416? ago


21313279? ago

It means they are corrupt useful idiots and they want you dead.

21313098? ago

EYE = rectum

buttfucking is cult ritual procedure to stimulate third eye

21312731? ago


21312456? ago

Go check out vigilant citizen

21312430? ago

Crenshaw does it too...

21311928? ago

all seeing eye, they are the illimunati luciferians

21311927? ago

There's a bible reference about the Antichrist seeing from one eye, the left eye... forget it though it's been forever since I've touched one.

21311866? ago

See VigilantCitizen dot com

21311717? ago

During the previous administration, there were many in the political realm and in show business that were sporting the black/bruised eye. It makes me wonder if this also was a part of the one eyed appearance of so many people.

21311938? ago

Yes, it's a ritual punch in the eye.

First rule of fight club...

21311704? ago

It's a sign to introduce, acknowledge, reaffirm to get ahead in that industry

21311611? ago

Vigilant citizen website is a long running fantastic huge resource for more on this subject OP

21311600? ago

symbolism will be their downfall

21311473? ago

eye of Horus

look into it

a third eye=pinneal gland

21311420? ago

You must be new! Welcome friend. The hole is deep.

21311335? ago

Yes I can, in the Quran the dajal/antichrsit is one eye blind ! Satanist wanted the return of the antichrist so it's kind of a call and a tribute to it. Good thing we have Q, that is indeed a spirtual warfare...

some reading :


21311208? ago

Mon Eye

21311187? ago

Symbolism will be their downfall - let them do it makes our job easier.

21311147? ago

The Atheist will never understand. So in ignorance, they walk hopelessly to their doom.

21310977? ago

Eye of Odin = Intelligence Asset

Odin is missing an eye and he uses his Raven's as spies.

21310935? ago

You’re either in the club or you’re not.

They’re basically saying ‘Fuck You’

21310900? ago

in the land of the blind, the one eyd man is king.... satan.

21310846? ago

It's basically throwing up gang signs to show you are with "them"...the illuminate

21310829? ago

Eye of horus

Revelation of holding a particular knowledge

21310780? ago

They are broadcasting their alignment with the cabal. They are basically outing themselves as Satan worshipers.

21310577? ago

They are signaling their fellow tribe members letting them know they are with them.

21310560? ago

And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes Pt. 1


21310555? ago

Believe it or not this was one of the things that really shook me awake almost a decade ago, reading vigilant citizen. Because, there was no logical explanation. But I do wanna say that I don't think literally every single person doing this is aware of what they are doing, complicit, etc. I think a lot of these people, if not most, as used as props, tools and puppets, by the photographers & management. I don't think that for every time I see someone doing that, I have to believe they are evil. A lot of these people are victims and don't even know it yet.

21310801? ago

Right, they don't all know why they do it. They are told to do it by SOMEBODY, and they do it because it is part of their job.

It is those somebodies behind the scenes who know what it means and why they want them to do it. But there are also the slime to do know what it means (the Jim Carrey types).

21369132? ago


21310486? ago

Just consider it a satanic pedo virtue signal. It means they kill and eat children. Disgusting fucks.

21310317? ago

Use that proverbial computer and do the research. What are shovels for?

Considering the fact that the world today is ruled by what we call the “occult elite” (because of its ties with occult orders), it is no surprise that its main symbol is found everywhere. However, it is all done in a deceitful way. Today’s entertainment industry thrives on control, manipulation, and distortion. It is also all about debasing the masses from everything that is true, pure and healthy. Today, the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye is now about a select group of people oppressing, monitoring and controlling the world population.

George Orwell’s book 1984 is a blueprint for elite control and censorship. Appropriately enough, nearly all editions feature an All-Seeing Eye.


21310247? ago

To let you know to your face that they are part of the NWO Agenda.

21317043? ago

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21310238? ago

Monarch Programming (MK Ultra)

21310233? ago

Its like the John Cena "you can't see me" thing.

21310779? ago

Because he is too high up. That is what that saying means. <

21310180? ago

It means "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King"

They keep us blind to the truth.

