21300688? ago

Fucking Boom.

21298088? ago

Nine News Australia reports on an International Conspiracy with Epstein. Claims Royals 'pressured' U.S. network to drop Epstein story, the corrupt monarchy is in shambles. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3503167

21297746? ago


21297119? ago

Reddit is so fucking owned by the Libs and Chinese don't know why you'd bother posting there, but good on ya for the ban hammer hitting, obviously the controlled opposition is worried.

21297315? ago

Reddit is so fucking owned by the Kikes and Chinese don't know why you'd bother posting there, but good on ya for the ban hammer hitting, obviously the controlled opposition is worried.


21297024? ago

So they both directly or indirectly funded from different channels the same project, one through Bloomberg's own foundation. Seems like a third hand connection at best. Not very compelling imho

21296210? ago

Looks like the starting lineup for the Council of Foreign Relations. Note Dedstein’s name has recently been scrubbed from their official site.

But Bloomberg & Soros & Biden & the Clintons & a shitload more Deep State actors are members including actors like Clooney.

21296459? ago

Alivestein wants to be forgotten.

21295768? ago

from the article, calling Jeffrey Epstein an "education philanthropist" is like calling al-Baghdadi an "austere religious scholar."

21296079? ago

Jeffrey Epstein, a high Democrat

With his marks, he got into a spat

Young girl, he would ride her

Sip-ping Dicken's Cider

Till in jail he was shived by the frat

21295696? ago


In addition to funding charter and Head Start schools, The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation continues to be a staunch supporter of cutting edge science and science education. Jeffrey Epstein also founded the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University in 2003 with a $30 million grant. He is a former member of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller University, New York Academy of Science and sits on the board of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee at Harvard University.