21282858? ago

Letting them know that Veritas’ insider is still there must be driving the execs at ABC literally fucking nuts!

21273955? ago

Telling them what you are going to do in advance is a good way to get the Breitbart treatment.

21272366? ago

Now watch them run scared and paranoid.

21270957? ago

Taking it literally...has anyone asked which other "planes" there were/are? Other than the Lolita Express that we've seen logs from...

21271106? ago

Wheel Up see Q drops

21270671? ago

He's going to have everyone at ABC afraid to talk to each other. It will be a glum lunchroom there.

21270825? ago

Yep like a fucking Mexican standoff

21268966? ago

Yeah man, heard this on her show yesterday. I was happily stunned to find out the whistleblower was still at ABC. I'm hoping it's Robach. It would make a little more sense as to why she spilled the beans on a hot mic like that.

21268552? ago

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Similarly, a 2003 Vanity Fair profile of Epstein named Trump as one of the “businessmen who dine with him at his home,” and several other articles have pegged Trump and Epstein as friends.

And when FBI investigators looked through Epstein’s private address book, they found 14 different phone numbers for Trump, including numbers for his security guard and houseman. Epstein also had numbers for Trump’s daughter Ivanka and his ex-wife Ivana.

When put under oath, Epstein admitted that he had “socialized” with Trump.

Trump rode on Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane at least once, according to the deposition of Mark Epstein, Jeffrey’s brother.











Birds of a feather FLOCK TOGETHER

Trump : GUILTY

21272433? ago

Trump banned Epstein from Mar a Largo because he tried to take a child of one of his employees!

21273299? ago

Not proven.


Attorney Bradley Edwards Explains that it was a RUMOR.

21271886? ago

So Trump says the guy is ‘terrific’ and in the next breath outs Epstein for being a pedo. Seems dumb. Oh wait, Trump’s educated and clearly not an idiot so wait, let’s look up the definition of ‘terrific’:

h t t p s : / / english.stackexchange.com/questions/38606/what-gave-terrific-a-positive-connotation#38609

The meaning of terrific has actually changed over time. According to EtymOnline:

1660s, "frightening," from L. terrificus "causing terror or fear," from terrere "fill with fear" (see terrible) + root of facere "to make" (see factitious). Weakened sensed of "very great, severe" (e.g. terrific headache) appeared 1809; colloquial sense of "excellent" began 1888.

So terrific started out on the same lines as horrific, but then gained a positive colloquial sense in the late 1800s. The phenomenon in which a previously bad word takes on a good connotation is discussed here, in which it is called amelioration.

Perhaps Trump was attempting a warning. After all, why then ban the man from his club, as opposed to Weiner/MIT/etc. behavior with regard to Epstein. And that quote was also before the indictments.


21273322? ago

Nice stretch. You are delusional. Birds Of A Feather Flock Together Nuff said.

21273638? ago

So why the disconnect with Epstein? Why be comment on his like for girls that are on the younger side in the same breath? If he was just talking about Epstein as a friend, then why comment on his like for girls that are ‘on the young side’ to the media, implying that it wasn’t his thing. He admitted to a shared like of beautiful women, but calls out that it has been said (2nd hand) that Epstein likes girls on the younger side. If they were ‘bird of a feather, why would Trump call that out right after saying he was a ‘terrific guy’? Seems stupid, and the last 3 years of his presidency have been anything but. He would have been caught up in DS schemes already if that were true (think Beto, or Kampala, or AOC, or ... they are stupid ... but would be working with the DS so everything would appear okay to the sheep). Epstein made it his business to collect dirt on high profile types, including Trump. If he had any, don’t you think he would have given it to Mueller, or Comey, or Brennan, or Strock, or Page, or Bruce Ohr, or Nellie Ohr, or Clapper, or Schiff, or Pelosi? I think it is you who are confused.

21273707? ago

Birds of a feather flock together It is that simple. He hung out with Epstein for YEARS. Flew on his plane. Talked him up. Oh yeah .. Trump is One of Them. Trump even said he would FUCK his own Daughter. Oh Yeah .. you are blinded.


21273997? ago

He did not say that, but thanks for the link. You should at least watch the videos you post. He said IF she were NOT his daughter he would DATE her. Complimenting his daughter on her looks. You are DISHONEST. Is there any way that a father could compliment a daughter on her looks that COULD NOT be easily twisted into an incest joke? So many weddings ruined. Your reasoning is naive or disingenuous.