21310145? ago

Evil Eye. See ' a call for an uprising' on jewtube.

21310184? ago

Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine?? The Sabbatean Freemasons, the Jesters, the Grotto, Shriners are always trying to get the Children? https://streamable.com/hmkx6

21310144? ago

It's one big club, and we ain't in it.

21314841? ago

Right eye is male, wielding power.

Left eye is feminine, receiving

21315140? ago

Their left or our left?

21315393? ago

Stage left. not audience left

Notice Madonnas new eyepatch covering her left eye. She is signaling she’s past taking orders.

21316766? ago

Piqued. Will be testing this theory out.

21311480? ago

Carson was a master speaker

21310191? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3494145 Freemasonry Shriner Jester Former judge pleads guilty in prostitution scandal. Freemasons Royal Order of Jesters sex trafficking ring

21311873? ago

Many comedic actors are rumored Jesters

21310099? ago

Go to vigilantcitizen dot com for explanation

21310151? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3513181/21309625 Hollywood is spreading a Luciferian ideology, and brainwashing your children to accept the coming Global Police State, and Kingdom of the Antichrist.

21310037? ago

Jew Illuminati bullshit

21315405? ago

Not Jewish... luciferian ancient death cult of bulls and virgin sacrifice

21310974? ago

Rep Dan Crenshaw could have a nice glass eye, my father did decades ago, but the man prefers to wear an eyepatch. Yes, I know he is playing the "You can't criticize me, I am a veteran" game. But he has also turned himself into a poster boy for the Lucifer club.

21316820? ago

That one eyed cocksucker gets no respect from me. Fuck him!

21313179? ago

You mean cringshaw right !

21313122? ago

Could be more invasive than just his eyeball.

21312944? ago


21312324? ago

And he 'won' his seat by DECEPTION (AKA lying)

21310028? ago

One eye covered

pizza obsession

bruise on left eye

red shoes

pedo symbols

It's all blatantly out there, so it must mean something.

21312519? ago

? Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514

21310022? ago

Blind in one eye and can't see out of the other.

21310021? ago

Pagan shit - eye of horus

21310201? ago

It's not freemasonry, not Arabic Jew Pagan Shriner rituals?? or Order of Eastern Star... all just cover ... truth? media banned permanently worldwide: its Babylon Satanic LUCIFERIANISM. https://www.bitchute.com/video/oPHIp28g9KH7

21310708? ago

Babylon Satanic LUCIFERIANISM = pagans

21310836? ago

Molech worship.

It's not lucifer

21310976? ago

Pagans. There is only one real God. Anything else is paganism which is the same thing as worshipping demons.

21311003? ago

You seem to have a very basic understanding of the way these things work.

Deamons used to be considered helpful spirits before the noses confused everyone.

21311051? ago

Deamons used to be considered helpful spirits

I am sure you can still find pagans who think demons are helpful spirits.

21311129? ago

Believe me, you have a great deal to learn. I understand this is often a very hard thing to hear, but most of what you know appears to be bogged down and diluted.

Deamons can be helpful, but you just need to better understand the secret.

21311361? ago

No, actually, it is probably a hard thing for you to hear that demons have no power over Christ Jesus.

You understand nothing.

21311734? ago

The Law of One, all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.

21311765? ago

Excellent, anon.

21311721? ago

You act like Christ wouldn't speak with Daemons. Fucks sakes, I hate you overly religious zealot types. The worst offenders of the greatest fallacious thinking patterns.

21311775? ago

Indeed. It's refreshing crossing paths with people that aren't blind.

21311738? ago

Glad to disappoint you!

21310006? ago

the eye or horus

The Eye of Horus, also known as wadjet, wedjat or udjat, is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power, and good health. The Eye of Horus is similar to the Eye of Ra, which belongs to a different god, Ra, but represents many of the same concepts.

21316841? ago

I've never watched her do anything. I'm not about to start.

21315168? ago

Eye of Horus symbolizes the thalamus and brainstem structure

21311935? ago

For a second I thought the mag was

"the satanic"