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21267473? ago

See how "they" ALL love (required?) to KISS EACH OTHERS ASSES??? Pat each other on the back. Award favors among THEMSELVES? DEATH TO EVIL.

21267627? ago

Old Myspace? Archive it! Adriana Ross & Rachel Guinness/Rothschild Chandler's With many Epstein Co-conspirators... "connection " private profiles yet pics are fucked. 2 girls inside a pentagram These primitive pieces are typical of cabal art' disturbing childlike symbolism not executed very well. Unless an artist has a wealthy supporter/handler, forget getting a show anywhere. This has been the way of art forever. How else do we end up with a jar of piss with a crucifix in it called 'art' on display. Most of the artists I've met or known about are degenerates. I worked for a short time in one of the major museums in the south.

21269957? ago

Isn't that cabal (spelling?) istic stuff like where they have names for all sorts of angels as "specialist" entities (good or evil). I thinkI saw a movie (the prophecy?) (Christopher walken as Gabriel) where they went into that stuff a little.