21274174? ago

It means he LUSTS for his daughter. Thus Lust = FUCK pal.

21275364? ago

Were you abused or something? That is simply not true.

21275424? ago

No I wasn't abused. Yes it's true.

21275660? ago

Ok, then why didn’t you just work with Mueller and Andrew Weissman. They would have paid you handsomely for any proof you can provide. So would Soros. SMH.

21275710? ago



I don't need to work for anyone Washington DC. They are ALL corrupt. All of them.

When are you going to figure that out?

21274457? ago

You are creepy.

21274475? ago

Trump is CREEPY.

21269383? ago

yeah whatever, Trump was the ONLY one to talk to the authorities about JE.


21269424? ago

Covering his ass. Made a deal with those authorities. Birds of a Feather Flock Together Trump isn't who or what you think he is. Better get informed real quick. He bragged about grabbing women's pussies and how he screwed over the Tax Code system, and bragged about how he used the system to get over on WEAKER people.

Yeah a real hero isn't he? Pffft!!

But you can worship the BEAST if you choose.

21277379? ago

Trump is exactly who we think he is and that scares you to death. You argument is weak. Back to Hell with you demon.

21280131? ago

Scared of what exactly? Today, many Christians believe in a place of eternal torment where sinners are sent after death, commonly referred to as “Hell” in English. This belief is extremely mainstream and forms part of the basic perception of the religion in popular culture. Which is strange, because some say the evidence for eternal punishment as an integral part of the Christian religion is virtually nonexistent.

Most Christian believers in the idea of Hell will tell you that it’s a place of punishment for sinners and evildoers. But does that idea have a scriptural basis? According to Romans 6:7, “he that is dead is freed from sin.” So if a person’s sins are cleared with his or her death, then what’s with the additional punishment of Hell? Well, Romans 6:23 goes on to state that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Note that there is no mention of sinners being condemned to everlasting torture, they simply don’t get the reward for living a righteous life. Similarly, 2 Thessalonians 1:9 says that the punishment for those deemed wicked is not fiery torture, but destruction, “shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might.”

John 3:36 strikes roughly the same note, declaring that sinners “will not see [eternal] life.” Meanwhile, Jude 1:7 does mention “eternal fire,” but only in the context of Sodom and Gomorrah, which are literally destroyed by the eternal fire of God’s wrath. That leaves brief mentions in the Book of Revelation and two of Christ’s parables as the Biblical basis for the fiery Hell of popular imagination (more on those verses later). But if a place of eternal torment was truly intended as an integral component of Christianity, surely it’s strange that the Bible never seems to pay much attention to it?

From a Christian perspective, the idea of Hell is not only cruel and unusual, but totally excessive. Would a God described in the Bible as “a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right” decide that infinite punishment is just and fair? 1 John 4:8 states that God is the very concept of love. Would a loving father eternally torture his child as punishment, even if the child did something seriously wrong? Deuteronomy 19:21 famously states “an eye for an eye,” a principal of equal punishment that seems rather out of sync with the idea of literally endless torment as retribution for the sins of a short mortal life.

In fact, the fiery Hell of popular imagination seems even harsher after considering God’s words in Jeremiah 7:31: “They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire—something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind.” If the idea of humans being burned in fire is so unappealing to God that it never even came into His thoughts, then what’s His deal with Hell?

When it comes to misconceptions about Hell, the popular 17th-century King James Version (KJV) of the Bible has a lot to answer for. For example, in the KJV, the prophet Jonah was in the “belly of Hell,” while David bafflingly insists that God would be with him even in Hell. Even Jesus pops down to Hell after his death on the cross.

This obviously makes no sense. The Bible repeatedly states that Hell, whatever else it is, involves separation from God. So why is Jesus swinging by for a visit and why is David so sure that God would be with him there? In fact, if God is with David, why would he be in Hell in the first place? The answer is that the KJV lumps a whole bunch of different Greek and Hebrew words together under the English term “Hell.” The words in question are Hades, Sheol, Tartarus, and Gehenna, and they can have very different meanings in their original context.

That’s particularly important to Hades and Sheol, which are roughly equivalent words in Greek and Hebrew. Neither can reasonably be translated as “place of torment,” which is what the word “Hell” now generally implies. A better translation might be “the grave” or “the afterlife.” Neither term carries a value judgment in the way that “Hell” does—only the wicked go to Hell, but all souls are in Sheol after death. So David’s weird KJV claim that God would be with him in “Hell” is better translated as “the afterlife” or even “the depths.” While the KJV references Jesus being in Hell after his death on the cross, the New International Version makes a much less dramatic reference to him being in his “grave.” In fact, the New International Version only refers to Hell 15 times, compared to a whopping 54 mentions in the KJV.

Other modern Bibles try to avoid such problems altogether by simply leaving “Sheol” and “Hades” untranslated, although this hasn’t quite undone the influence of the KJV. As the Encyclopedia Americana of 1942 put it: “Much confusion and misunderstanding has been caused through the early translators of the Bible persistently rendering the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades and Gehenna by the word ‘Hell.’ The simple transliteration of these words by the translators of the revised editions of the Bible has not sufficed to appreciably clear up this confusion and misconception.”

So if “Hades” and “Sheol” don’t match the modern perception of Hell, that leaves “Gehenna.” (“Tartarus” is also sometimes translated as “Hell,” but the term only appears once in the Bible, and not in relation to humans, so it has limited relevance here.) “Gehenna” is certainly the Biblical term most often rendered “Hell” in English. For example, the New International Version of Matthew 5:30 states: “If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into Hell.” Scary, right?

It all comes down to the controversy over the exact meaning of “Gehenna.” The word itself is a Greek rendering of the Hebrew terms ge-hinnom and ge-ben-hinnom, which mean “valley of the sons of Hinnom” and refer to an actual valley just outside ancient Jerusalem. The valley first appears in the Old Testament as the location of fiery pagan child sacrifices, which continue at least until 2 Kings 23:10, which describes how Josiah ravaged the site so “that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Moloch.” By the time of Jesus, the term was apparently used metaphorically to refer to a place of fiery destruction, and Jesus uses it 11 times in this context. It’s interesting to note that Hebrew had no word for such a concept and Jesus apparently felt no need to introduce one, preferring to make historical allusions instead.

Or maybe not. According to some scholars, the valley of Gehenna had essentially become Jerusalem’s incinerator by the time of Christ. It featured constantly burning fires, which consumed the city’s garbage and the bodies of criminals and the disgraced. This tradition is quite old, but not supported by any real evidence or ancient accounts, although it is strange that Jesus refers to bodies being destroyed in Gehenna as well as souls.

In any case, none of Christ’s references to Gehenna suggest any kind of eternal torment. Certainly, the fires of Gehenna are described as eternal, but Jesus specifically warns that they will be used to “destroy both soul and body.” Removing unrighteous people from existence, as that verse suggests, doesn’t sound particularly like torturing them forever. The second meaning can only be inferred by readers who already have that concept of Hell.

You know nothing about the Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek languages or how to interpret them to English properly. I suggest you study Linguistics before opening mouth and inserting foot.

You follow Doctrines and Dogmas of mere men and have no clue of the Message set out in the ancient texts.

21283153? ago

So I guess the promise of eternal torture for the wicked we've all taken for granted is incorrect in your interpretation. That dogma would be a lie to keep us from immediately terminating their lives on earth by our own hand, just another trick to allow them free reign. I've never read the ancient texts, so I am guilty there.

21272496? ago

You need to practice some discernment. None of those that you mentioned are anything that you think they are. Trump is showing us the greed and weakness of those around us.

The women -- they will do anything to try to catch the eye of a rich and famous man.

The Tax code -- written to protect the rich, and Trump showed us all how that works.

The system -- he used the laws the way they were written, showing us how fucked up the system really is.

Now, where is your proof he made a deal? Nobody has ever suggested such a thing. Birds of a feather, huh... birds who never really accepted Trump, but sure did want his $$!

Funny how some people can not LISTEN to the words other people say, and would rather attach their own meaning and innuendo to what they think they heard.

21273237? ago

Funny how some people can not LISTEN to the words other people say, and would rather attach their own meaning and innuendo to what they think they heard.

EXACTLY. Good description of YOURSELF.

21273898? ago

You're not demonstrating how you are listening to the words being spoken, nor that you understand the meanings of those words.

21273975? ago

EXACTLY. Good description of YOURSELF.

21274017? ago

Bye, bot.

21274182? ago

Easy out. I understand. Gotcha!

21269188? ago

Nothing but a storm in a tea cup, try harder.

21269217? ago

Trump hung out with Clinton as well. Birds of a feather flock together Trump is GUILTY. Grabs women's pussies too. Total sicko freak Trump is.

21272514? ago

why are you even here in this forum? I hope you get paid enough to make it worth it.

21269401? ago

seriously dude, you're just wasting time here.

NONE of US will ever BELIEVE YOU.

just do us all a favor and


21269442? ago

Worshipers of the BEAST. Yeah I know. You're all antichrists.

21277394? ago

Are you getting material to write a play or something? What's you angle? You can't be serious.

21280049? ago

Trump isn't who or what you think he is. You are under a spell. Research Trump's history. He is a predator. Has always been a predator. Socially and Sexually. You're blinded by your euphoria.

21283204? ago

I'm counting on him being a predator. Good luck.

21268768? ago

You forgot about the part when trump banned him from his clubs for being a creep. (((Try harder Schlomo)))

21269028? ago

Birds of a Feather Flock Together Nuff said.

21268737? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqb59n69Z80&feature=youtu.be&t=335 , lol, you must be new, good luck lad, you've got a lot of digging to do.

21267915? ago

Then why did ABC fire the other chick?

Also, come on O'Keefe, do it now, quit teasing.

21269848? ago

:o) I have a set of old John Wayne series that played in movie houses in the 30s. There was always a cliff-hanger moment at the end of every episode. This tactic brought in more and more people as the series plot thickened. Sometimes a rush forward is not so good, I suppose. Project Veritas is building excitement and allowing more and more people to board the RED PILL SPECIAL. But, me too! I'm anxious to know, to see, to hear and revel in the coming demise of the hated MSM. The last one episode was 'awesome' and it has awakened many in this sleeping giant called the Republic of the United States; the next feature will be mind boggling.

21269824? ago

The chick was over at CBS not ABC get your story straight Shiller

21273192? ago

Damn, I guess I'm confused, sorry.

21267760? ago

There are a lot of 'elite' kiddy-diddlers shaking in their loafers right about now.

21267664? ago

I wanna like the guy so much. Ive always shared veritas videos an uovoated them. The way his last drop was marketed could have been handled better. I also find it a bit rediculous that he still hasent remotely mentioned the glaring fact that this is a global israel/jew/mossad operation but i digress

Before you run in with a genius remark of "oh we have to slowly wake them up" understand we are all well aware of that concept. You sit and drag this shit on long enougg and normies are going to get lost in football games again.

Son of beech

21267928? ago


21267525? ago

Yes, we know why.

21267473? ago

See how "they" ALL love (required?) to KISS EACH OTHERS ASSES??? Pat each other on the back. Award favors among THEMSELVES? DEATH TO EVIL.

21268058? ago

They're having a friendly competition with each other where the game is to control and destroy us. Basically keep us as NPC's until they no longer have a need for us, the nuke us while they hide in their rat dens underground.

21269883? ago

I wonder WHY that is such an interesting past time? I have NO interest in other peoples' activities as long as there are NO victims, and they don't come crying to me to pay for THEIR consequences.

21270152? ago

It's all about control. It's not just to pass the time for them. They know if we're not kept down, we will destroy them.

21270471? ago

To me, the universe/life is SO complex, and I am so insignificant in the face of that, gaining control would be a criminal act on my part. I CaN recognize what is NATURAL and what is NOT though. Nature has the MOST efficient mechanisms I think.

21269779? ago

It's funny that the ending they foresee rhymes an awful lot with the "ending by fire" in Revelation!

Edit: and also, that men will be hiding in caves -- like the DUMBs that they have built.

21267627? ago

Old Myspace? Archive it! Adriana Ross & Rachel Guinness/Rothschild Chandler's With many Epstein Co-conspirators... "connection " private profiles yet pics are fucked. 2 girls inside a pentagram https://voat.co/v/QRV/3459053/20847443 These primitive pieces are typical of cabal art' disturbing childlike symbolism not executed very well. Unless an artist has a wealthy supporter/handler, forget getting a show anywhere. This has been the way of art forever. How else do we end up with a jar of piss with a crucifix in it called 'art' on display. Most of the artists I've met or known about are degenerates. I worked for a short time in one of the major museums in the south.

21269957? ago

Isn't that cabal (spelling?) istic stuff like where they have names for all sorts of angels as "specialist" entities (good or evil). I thinkI saw a movie (the prophecy?) (Christopher walken as Gabriel) where they went into that stuff a little.

21267099? ago

Stories we got by the bushel, what we do not have is any movement towards Justice. Yeahyeahyeah, I know, Trump needs to get elected....Justice will just have to wait huh, but in the meantime we are so very lucky to have stories.

Just like Story Time with Trannies at the Library, I reckon.

21267170? ago

I’m tired of it. The time is now.

21267690? ago

I'm kinda getting the feeling Trump's stringing us along just like dems do. "Gotta vote for me because I'm about tah..."

I'm REAL tired of "about tah"

21271743? ago

Good, then it appears you see the injustice, and want justice, and are impatient (aren’t we all). However, you apparently glossed over the Q posts that pre-date all of this political theater and the obvious changing of the guard happening behind it (incomplete, yes, but undeniably happening). I expect this is being delayed to get important parts of the Wall complete to prevent (again read Q) use of the Dims puppeteers special forces (MS13) from acting as goons ahead of the indictments/trials. The swamp is being drained. WWG1WGA.

21274032? ago

Yeah...see, you get it.. ppl just thumbs down b/c I don't groupthink even here and all...but the thing is if I can see the pieces coming together, can't they as well? A lot of conjecture still afloat,but there's some obvious crimes here. Adam Schithead lying in Congess then it's "parody." Da Hell....? Statistically fantastical election results favoring Dems in the KY Gov race? Trump won with 65% in 2016. I thought the last election was supposed to end that but here we are yet again. Bill Barr was GHWB's AG but now he's a Trusted White Hat?

At least I don't really have to decide much of anything for another year yet.

21274426? ago

I completely understand. And yes, they can, but to show their hand with naked/raw truth at this moment would trigger an immediate civil revolt against damn near everything. The corruption has to be revealed in acceptable doses (esp. to those who still have no idea it is there; Fake News / MSM Propaganda entrenched and tied to Deep State/Swamp). Enough truth has come out that people will not accept anything less than transparency and justice (esp. once critical mass is reached). I think things are obviously drawing to a head between now and the election. And things will be exposed that force a critical mass awareness that will lead to faster change (esp. for those of us who feel like it is moving in slow motion). And for the record I have to avoid watching CNN/MSNBC/<Any Prominent Democrat> speak at this point because they are so transparently nauseatingly vile and disingenuous (and never use facts, to which I would pay attention). The last election (2018) secured the Senate (which prevents Impeachment in Senate). I believe 2020 is the RED WAVE, due to bogus Impeachment attempt (since 2016).

21275818? ago

I have simply learned to be skeptical and to trust at your own peril, that's why I say "Verify not trust!" I've seen the same proofs you have and know the usual basic Q stuff - btw, had a "vision" over a year ago who's behind it, and the best I can see it's General Nakasone. Look up his creds, too....

Anyhow, I catch OAN once in a while mainly for topics to look for online, then look at sources there. But you're missing out not listening to Democrats. They project soooooo bad that they tell you what they're up to by charging a Republican with the same bad activity they're doing.

Without resorting to Q, who is right sometimes, but mostly continually unclear about some things. I just don't dig around much then again he hasn't had much to dig around in the past 3 months. I'm actually fine for now, not much beyond annoyed, but again I realize I don't have to cast a vote for a year and a lot could happen.

21275552? ago

You're speaking in rank conjecture, no more or less plausible than the pessimist, but more dangerous in the arrogance of your confidence.

21275754? ago

What I do know is that the world is filled with confusion due to inability to discern truth (en mass). And I KNOW the MSM is lying. I know Schiff lied publicly twice. I know Comey lied. I know Brennan lied. I know I will not accept lies as truth. I may be temporarily convinced of an untruth, but not permanently, because I always seek truth. Even when it hurts.

21276004? ago

Of course they did.

The rank conjecture I'm speaking of is that something will be done about it, not that they did that.

21277050? ago

Oh, something will be done, of that I have zero doubt. Not even a little bit. Much too far along now. Consider at a minimum the number of patriots who have been being told about the raw abuse of power that led us here (see Trump rally videos). Compare to any democrat rally since 2016. So a bunch of armchair power tripping beaurocrats and their monied handlers are going to . . . Yeah my confidence is born from the ashes of the lies of 9/11 and the False Flag shootings and Pizzagate related unadulterated wrong that seems to be found at the end of every rabbit trail. It Is Happening. WWG1WGA.

21279717? ago

8 million dead kulaks. 50 million dead Russians. 50 million dead Chinese. 10s of millions of us, French, British, and allied forces. Dead. All dead. For what?

21281147? ago

For living. Everybody dies (every body dies). The point is not whether some live or die. The point is what we do while living to make it worth doing. That requires motivation.

21269897? ago

yeah, the "downvotes" tell me people are being a LITTLE too "trusting" of DJT. Whatever happened to things like "Trust, but verify?" So far we're long on the trust part, but thin on the verification end. I guess holding DJT to his OWN STANDARDS doesn't sit well with some people. These people have a term associated with them: HYPOCRITES

21267986? ago

Sure looks like it. If one looks at this logically then it seems quite clear. Did u know a few days ago, staffanon said potus will be resigning in February amidst likely impeachment (rino senators are goin to turn on him) in order to save the country from the pain and to save his legacy. Take that for what it’s worth.

21269764? ago

i did see it but i don't believe him, he's a staffer, how could he know President Trump will resign? Q has given us "future proves past" stuff but staffanon has not, afaik

21269851? ago

Staffanon is 1 for 5 on predictions. Only one that came true was that weirdo leftist Katie hill resigning.

21275566? ago

And he claimed she wasn't the one. So 0/5.

21278375? ago

That’s right kek!!!!

21270127? ago

Yeah, that one did hit the mark.

21269840? ago

Not only that, it seems really, really out of character for djt. He’s a fighter, I can’t see him just rolling over. If anything he’d fight and make them do it rather than quit first. Also, it’s my opinion that once he decided to run, that he’d better win or else he’s a dead man or they’ll throw him in prison for some bullshit and this includes after he’s out of office, if they regain power again. Potus knew this shit was do or die in my opinion. The staffanon theory seems very illogical.

21270118? ago

Agreed. So many of the founding fathers, as well as the apostles, came to nasty endings after the recorded events...

21267490? ago

I know, I have blue balls. Eventually, I just don't care, but maybe that's the point of all the forward looking statements. To make us disinterested.

21267591? ago

Do you contact your local, state and National representatives informing them of what you know? Maybe it is time for ALL of US to inform/red pill our government representatives , al all levels. That would be an awesome movement.

21267826? ago

Vote them out. They already know what we know. They are motivated by money, not human interests. Nothing will be fixed in government till money in politics is fixed. Pick your battles.

21267245? ago

The good news is we have you two to step up and save the world. Get goin'

21267967? ago

We did anon, we voted for djt in 2016? Isn’t that what civilized citizens do when they’ve had enough? What are the three boxes used to gain liberty? Soap box, ballot box, ammo box? We loved what we heard on the soap box, so we therefore spoke at the ballot box however, we aren’t getting the results that we stood up for, the wall, no Obamacare, spaceforce, end of corruption etc and they are now attempting to remove him (our voice).

Now when you say so condescendingly to “get goin”, what exactly is it that you mean?

21271671? ago

This^, but ballot box, (grand) jury box, ammo box. We are between ballot box and ammo box, awaiting Durham. I expect the Dems are going to quintuple down and attempt to delay till the Senate in a political sham show while ‘i’s are dotted and ‘t’s are crossed on the indictments that go along with and are backed up by the information in the IG report.

21266955? ago

https://tweetsave.com/dloesch/status/1192908168260657152 :

Dana Loesch on Twitter: ". @JamesOKeefeIII tells me there is more video coming. When asked about ABC’s motivations for killing the Epstein story, he quotes Amy Robach "there were a lot of men in those planes.”


https://tweetsave.com/dloesch/status/1192970925496504320 :

Dana Loesch on Twitter: "Audio archive: @JamesOKeefeIII says @Project_Veritas source is still at ABC, more video is coming:






https://tweetsave.com/dloesch/status/1192904760061571072 :

Dana Loesch on Twitter: "On now: @JamesOKeefeIII says Ashley Bianco isn’t their source; their source is still inside ABC.


https://tweetsave.com/dloesch/status/1192895031369224195 :

Dana Loesch on Twitter: "Coming up in my third hour: @JamesOKeefeIII joins me to discuss the media’s hunt for the Epstein/ABC whistleblower (will Twitter and FB demand no one say her name, too?) t.co/jwLy7A3C40 #DanaRadio"

This has been an automated message.